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Updated Feb 06
Updated Feb 06

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myspoiledwife Hi! Thank-you so very very much for sharing this info! I wish I too had seen this sooner. I'm new to PM and yes it's very addicting! Lol. But, I too bought a few tops and when I rec''d them they were smaller than what I wear and it's not like I can take them back 😔.....only lose weight now (my second option lol). I added/followed you, hope you don't mind. I don't have a closet yet, but hoping within the next month or so. I'm learning by others closets. I hope you will stop by and browse, shop, or just simply say hi! I too hope to do the same in your closet. It was nice meeting you on PM land. God bless & take care!
May 16Reply
sarahwfin @myspoiledwife thanks for your nice note. :) since You followed me today!!! Here's my offer I've been making Today I'm offering any 2 items in my closet (designer to GAP) for $5!!!!! To my new followers today only! 2 for 5 no exceptions!!! If you don't see something you like pass the offer onto a friend. Just ask me to bundle two items for $5 See you around PM! :)
May 16Reply
myspoiledwife Awwww how sweet! I will have to see what you have in your closet. Sorry I had others asking questions regarding items I liked so didn't get a chance to visit your closet longer than I was hoping. Will do and get back to you. Thank-you again and great to meet you. 😊
May 16Reply
myspoiledwife I don't think you have anything left, 😔 I did find a few things but when going to ask you seen it was sold. Thank-you so very much for such a super nice offer. If I had known sooner definitely would have bought from you! 😊
May 16Reply
sarahwfin @myspoiledwife oh yeah and no pressure of course. My stuff is such a great deal because I don't care how much I get for my clothes. I'm just a closet cleaner. And hey if I see something I want on here, I have a little money to put towards it. If it doesn't sell here it just goes to charity and sometimes I think most people don't understand how saturated with sellers PM is. Anyway, just pass the deal on to anyone if it's not for you. PM is fun. For me I'll tell someone what I'm willing to pay for an item and get back to me if you ever sell it for that low and I'll buy it right away. I always wish them well in getting their asking price. Because I do want sellers to get what they want but you never know where peoples heads are. Theyay really need the money or realize it's not worth as much as they thought. I bought $280 listed clutch for $125 and the seller felt good about it because she realized it wasn't going to sell close to that price. Anyway...see you around!!! :)
May 16Reply
myspoiledwife Yes, very good tips you have. I was thinking this site at first was like a ladies garage sale items but wow when I went to some closets and seen the prices I was shocked/amazed. I was thinking if I'm going to buy an expensive item (yes I have seen $3000 & up items) why not brand new and get a warranty as well as have the option of taking it back if it doesn't honestly some people ask way to much. Then you have the different people that are willing to sale for what it's really worth or less because hey isn't that why we are all here to get rid of our overstuffed closets & things we no longer want and used too? If not they would be going to a resale store, my thinking anyway. Unless they are things that I know are worth what I know because I buy from certain store/online places and I know it's a great deal as well I will use I will then purchase a higher priced item from my past purchases of that brand, etc. I'm now learning this. Being new wow I was ordering like crazy, on a whim, and later realizing these are used and then when certain things didn't fit I have now become more cautious. I'm on a system now of adding anything I see I like add it to my "likes" and in a week if I still like it purchase, saving me from buying on a whim & not starting another closet, lol.
May 16Reply
sarahwfin @myspoiledwife I totally agree with what you said.
May 16Reply
sarahwfin @jmalrichs bracelet finally came. It was flagged as ground transport only for some reason. I guess someone shook it and it sounded suspicious. ;) Thanks...
Jun 23Reply
classyvintage You are so right!
Jun 27Reply
lakeforest @sarahwfin Hi very good point regarding sizing.. Thxs for posting & sharing , that's why I always include measurements on clothing😊 Also "vintage" clothing I've seen here on Posh from the 1950's thru 70's were also cut much smaller then. A size 12 back then is the equivalent of a size 6-8 in today's measurements. ( Called Vanity sizing lol) over the years, manufacturers, designers, adjusted the sizing specs to accomodate the ever expanding American bodies/'s already happened to me too where I bought a top that said a certain size & it was too small. Unfortunately with the lifting of standardizing industry clothing specs, sizing is all over the place now..
Jul 06Reply
sarahwfin @lakeforest exactly my point. I got something from Burberry London that was a "medium" and I promise you was an extra small. I should have known better. That's when I posted this post.
Jul 06Reply
lakeforest @sarahwfin yeah I hear you for sure! Now you're stuck with this Burberry top that you'll have to relist or just donate... Especially for clothing items it's so important to give as much info as possible. I'll even try to judge it on how well it fit on me. I currently don't have much in the way of clothing listed but I've purchased a handful of stuff ( haha maybe a bit more😄) Posh gives us a lot of space to describe merchandise and many sellers just don't say much when listing their item. The more detailed a seller is, the less a buyer has to keep asking questions about something they'd like to buy😊 I know we all have our issues we like to focus on so I'm inclined to try and be as nice as possible, lol.. But I have this thing about having to know what the heel height is when looking at shoes! It's a deal breaker for me if the heel height is more than 3" because of lower back injuries. I've had to either relist or donate a couple of pairs because I was given inaccurate heel ht inches. Recently a sweet gal asked me how do I measure the heels? I kindly explained to her how it's done, etc..
Jul 06Reply
mommy2007 @sarahwfin I agree, yes so true, j.crew is a good American size, banana republic also. It's important to make this distinction so people know.
Jul 12Reply
jaismeen So true!
Sep 03Reply
msimperfeckt This is why I just measure things :)
Sep 26Reply
mousekawitts Every designer sizes differently. You should ask for measurements if you do not have experience with a certain brand you're interested in purchasing. Especially since you can't try it on. And asking someone how it fits on them is absolutely useless info, because everyone is shaped differently. And frankly, I've seen so many girls modeling a size small or medium when they are obviously a size 18 or 20. Be a responsible purchaser and ASK for MEASUREMENTS! If you do not ask, it's your own fault if it doesn't fit.
Nov 13Reply

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