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Updated Jan 01
Updated Jan 01



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Feel free to share anything Super Posher of the Day related here. Examples: - Overall gain - Daily gains - Time of day you believe works best - Methods you may use that would be helpful for others - Etc Thanks so much! ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ‘‘
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oneinamillionjj I started end of June on a follower game just like this one with 27,500 followers. I am currently 1400 away from hitting 100k followers!! This most definitely works & is exactly why Jay, Kate & myself formed our own game - so we can help others achieve the same success. Followers = Exposure = Sales ๐Ÿ˜‰
Nov 09Reply
unicornpopshop Yay! Thanks for creating this page! Date:11/09 Time:Central-Various Shared all SPโ€™s Followed:1257 Gained:383 Sales:1
Nov 10Reply
gainfollowers @unicornpopshop You're welcome. I really don't know why the other one was taken down .. but I changed up the wording etc so hopefully this one will be all good. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Nov 10Reply
katewaz This is so cute!
Nov 11Reply
karamialove I joined this group about 2 weeks ago and have participated almost every day. I'm up 9,000 followers (from 4,000 to 13,000), which is super exciting for this new posher. I have noticed more activity in my closet, but my sales have not increase at all.
Nov 11Reply
edgyshop_ Being featured yesterday as the SP was definitely what I needed for my final push to 75k when I woke up this morning, especially since I wasnโ€™t able to be on here all day! I started with 25k when I started playing at the end of September & was hardly following anyone then. What a huge difference in only about 1 1/2 months! โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
Nov 11Reply
gainfollowers @edgyshop_ Yay congrats on 75k! So glad we were able to help you out!!
Nov 11Reply
gainfollowers @karamialove Awesome!! So glad to hear of your gain in followers. Sales have been slower for most right now. You can almost see them go thru their monthly phases of slowing when most ppl have their major bills due (mortgage/rent, car payment etc) It all takes time, but things are about to really pick up here with the holidays coming up. Yay .. thanks for joining us.
Nov 11Reply
karamialove @gainfollowers thanks for the encouragement. And thanks for running this game!
Nov 11Reply
oneinamillionjj 11/11/17 ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต๐Ÿ‘ฃ๐Ÿ’ƒ100k Dance Party๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ‘ฃ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ
Nov 12Reply
kentuckyposher I was a bonus posher on 11/10. Gained over 1K followers and tons of shares all day long! No sales, but with this new algorithm who knows why. I was traveling for work on 11/10 and couldn't engage as much as I wanted during all the activity!
Nov 12Reply
gordybees Thanks for creating this page/game. I went from 8,000 followers to over 22,000 in less than a month!!! Plus, thanks to all the shares, I am now a Posh ambassador!! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜˜
Nov 14Reply
a_fire_inside Nov 13 430 followers gained; 1 offer, 1 sale On a 2 day follow binge so check back for more blue buttons!
Nov 14Reply
unicornpopshop Date:11/13 Time:Central-Various Shared all SPโ€™s Followed:440 Gained:290 Sales:2
Nov 14Reply
unicornpopshop Date:11/14 Time:Central-Various Shared all SPโ€™s Followed:760 Gained:265 Sales:1
Nov 15Reply
artystyle Thanks for this game! In my first 5 days I have gained over 2000 followers! I have had so many people share my items. My news feed is always exploding. It's sometimes hard to keep up with the alerts, which is a good problem to have.
Nov 15Reply
gainfollowers @artystyle Awesome! Glad to hear it! & you're welcome! Enjoy
Nov 15Reply
arbitrarilychic Ok, I don't have any informative stats...I'm just wondering HOW you keep up w these?? I can barely do 1x/wk let alone daily...especially now w that style match stuff. How do you manage the following part of these games too w/o living on Posh??? โœŒ๐Ÿ’•
Nov 15Reply
oneinamillionjj @arbitrarilychic I basically do live on Posh. Selling is my main source of income. I have gotten into the style match stuff too much bcuz most of it pertains to clothing, which I have very little of in my closet. The most I can ever really do is suggest jewelry or makeup.
Nov 15Reply
oneinamillionjj @arbitrarilychic You can go back & do the style match at a later time too. Everyone who is sent to u is remembered in your dressing room. So if u go into your closet & push the hanger icon in the top right, you'll see the names of the ppl u need to do matches with & their interested style.
Nov 15Reply
arbitrarilychic @oneinamillionjj I know, I'm living in my dressing room bc I can't get ahead of these things! Lol I still have over a dozen from ystrdy and now today. I just took myself off bc honestly the last month of doing it I haven't even gotten a single like in return! Cont'd
Nov 15Reply
arbitrarilychic @oneinamillionjj but in doing these super Posher games I see residual effects for 1-3 days..Idk how you guys keep up doing it's a lot! And then you are game masters in top of it ๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿ˜ต๐Ÿ˜ตโœŒ๐Ÿ’•
Nov 15Reply
oneinamillionjj @arbitrarilychic You know I've noticed that about the styling. I think the only ppl the style match is going to work for are boutiques who stock trendy clothes. Which is fine, but in a way that's going in the opposite direction of what Posh was supposed to be. It wasn't intended to be an online store, it was for ppl who wanted to get rid of their good condition, but used clothing and!/or something they bought & never wore & still has the tags on it a yr later
Nov 15Reply
oneinamillionjj @arbitrarilychic Yesterday I did get my 1st like on an item - but only because I could see prior Items the style match bought, which was mystery boxes. I sent my beauty mystery box & she liked it. I guess to me the game isn't really an option. Its just something I gotta do every evening so there's SP'S the next day. I enjoy it tho. :)
Nov 15Reply
arbitrarilychic @oneinamillionjj AMEN to that!!!!!! Thanks for replying. Just trying to work everything out โœŒ๐Ÿ’•
Nov 15Reply
pashion This is very cool, I open the app in 2014, but never used, I was using others app, I decided to give a try, I found really nice items and very supportive community, I trying to bring my friends, but the majority are men and girls are out of the, there is to much to learn ... I will check with you in one month to see my progress... Happy Thanksgiving week ๐Ÿ˜˜
Nov 16Reply
unicornpopshop Date:11/15 Time:Central-Various Shared all SPโ€™s Followed:370 Gained:277 Sales:2
Nov 16Reply
gainfollowers @pashion Awesome! Thanks for joining in with us. U don't have to play daily .. whenever u have time is fine. However the more u follow, the more followers u gain. And if u happen to have extra time, u can always go back & do prior days too if u missed a day too. So whatever works best for you. Yes let us know of your progress. Good luck!
Nov 16Reply
oneinamillionjj 11/11 10:30pm - 11/18 10:30pm Gained 3,268 followers = avg 466/day
Nov 19Reply
unicornpopshop Date:11/20 Time:Central-Various Shared all SPโ€™s Followed:786 Gained:328 Sales:1
Nov 21Reply
gainfollowers 11/23 ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ‘ฃ20k Dance Party๐Ÿ‘ฃ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต
Nov 24Reply
iloveherstyle Hi Iโ€™m brand new and just made my first sale! But I am clueless how this works. Whatโ€™s a tag vs. a like? And how much time On average daily should I expect to spend building up my followers/business?! Beyond grateful for any help!! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ
Nov 25Reply
ambertrisann I was so excited to be the rockstar SP on 11/24/17! My only issue was I had a house filled with family. I tried to sneak in here and there throughout the day. By midnight, I only had 228 followers of the 1,019 blue buttons. Not happy with this, I did the same on the 25th for a total of 987 followers out of 1,443 blues. Many likes, a few offers and no sales. Thank you it was a WONDERFUL SURPRISE !!!
Nov 26Reply
kirstenkb Hi All! I started participating daily in this game and tracking my number of followers beginning on Monday October 2nd. I started with 14,423 followers. This morning I have 41,941 followers and counting - I literally gain a new follower every few minutes if not more often. I will continue to monitor and participate daily and report back in a few months. For some perspective - it took from March to October to gain 14K followers before I started participating in this game routinely.
Nov 28Reply
kirstenkb I started tracking as an experiment to see if this was really "worth" the time it took. I can 1000% say YES it is WORTH every second of your time.
Nov 28Reply
gainfollowers Thanks @kirstenkb We used to keep daily records before as well & the gains are awesome. Especially at the beginning. Some think it's a lot of work to do all the following, but your sales can depend on it so I never saw it as a hassle.
Nov 28Reply
kirstenkb Yeah, my sales have more than quintupled. it is a lot of work in the beginning but i enjoy now finding closets with hundreds of follow buttons. lol. They are hard to find.
Nov 28Reply
smcarey @oneinamillionjj @katewaz Do you realize how massive your following is? I knew it was big and I have had huge love from the TAG game today, but I couldn't keep up... I tried to start sharing everyone back, but I just can't tonight... I am going to try again tomorrow. I am so incredibly grateful to you guys. These games have been great exposure, but more than that I have met amazing friends who genuinely cheer and support each other! Thank you... and I really did dance this morning!โค๏ธ
Dec 03Reply
oneinamillionjj @smcarey Lol .. just our game has a decent sized following, but u were also MAIN SP today .. listed in all 8 game closets of our team!! That's why it was so huge .. but yeah it is pretty cool to even just be featured as say bsp or revisit cuz even though that is alot .. it can be somewhat handled. :) Glad to hear u had a great day!
Dec 03Reply
katewaz @smcarey so glad to hear that youโ€™ve had so many shares today!!! Thatโ€™s what we want when youโ€™re featured!!!! Glad to hear everyone is participating here at gainfollowers!!! Now do a happy dance before bed ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐ŸปLol!!!!! Thatโ€™s so funny!!!!! I love that!!!
Dec 03Reply
oneinamillionjj @smcarey Oh & btw u don't have to share everyone back. The sharing u do when u play the game "pre-pays" for all the shares you receive during your day in the spotlight :) So no worries if u don't share ppl back. They won't even notice.
Dec 03Reply
smcarey @katewaz I am so freaking tired from being on the computer all day I am crawling to the bed!
Dec 03Reply
smcarey @oneinamillionjj I know... but It just feels better to share back, unsure why, but tonight I was sharing back and then they would share back and around and around it all went... I just tapped out.
Dec 03Reply
oneinamillionjj @smcarey Lol oh I know what you're saying .. that's when u know ppl are zombies sharing lol .. they share, so u return share, so they return share .. lol what?! So glad to hear it was a good day & hopefully those plentiful shares will make their way to the right set of eyes to buys :) hee hee ๐Ÿ˜„
Dec 03Reply
oneinamillionjj @kirstenkb Lol yep .. and finding the closets with all the blue buttons daily is my job .. lol. I used to spend hours looking & I'd come across a cpl, but half the accounts wouldn't even be active .. then I turned my focus more twds the new accts & I haven't had a problem filling in the game with super poshers since.
Dec 03Reply
katewaz @smcarey I can totally understand!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ˜ดcomplete exhaustion!!!
Dec 03Reply
katewaz @oneinamillionjj no, you most certainly have NOT had a problem ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผโค๏ธYou do a wonderful job, my super blue button whisperer ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿ–ฒ
Dec 03Reply
oneinamillionjj @katewaz Lol! I bout Bella a little gift at Walgreens the other day .. I couldn't help myself! Ha
Dec 03Reply
katewaz @oneinamillionjj oh my goodness! you are the sweetest, really ๐Ÿ˜I canโ€™t get over you!!!! Thank you so much, Jill!!
Dec 03Reply
oneinamillionjj @katewaz Lol it was only $6 but u are gonna be ecstatic when u see it .. I'm super bad at keeping secret stuff I buy so I'm gonna have to send it soon. I also gathered together the stickers I could find too.
Dec 03Reply
katewaz @oneinamillionjj oh my goodness, youโ€™re such a great friend. Thanks again! โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
Dec 03Reply
modelattire Thank you for all of your help!! The Scarecrow: And I'm sure to have a brain...
Dec 07Reply
dazzlingdeals Well I stared in September had 8900 followers now up to 26,000, followers wow that is remarkable. So Thank you for your help and guidance ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ‘ Dazzlingdeals
Dec 08Reply
wendyhenley I had almost 100,000 followers at the end of August and just hit 150,000 bc of this game!!! Thanks wonderful admins!!! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผโ™ฅ๏ธโ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜˜
Dec 11Reply
gainfollowers @wendyhenley Wow that's so great! Congrats & you're welcome. ๐ŸŽผ๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ‘ฃ๐Ÿพ150k Dance Party ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘ฃ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽผ
Dec 11Reply
gainfollowers @dazzlingdeals Yay congrats to you! I love hearing how many followers ppl gain from the game .. it helps me on the days I get frustrated with it ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‚ lol Thanks
Dec 11Reply
michelle3167 I just finished up for the day I followed 1700 poshers shared 2700 shares but I only gained 325 as super posher I have been playing for quite a long time I did have a lot of people who followed me 5hen unfollowed me but thats okay I did get a host pick but only made one sale maybe it was my off day I will be back tomorrow to play again thank you for a amazing opportunity ๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ’„๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ’„
Dec 17Reply
gainfollowers @michelle3167 You're welcome! Wow .. I can't believe you shared back every share! Lol that's awesome! Thanks for telling us cuz no one has ever tracked shares so it's interesting to hear how many one gets as SP being featured in all 8 games. The low gain I would blame on time of yr. Being so close to Xmas who knows how many posh'd? Plus you'll still prob see followbacks for days after that spree ๐Ÿ˜‚ Sales have been tough for many with the algorithm changes. Thanks for the feedback.
Dec 17Reply
mycache2u @gainfollowers @oneinamillionjj @katewaz @jaywolfe74 Yhank you all for the Super Posher feature. My feed was on fire! I started on Poshmark in the middle of August and in 4 months I have over 57K followers. Thank you all for making this game and the sharing an awesome and very productive experience. Yesterday's Stats: Followers: +490 Followed: +2165 Shared: 261 I'm still in the process of following/ sharing all of the game masters SPs. I'll have that done today. Thanks again!
Dec 21Reply
ghsmermaid OMG! I was a BSP 12/26 & I gained an unbelievable 2k in new followers! I would safely attribute 4+ sales to being part of this FAB follower game. I'm working the likes & bundles now & it would be safe to say they have come in since the 12/26 BSP honor! ๐Ÿ’•Thank you a million times over for the spotlight!๐Ÿ’• ๐Ÿ˜™
Dec 28Reply
gainfollowers @nabernard OMG! That's awesome!! Congrats! โฌ†โฌ†@jaywolfe74 @katewaz โฌ†โฌ† Check these #s out from yesterday's feature! Woohoo ๐Ÿ’ช๐ŸŽ‰
Dec 28Reply
katewaz @nabernard absolutely AMAZING!!!! Good for you!!! You go!!!!! โค๏ธโค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฝ
Dec 28Reply
jaywolfe74 @nabernard thatโ€™s super awesome. This game works wonders!! Congrats. ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿพ๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽŠ
Dec 28Reply
slynn33 This is an amazing game and well worth it! I wish I had some exact statistics to provide but when I woke up to approximately 500 notifications, I was super excited and too absent minded to keep up with totals. I can say throughout the whole day the PM community was sharing, following and liking items in my closet! I tried sharing back as much as I could but it was hard to keep up! Much love and thanks to all!!! ๐Ÿ˜˜
Dec 29Reply
gainfollowers @slynn33 That's great! I'm glad we could surprise & help give u an extra fab day on posh with lots of loving shares that will hopefully spark sales. Feel free to continue playing along however much you'd like. Also if you have a pff that may enjoy this as well, tell them or tag them. The more ppl playing, the better. It helps provide special days for those to be featured down the road. Thanks again.
Dec 29Reply
jyambor94 @slynn33 That is awesome! So when I look at my notifications it will say 99+ (on my phone) is there any way to actually tell the exact number of notifications that you have? Wonder if on my laptop it will show
Dec 31Reply
gainfollowers @jyambor94 I think it's a difference in phones. iPhones show the actual notification count & Android does the 99+ thing. Not sure about laptop or desktop? Tablet I would guess to be the same as far as if it's Apple or Android. I have Android & wish it showed an actual count too ๐Ÿ˜
Dec 31Reply
jyambor94 @gainfollowers Aww Man, well I am not switching to Apple anytime soon lol so I will just have to deal lol. Thanks for quick response. <33 happy Poshing and wishing you sales to end the yearr!
Dec 31Reply
slynn33 @jyambor94 @gainfollowers Thank you so much for answering that because I would have not had a clue as to why mine was showing the actual counts. ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…
Dec 31Reply
gainfollowers @jyambor94 You're welcome!
Dec 31Reply
gainfollowers @slynn33 You do have apple or an iPhone right? Lol. You're welcome. I just happened to see the comment when it came in so answered. It's something I wish was different about my phone too, but alas .. it is not in my power to change ๐Ÿ˜„ lol.
Dec 31Reply
slynn33 @gainfollowers Yes. I do have an iPhone. I'm just so glad you knew the answer. I would have been second guessing myself on what I saw - wondering whether or not I am actually crazy. Lol
Dec 31Reply
gainfollowers @slynn33 ๐Ÿ˜‚ hee hee ๐Ÿ‘ no problem
Dec 31Reply
penguinholley Thank you so much for putting this fabulous resource together and for SHARING!! Another reason why I just love Poshmark and the wonderfully encouraging people on here. You guys rock!! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
Jan 02Reply
gainfollowers @penguinholley Thanks! I'm so glad u came across us. Yes this is a great way to build up ur followers quickly ... It also helps get in daily sharing to work twds the goal of Posh Ambassador for new poshers & meet alot of ppl at the same time. It's insane the amt of posh ๐Ÿ’™ that goes into this from everyone to showcase the featured poshers of the day! So much so that it's not uncommon for our "congrats ur a sp" msg to get buried & the SP is floored as to why their newsfeed is nonstop blowing up. ๐Ÿ˜‚
Jan 02Reply
penguinholley @gainfollowers hahaha I can only imagine! Just from yesterday to today Iโ€™ve already gained almost 3k!! Keep up the great work you guys!! ๐Ÿ˜˜โ™ฅ๏ธ
Jan 02Reply
wearitlikemads @oneinamillionjj in order to gain followers you would have to follow them so then your amount of who you follow would go up too, that it would look like you were caring n just hitting follow? (At least that is what Iโ€™ve been told in the past
Jan 07Reply
gainfollowers @wearitlikemads Correct, who ur following goes up as well. This is not blindly mass following tho, so the 2 #s aren't extremely far apart. I mean they're like 100k followers & following 200k, but there are many accts on here following 300-400k with only 70k followers. Those are the ones that are following any & all accts.
Jan 07Reply
gainfollowers @wearitlikemads I don't think it matters as much anymore bcuz this method does work. I mean we've been doing it for 6-8 months now & each game like this has it's own group of ppl who come & follow daily. I mean one can sit & not follow anyone or only chosen few, but more followers= more exposure= more sales. So it's up to the person.
Jan 07Reply
sans_get_up I was skeptical at first thinking that this was a Poshmark version of a phishing account but I am over the moon surprised! I gained ~500 followers in just 4 days ๐Ÿ˜ฒ I sold only 1 item but the exposure is what counts so you need to share so the other person will share your posts too. Will be joining the follow game in appreciation ๐Ÿ’ฎ
Jan 11Reply
gainfollowers @sans_get_up Oh no no it's not. And I just want to make sure you're playing correctly bcuz being a new acct you should be gaining 500+ each day. If u have the time for it that is. On the 1st listing is our game. Each day we post 4-5 ppl who are the Super Poshers of the day. Click on each name, share a min of 5 items for each then go into their FOLLOWERS & push all the blue buttons. Ppl follow back & ur newsfeed goes crazy!
Jan 11Reply
gainfollowers @sans_get_up So this is different than most of the follow games ppl have in their closet. Those work too, but this is the modified version of that, that increases your following by insane proportions! I went from 27,500 to 100k in 4 1/2 months on my personal acct @oneinamillionjj
Jan 11Reply
gainfollowers Yay!! Hit 10k community shares on 1/9/18 ๐ŸŽ‰
Jan 12Reply
sans_get_up @gainfollowers oh I see! I didn't know but now I do! Thank you for sharing and I will participate, definitely ๐Ÿ˜
Jan 12Reply
coconut_couture Followed 7313 today and gained 584 followers ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ I got 2 offers and made 2 sales & was shown tons of posh love! whooohooo! Huge thank you to the Super Posher Admin & Super Posher game fam๐Ÿ’•So honored to be featured & glad to be back in poshland with you all ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’‹
Jan 12Reply
debhallenb What an AMAZING day it was yesterday! This is truly a great game to be a part of๐Ÿ˜€ 645 new followers and 2 SALES๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽˆ๐Ÿ˜€๐ŸŽˆ๐Ÿ–’THANKS to you all!!!! What a success!!!๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
Jan 12Reply
gainfollowers @debhallenb Yay! So glad to hear yesterday was a success! I just love to hear how much these games are changing poshing for the better! (It really helps me during the frustrating times lol!) ๐Ÿ˜„ No but for real .. it's an all-around benefit for everyone involved from the players to the daily featured poshers & even their followers are gaining!! Thx for the feedback
Jan 12Reply
gainfollowers @coconut_couture Oh goodness u were on the follow train yesterday! The nice thing bout that tho, is not everyone follows back the same way. So it's almost like a steady gain over the next wk or so. Glad to hear of the sales & offers! We'll revisit you again in the future. ๐Ÿ˜˜
Jan 12Reply
gainfollowers @sans_get_up Not a problem. I figured you didnt .. and many ppl don't. I'm excited for you to do some of the following bcuz the gains then are insane! You will be so glad u did ๐Ÿ˜‚ When I used to track my daily gains, I would take a screenshot daily at the same time of my Posh Stats bcuz it shows the exact # of followers, then compare. If you want, u can post your gains here. It's for anything related to the game. Thanks again for playing ๐Ÿ˜˜
Jan 12Reply
goldenpolkadot Ive met a whole new group of amazing poshers thru ur games! Im grateful ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’จ Formerly @ partymk999 now @goldenpolkadot Olga
Jan 21Reply
gainfollowers @goldenpolkadot Ok thanks so much for playing!
Jan 22Reply
pretyposhmchne What an amazing day yesterday was!!!! I got to meet so many new posh-buds๐Ÿ‘ฏ๐Ÿ‘ฏ๐Ÿ‘ฏ๐Ÿ‘ฏ I'm still "gaining followers" (see what I did there๐Ÿฅ) Har-har ๐Ÿ˜ธ๐Ÿ˜บ๐Ÿ˜น BUT as of now I gained 1087 new followers๐Ÿ™€๐Ÿ™€ I had one late sale! So many Twitter shares! (I'm getting the hang of it still) And the shares are still GOING. ๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿ˜ฝ THANK YOU GUYS YOU ALL ROCK๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ––๐Ÿผ
Jan 27Reply
rejen_trends I was featured as a fairy in a similar game and now I am signing up for all of these similar games. I had 12 sales in one day. My followers are up about 3,000 in three days! Amazing! Thanks for figuring out that this works. So thankful for the brains behind these!
Jan 30Reply
gainfollowers @jennysuedeals4u Wow that's great to hear! Most definitely sign up in each one. Every game started at a different time & has a different amt of ppl sign up so you'll be featured sporadically over the next few months. A lady who doesn't even have a super Posher game actually came up with the idea & played anonymously with a group of friends. The idea leaked & here we all are! It's def a win/win for everyone involved. My personal acct @oneinamillionjj has gained over 100k since 6/23!!
Jan 30Reply
whimsytown Lately, on my days off, I have been following a SP & their ๐Ÿ”ต. If I accidentally go to their closet as I'm tapping I'll share 1-5 of their ๐Ÿ‘• near the top before going back to the ๐Ÿ”ต. Next I go to my closet & share a section of clothes putting the ones I want shared near the top. (Sometimes make a couple new listings.)
Feb 05Reply
whimsytown Then repeat the cycle with the next SP. I get a lot of share backs & exposure that way. This weekend all the sharing made for a good sale weekend aaaaaaand *drumroll* I made Posh Ambassador!!! Not sure if I'm ready for the responsibility or not so I'm just sitting on the invite for now. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Sorry for the long comment. My systems kinda crazy. ๐Ÿ˜œ
Feb 05Reply
whimsytown And I don't always have a lot of new followers/sales but following + sharing + new listings especially in the evenings and on weekends usually gives me quite a boost! Thank you for hosting the game!!!! โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
Feb 05Reply
goin4sold I started playing the follow games just over a week ago, now mind you, I play several different ones, and I am averaging about 1,000 new followers a day!! My sales have increased slightly, and Iโ€™ve received some really great tips from people who slam in sales. But most of all, I have met some really Rad people!! Thanks for creating these games! Posh on Garth!! Lol
Feb 05Reply
kirstenkb @gainfollowers wanted to check back in and report my progress. I reported 41k followers back on this post Nov 28th. Today I exceeded 71k followers. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐ŸŽ‰
Feb 13Reply
sanurse I started in october I have slowed down and doing these follow games has now moved me to posh ambassador and tripled followers. Thank u so much
Feb 16Reply
gainfollowers @goin4sold Awesome! When you 1st start it's easy to get 1000 followers/day & it's so fun too!! Eventually it slows some though once you're following more ppl. We've been doing it for 6-7 months now & I still gain an avg of 450/day - 15k/mo so it works for me ๐Ÿ˜ Thanks for joining us & sharing!
Feb 19Reply
gainfollowers @kirstenkb yay that's awesome! It's crazy that you can gain 30k in just a few months time! I had less than that when I started & I'd been on here a few yrs! Thanks for sharing! Pretty soon it'll be the 100k!!
Feb 19Reply
gainfollowers @sanurse You're welcome! Congrats on the ambassador status! That in itself will help u gain followers cuz PM drops 15 or so in your acct pretty much every day. Maybe more for others who sell clothing. I think it all depends on what the person is interested in when they sign up & then they match them :) Thanks for sharing!
Feb 19Reply
kirstenkb @gainfollowers thanks! 100k will be awesome. Iโ€™ve gained another 2500 in the last six days!
Feb 19Reply
fleurdelis13 @gainfollowers I am sorry for the delay. I forgot to report after I was picked as BSP on 2/21. I gained 459 followers, received a lot of shares, had a sale and an offer. Thank you again so much for choosing me that day. I am very thankful for all the attention and the new sale! ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’•
Feb 25Reply
gainfollowers @fleurdelis13 No problem & don't worry bout it. We don't require or necessarily even ask that one do a follow-up after being featured, that's many of the other games. However thank u for doing so. It's always nice to see exactly how the game works for different ppl. Also gives ppl brand new to this type of game an idea of what to expect when their turn comes up. ๐Ÿ˜˜ Glad it was a good day for you.
Feb 25Reply
fleurdelis13 @gainfollowers It was a great day for me! Thank you for all your hard work with the game. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
Feb 25Reply
dianaish17 @gainfollowers adorable sign! My n8ces giggle at this part each time!๐Ÿ’• So, I sold 3 items today so far as the revisit posher!!! Huge for me... Huge THANK YOU!
Mar 10Reply
gainfollowers @dianaish17 Yay!! That's so great to hear! Sometimes all it takes is for a little extra sharing power to get your items out there & visable to the right person. Thanks for letting us know that today was a great success. Wishing you a whole weekend of posh sales.
Mar 10Reply
dianaish17 @gainfollowers Thank you back!! And I wish you many sales too. You ๐ŸŽธ rock!!
Mar 10Reply
ghsmermaid I just sold another pr of shoes. This makes 4prs this week!
Mar 17Reply
gainfollowers Woo @nabernard that's great to hear! Another bonus to following alot of "new" poshers. New poshers buy more (in my opinion)
Mar 17Reply
trendsettress Hi there Iโ€™m such a fan and wondering if youโ€™re looking for any new SP gamers to join your crew... xoxo
Apr 09Reply
gainfollowers @trendsettress Absolutely. Anyone who is ever interested in running their own game on our team is more than welcome!
Apr 09Reply
gainfollowers @trendsettress Do you already have a theme in mind for your game?
Apr 09Reply
italianswimmer I started December 6th 2017 and I have just reached 45,000 followers today thanks to the pages and you wonderful women who have been so creatively inclined to create them! Thank you so much, you are an inspiration:-)
Apr 12Reply
italianswimmer @dazzlingdeals That's because this woman is beyond AMAZING!!!
Apr 12Reply
fleurdelis13 @italianswimmer Thank you! These ladies work so hard to help all of us get more followers. I was very blessed to be featured that day!
Apr 12Reply
gainfollowers Wow @italianswimmer Congrats! That's so great to hear, thanks for sharing!!
Apr 12Reply
oneinamillionjj Hello @italianswimmer This acct "gainfollowers" is an acct specifically for the game .. it isn't a person .. just myself & @katewaz access it. So glad to hear you're having great results in gaining followers.
Apr 13Reply
oneinamillionjj @trendsettress Hi .. were you still interested in doing a game? I responded when I was logged in under gainfollowers but hadn't heard anything back. If you are, lmk & we can talk more about how it all works ๐Ÿ˜
Apr 13Reply
katewaz @italianswimmer that is awesome!!! Really glad to hear it ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜˜
Apr 13Reply
katewaz @trendsettress oooo would love to have you on our team โญ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ซโœจ
Apr 13Reply
trendsettress @oneinamillionjj I totally am! I'm sorry I missed that one. let me know, thank you!!
Apr 13Reply
italianswimmer @oneinamillionjj thank you for the explanation but everything has been explained already but I appreciate it greatly.
Apr 13Reply
oneinamillionjj @trendsettress No problem, wasn't sure if you'd changed ur mind or joined another team? So did u have a game theme in mind already? If not, that's ok. You'll want to decide on that first. We try not to duplicate themes within the team, so if its similar, we may just have to modify it enuf to be distinguishably different. Then youd start working on ur pics. (Just a cover & explanation page is needed - the explanation can be similar to ours just change the wording some to fit your theme)
Apr 13Reply
trendsettress @oneinamillionjj no, I would love to join the team. I catch up mostly at night but try to keep up during the day. Tagged you in the game I've got going. Let me know your thoughts! Thanks again!
Apr 13Reply
aligirl1213 Hey Ladies!! I just wanted to let you know I hit 100K yesterday!! Yay!!! So I wanted to say THANK YOU!!! Thank you for all that you do!!!! You're dedication & hard work do help us to be successful and I am extremely grateful to you both!! - XOXO Ali
Apr 15Reply
gainfollowers @practicalluxe Hi. Our game isn't necessarily the standard share group, but we do share items. Our aim is more at increasing followers. Increased exposure = more sales. I believe if you go to @acrystalrose closet she has a list of different share groups you can join. P.s. โฌ† if I got that tag wrong, then @danyell138 can also help direct you.
Apr 15Reply
gainfollowers @aligirl1213 Hey there! Congrats to you!! It's crazy once u reach 100k bcuz it once seemed so far away. Thanks for sharing!
Apr 15Reply
dorismillward I have almost 8000 followers as of right now! Less than a week ago, I was struggling to get to 2000. I am so pleased with this game! Itโ€™s fun and helpful! Iโ€™m so grateful. ๐Ÿค—
Apr 18Reply
wendyhenley Guys! Thanks to you I made it to 200,000 followers!!!! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ Thats 100,000 in 8 months! โ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผโ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ
Apr 21Reply
wendyhenley @dorismillward Wow! Thatโ€™s so awesome! ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ
Apr 21Reply
gainfollowers @wendyhenley Wow that is so awesome! Congrats!!
Apr 21Reply
jennanels @gainfollowers signed up and started playing follow the blue button Road last Monday, so nine days ago, and I gained 10,000 followers in that time!!! Thank you!!!!
Apr 25Reply
gainfollowers Yay congrats @jennanels The method really works!
Apr 25Reply
jennanels @gainfollowers TOTALLY works!
Apr 25Reply
curatedclosetpm Just hit 100k followers ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰
Apr 26Reply
gainfollowers Congrats @curatedclosetpm ๐ŸŽ‰
Apr 26Reply
breanne1313 @ladycrackerjack I am blocked...happened before by mistake ๐Ÿ˜˜
Apr 28Reply
trendingjewelry 5,000 Followers in ONE WEEK! I can't make this stuff up! Thank you so so sooooo much! I was just about to quit Poshmark all together. You have made all the difference in the world โค๏ธ
May 05Reply
gainfollowers @trendingjewelry Yay! That's actually the 3rd time this week we've heard that! @katewaz & I are beyond ecstatic, proud, you name it! We never imagined in a million yrs when we started gainfollowers that we'd help so many. This technique really is a game changer & all around positive for everyone involved .. from the players gaining followers, to the featured poshers 24hrs of extra exposure, to their followers who unknowingly gain all of us as followers! Thanks so much for sharing. Jillian
May 05Reply
katewaz @trendingjewelry woooooo thatttttt makes me so happy to hear!!!!!! Isnโ€™t it AMAZING?!?!?!!! You go girl!!!! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ˜˜โค๏ธ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ
May 06Reply
mamaking123 @gainfollowers I just wanted to stop by and say thank youโฃ๏ธโฃ๏ธ. I joined this game last week and Iโ€™m already up almost 7000 new followers!! Thank you so much for all the work you put into this - what an amazing and supportive group. So glad I found you๐Ÿ’•
May 13Reply
gainfollowers @mamaking123 Yay! Thanks so much for sharing your results with us. I'm glad you found us too. Just keep playing along with us as much as u can & your Followers will continue to increase.
May 13Reply
gainfollowers @worldcollection Thanks! Just wait until u see these same results with your own acct. It was October when I made the comment above about almost being at 100k. I just hit 175k the other day ๐Ÿ˜‰ This game is awesome. Make sure u read/look at all the pics on the 1st listing, it shows how to play along daily. ๐ŸŒˆ Jillian
May 13Reply
melcurcio Hi Girls!!! I๏ธ started playing your games exactly one month ago... I was at 5700+ followers... Today Iโ€™m at 8700+ followers!! Sales are steady!! Thanks for all your help and hosting this awesome community of poshers! Canโ€™t wait to hit 10k! Iโ€™m less than 1,000 self shares from being an ambassador! ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ˜˜โค๏ธ Wishing you the best!
May 30Reply
gainfollowers @melcurcio That's so great to hear! You're welcome! @katewaz & I love hosting this game along w/ the rest of our team bcuz we know it works! I so wish these would've been around when I started posh .. or even within my 1st CPL yrs! Lol. We're just coming up on our 1yr of doing this technique & it still proves effective. Thanks for sharing your success with us & get on those self shares girl!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐ŸŒˆ Jillian
May 30Reply
katewaz @melcurcio woohooo!!!!!!!!!!! So very excited!!!!!!! Yes, like @oneinamillionjj said i wish we had this at the beginning of our posh journey! Itโ€™s amazing. And I canโ€™t believe how fast time is flying by!!!! So glad that itโ€™s so successful for you! Thatโ€™s all we want for our playersโค๏ธโค๏ธ
May 30Reply
rosiejmedina Hello! @schx4 encouraged me to play her game and a few others about two months ago. At that time I had about 4K followers. I started playing the GF games and today Iโ€™m at almost 47K. Iโ€™m interested in being a part of your super posher team so I can share what Iโ€™ve learned along the way if you are ๐Ÿ‘€ for more people. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
Jun 05Reply
gainfollowers @rosieamstutz Hello & thanks for your interest. I'm going to speak with Kate & we'll follow up with you later today/tomorrow with the details of having a Super Posher game. We have a game starting today & working with another to get them ready to start taking sign ups as well. I just don't want to spread our time too thin & not be there for anyone during an important time. Thanks :) Jillian
Jun 05Reply
rosiejmedina @gainfollowers Great! Thank you so much! Iโ€™m willing to wait a few weeks. Iโ€™m leaving for Puerto Rico in two weeks and will be gone a week. Iโ€™m a teacher and am off until the beginning of August so I have plenty of time to invest in getting one up and running before then. Iโ€™m really working on giving back to the community paying it forward this summer. I even started working on s Pay it Forward Follow Game. Lol.
Jun 05Reply
gainfollowers @rosieamstutz Awesome! Well either way we will follow up with you so you can work on the graphic parts even if you don't actually start until after vacation. Thanks!
Jun 05Reply
rosiejmedina @gainfollowers Awesome! I will work on graphics for a cute โ€œCharlotteโ€™s Webโ€ Theme Save Wilbur Super Posher Game. I canโ€™t wait!
Jun 05Reply
schx4 @rosieamstutz omgosh! I'm so happy for you! You have done a great job with your followers! I'm so glad you found me & our marvelous Team! They are honestly the best! ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
Jun 05Reply
gainfollowers @rosieamstutz Oh that will be fun & definitely original! We'll let you know what's needed on the slides as soon as we can! Thanks
Jun 05Reply
trendingjewelry I went from having a little more than 5000 followers to almost 18,000 in ONE MONTH! It's insane and I love ever bit of it!๐Ÿค‘๐Ÿ˜˜ I'm so grateful for all of you!
Jun 06Reply
gainfollowers @trendingjewelry Wow that's awesome! You're welcome! Thanks for sharing! @katewaz & I love hearing everyone's success stories!! ๐ŸŒˆ Jillian
Jun 06Reply
koalafiedct Ok hereโ€™s my follows! I followed 3,485 all day...I would have gotten more done if I hadnโ€™t been in court most of the day (itโ€™s ok I work at a courthouse) I gained 752 followers since you posted! Thanks so much again for choosing day was absolutely wonderful...far beyond any expectations I had! Thank you so much for all you do!! I sent a few thank you shares your way after you posted but I will be sending more tomorrow! I think Iโ€™ll still be catching up on my feed this weekend!
Aug 03Reply
gainfollowers @koalafiedwife wow, thatโ€™s still a lot of follows! Good for you! Itโ€™s hard to get a lot of follows in sometimes. Thank you and glad you had a great day!! -kate๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
Aug 03Reply
gainfollowers @koalafiedwife Thanks so much for going above & beyond when u were sp. Its hard to get anyone to do the extra following bcuz many rely solely on the game for it. Im way behind in my shares, so you still have the 50 from me coming .. Thanks again ๐ŸŒˆ Jillian
Aug 03Reply
musicbird @koalafiedwife rock on! I work at at court as well & try to get it all in during whatever breaks I can take! Youโ€™re doing great!
Aug 05Reply
koalafiedct @musicbird no way!! Thatโ€™s awesome! I work for the Circuit Clerk in the civil division, what office are you with? I adore my Judge but he NEVER takes breaks! Iโ€™m like Judge you donโ€™t understand Iโ€™m the Super Posher today...I need to go get blues!
Aug 05Reply
musicbird @koalafiedwife no doubt! I work in a state district court and was a paralegal for most of my career. Now Iโ€™m working my way to be a judicial assistant on a judgeโ€™s team someday. I gotta keep my Posh hustle moving! I donโ€™t have time for โ€œworkโ€! ๐Ÿ˜‚
Aug 05Reply
koalafiedct @musicbird right!?!? Iโ€™m like Iโ€™m sorry job I need to posh for a few!
Aug 05Reply
musicbird Followers- June 9: 48,650. July 29: 67,067. In 24 hrs I jumped to 68,106 & had 9 sales in one day! Aug 9: 73,579 One day this week I had 8 sales and Iโ€™m consistently having 3 to 5 sales/day! My hubby actually asked me if I was going to be able to keep up my inventory ๐Ÿคฃ. I expect to hit 75,000 this weekend. I follow 118,535! Keep tapping on those Blues ๐Ÿ’™ When Iโ€™m featured in a game I up the # of Posher I follow while people are sharing my closet and Iโ€™ve been really successful with sales.
Aug 10Reply
musicbird I HIT 75,000!!
Aug 13Reply
fraysfield Liked, followed, shared ๐Ÿ’•
Oct 17Reply
musicbird As far as follow games, this was the first target game I joined. I started getting serious about closet exposure, algorithms, and sales and my research led me here! Last Spring I had just over 54K when I started tracking my progress, now Iโ€™m getting ready to double it! @katewaz & @oneinamillionjj Rock! Thanks for helping us to succeed!
Nov 09Reply
parkviewla I came across posh when I seen a listing for VS leggings I had been in search of so I made an account to buy the leggings, the order was cancelled by the seller and I didnโ€™t come back for 4 months when I decided to try my hand at selling. I had no clue what I was doing but made a go of it! After a couple of months of adding new followers and sharing from the feed, I became a posh ambassador and thought I would invest my profit and buy wholesale boutique items. (Continued)
Nov 12Reply
parkviewla It went well and I started to add my name to follow lists, then 2 months ago I started to play a few follow games and added a lot of the team to my daily routine. My followers took off!! I was getting 300 new followers a day so I added more games to my routine and was getting 1000 new followers a day for a few weeks now itโ€™s slowed dow a little to about 700 new followers a day. (continued)
Nov 12Reply
parkviewla I put in a LOT of time in following and sharing and itโ€™s paying off! I am thrilled to have found such an amazing network of women (men)working together to benefit ALL! I am still learning and adding games from the 2 big teams I am working with. Everyone has been so caring and inspiring! You have no idea what this all means to me at this point in my life! Thank You
Nov 12Reply
gainfollowers @musicbird Thank you! Hey I've been meaning to ask .. When did you sign up? Or did you possibly have a closet name change? I ask bcuz we just got to the point on the list where we let ppl re-sign up & we've yet to feature you as far as I can remember. Thanks! ๐ŸŒˆ Jillian
Nov 14Reply
gainfollowers @aubreesmith07 Aww you're welcome!! That's so great to hear!! I'm glad you decided to come back & give posh a 2nd chance. The world is changing & the norm of leaving the house & working a 9-5 job no longer HAS to be done. Staying active & being noticed, whether its by commenting or sharing really is key to success on this app. Not only in these games either .. It can help someone remember you for a host pick which helps gain more closet exposure as well. โฌ‡
Nov 14Reply
gainfollowers @aubreesmith07 โฌ† I wish I had the room to store inventory! Lol. Its nice that there's a place like posh that ppl can use to buy items they might not been able to justify buying otherwise (high end fashion) or for ppl to sell as a hobby, extra income or full time. Thanks for your message! ๐ŸŒˆ Jillian
Nov 14Reply
parkviewla @gainfollowers I took over โ€œhalfโ€ the kids toy room ๐Ÿคซ๐Ÿคฃfor inventory!
Nov 14Reply
gainfollowers @aubreesmith07 lol too funny! I live in a 2bdrm apartment with my 10yr old daughter so unfortunately that option doesn't work for me. What I have done to help is I have 5 4-shelf shelving units that hold those cloth cubby boxes & have those in my living/dining area that way I can have my items sorted & stored, but also easily accessible without making my home look like a store lol. It definitely works for my makeup & accessories. :) ๐ŸŒˆ Jillian
Nov 14Reply
parkviewla @gainfollowers Great idea for limited space! Between the boxes, mailing envelopes, packing tape, tissue paper, bubble wrap etc it hard not to look like a shipping center!!
Nov 14Reply
harpertonyam Ladies-and gents - I just want to say Thank you. Between the follow games and the share games I have gone from 1500 followers to 20K+ in a month. My sales I am sure have been helped from all of that too. Thank you all and loving the new friendships forming.
Dec 01Reply
changeofseason 24 hours of playing super posher each night and gained 2000 followers and sold 13 items... hmm!! Miracle!!! Xoxo ๐Ÿ˜˜ thank you!
Dec 13Reply
lizransom I just started participating a few days ago and have gained 2k followers and met a lot of nice people along the way. This is great!! Thank you so much!!
Dec 19Reply
gainfollowers @lizransom That's so great to hear! Thanks for stopping & leaving us a note. ๐ŸŒˆ Jillian
Dec 20Reply
shopzoomnow Done following the likers on top
Jan 22Reply
jenn_love90 Come join my follow game and check out my closet while youโ€™re at it! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป Happy poshing! ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
Jan 26Reply
tonibe @katewaz @oneinamillionjj I have to give credit where credit is due! I am approaching 100k milestone andI know itโ€™s from playing your Follow Game! I have played along quietly for months and am excited to be closing in on 100k followers. Thanks so very much for hosting. I know itโ€™s an extra effort but we appreciate you both so much. All gratitude. ๐Ÿค—โค๏ธโค๏ธ
Jan 27Reply
tonibe Thanks so very much for hosting this amazing game. I started as a seller a little over a year ago and credit a handful of Follow Games for pushing me to 112k. I have been averaging about 1k new followers a month. Your game is EXTRA lol. Truly appreciative for your efforts in maintaining the daily featured closets. Empowered women empower women. All gratitude. ๐Ÿ˜˜โค๏ธโค๏ธ
Mar 09Reply
jennylimonhdz I have just started following this page and was wondering how does it work?also thank you for the follow, I appreciate it ๐Ÿ˜Š
Mar 22Reply
ladyphade @oneinamillionjj so it is possible for me to one day hit 100k๐Ÿคž๐ŸผIโ€™m at 24 but started at 8 a couple of months back
Apr 03Reply
ladyphade Iโ€™m a couple of months in&have gained 17,000 followers participating mostly daily - Iโ€™ve noticed some activity in my closet but my sales have not really increased - Sold:2 items which is normal or less than normal for me- my goal is to reach 100k one day - if your reading this, please help a girl out ;-)
Apr 03Reply
gainfollowers @ladyphade Absolutely!! I started with 27,500 June 2017 & now my acct is up to 310k - All from just playing along daily. Question, are you going into the FOLLOWERS of the daily posted poshers & pushing all the blue buttons?? I ask bcuz I feel like you've been with us awhile now & would've guessed you'd be at 50k by now. I know the following can be a lot at the beginning, but eventually it's not nearly as much
Apr 03Reply
ladyphade @gainfollowers hi luv! Yes I go and I try to follow all or at least half of the followers following the selected by pressing all the blue button until my finger muscles start aching ๐ŸคฃIโ€™ve fallen off on this a bit past 2weeks just because of a family funeral and some other stuff but I always share and follow and try as much as I can to follow their followers ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ
Apr 03Reply
ladyphade @gainfollowers hi luv! Yes I go and I try to follow all or at least half of the followers following the selected by pressing all the blue button until my finger muscles start aching ๐ŸคฃIโ€™ve fallen off on this a bit past 2weeks just because of a family funeral and some other stuff but I always share and follow and try as much as I can to follow their followers ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ
Apr 03Reply
ladyphade @gainfollowers can I ask if you are a stay at home ? Or do you have a day job ? I am wondering because you must have a lot of time on here- answering everyoneโ€™s questions etc everyday -BIG Congrats on your followers!!!! Do you make sales everyday? Also-you mentioned you were an admin on another game before you started this one so Iโ€™m sure being an admin helped bring your followers up to where they are now- and then also being admin and starting this one ..
Apr 03Reply
gainfollowers @ladyphade There's 2 of us that answer questions thru this account, Kate & myself (Jillian) Kate works from home & actually selling on posh & a few other similar apps is my current "job" if you will. So doing the game daily in a sense is just 1 of my daily duties. I have at least 1 sale on most days if not more but what you're selling makes a big difference.
Apr 04Reply
gainfollowers @ladyphade Reselling highend makeup & accessories that are sought out is much easier than selling your own belongings you no longer use, that's for sure. I'm sure that Kate & I being admin of the game does give us somewhat of an advantage of being followed but there's others with more followers or same growth as us too. Have you become a posh ambassador yet?
Apr 04Reply
gainfollowers @ladyphade Once you've got "X" amt of shares, sales etc you become an Ambassador which is basically just a reliable seller/buyer. As an ambassador, posh also automatically directs new accts to follow you when they sign up as well - so that's an additional 20 or so follows per day. ๐ŸŒˆ Jillian
Apr 04Reply
ladyphade @gainfollowers hi Jillian ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿผthanks for all your thorough answers and for everything you do to help us fellow posters be successful in the business as well ! I just became a posh ambassador yesterday!! โœŒ๐Ÿผโ™ฅ๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ
Apr 08Reply
ladyphade Poshers*
Apr 08Reply
gainfollowers @treazuretreebtq hi there! Are you looking to start a game with us as a super posher? :) please let us know and thanks. -Kate
Jul 01Reply
gainfollowers @treazuretreebtq sure!! 1st thing you want to do is think of a theme. Make sure that we don't already have a game on the team with that theme or it can be too confusing for players. We can help suggest themes if needed, but we usually tell ppl to think of their interests & go from there. Once you have a theme in mind, look for a cover graphic for it, think of a title & signup phrase...
Jul 01Reply
gainfollowers @treazuretreebtq ... The SP for gainfollowers is the Team SP that gets featured in each game throughout the team. We post daily โ€ชat around 7amโ€ฌ est. Anytime after we've posted, you can come see who the SP is & post your game.
Jul 01Reply
gainfollowers @treazuretreebtq ... Hereโ€™s what goes on your slides: 1st slide/cover: Themed photo, title, SUPER POSHER FOLLOW GAME & sign up phrase (optional) 2nd slide: Objective & directions. You can use our slide #2 @gainfollowers as a guideline, just make sure to change up the wording to fit your theme. Add sign up phrase (if not on cover - or for a 2nd time since ppl don't always read lol) ...
Jul 01Reply
gainfollowers @treazuretreebtq ... 3rd slide: Team roster - you can screenshot the one we're currently using for now & once you've gone live, a new one will be made adding your name.
Jul 01Reply
gainfollowers @treazuretreebtq .. Optional slides: At gainfollowers there are examples for visual players showing what to do plus a frequently used terms slide. Feel free to use these if you want or you can make your own.
Jul 01Reply
gainfollowers @treazuretreebtq .. Once you have all this together & posted tag ONLY Jillian & I so we can look it over quick. After it's gotten the ok, we'll tag the team introducing you. (We always want to tell the team 1st BEFORE anyone else sees it or is tagged). At that time you can start taking signups. Then we'll introduce you via gainfollowers price drop & tell ppl to go sign up. Your 1st day will be taking signups to ensure you have enough ppl to feature for awhile & the following day you go live.
Jul 01Reply
gainfollowers @treazuretreebtq ... We're pretty laid back here. There isn't really any 1 person that's in charge, we're just the head game. Jillian & I help new games get started, answer any questions you may have, mediate between team members if needed or help talk with a difficult player. Don't hesitate to contact us if you need anything. - @katewaz - @oneinamillionjj
Jul 01Reply
lovenushuz @katewaz @gainfollowers @oneinamillionjj Good morning ladies! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘  Iโ€™d like to thank you again for selecting me as Super Posher yesterday! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฅฐ I had 18 sales ๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ™Š Yay! I am so very grateful! Thanks for taking me down your yellow brick road ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿผ Much Love, Teresa 7-10-19 Super Posher!
Jul 11Reply
oneinamillionjj @lovenushuz holy cow!! 18 sales That's beyond awesome! You're so very welcome. Thanks so much for stopping by & giving us a follow-up. I will be by to do my shares still as well .. ๐ŸŒˆ Jillian
Jul 11Reply
lauraehumphrey @gainfollowers hi there!! Just wanted to say thank you for all the effort you put into this game!!๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• Iโ€™m gaining close to 500 followers a day and I just hit 50k!!๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ itโ€™s all thanks to you and the other awesome poachers who make it happen!! Thanks doll๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜
Jul 16Reply
worldlove65 I am just getting started on Posh, trying to figure it all out. I met a girl named Juli at the ebay convention in Vegas in July and she encouraged me to cross over to Poshmark so here I am
Sep 02Reply
dezinerthreads I just found this group, I'm really excited. My closet is so small compared to a lot of yours but I have a TON of inventory and my sales are good for the amount I have. I hope to find goodies in all your closets and gain new followers along the way. I'm a spurt kind of gal, I tend to catch up every other day as time allows. Just found out my daughter is pregnant with my first Grandbaby so I'm doing this even more ๐Ÿ˜
Sep 16Reply
karinlouise What a great idea how did I miss this little gem of info back soon with my thoughts!! @gainfollowers ๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’•๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿฆ‹๐Ÿฆ‹๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ
Oct 07Reply
gainfollowers @karinlouise lol! Isnโ€™t it cool?!? โค๏ธ๐Ÿคฃwe thought so!
Oct 07Reply
gainfollowers @dezinerthreads Congrats on your grandbaby on the way! We're happy you found us. Let us know if you have any questions, even if they're just posh related & not about the game. There's many around here that are extremely knowledgeable in Poshing & we all don't mind helping. Welcome! Jillian
Oct 15Reply
leathercraft @oneinamillionjj @katewaz I canโ€™t thank you enough for all you do! I canโ€™t imagine posh without amazing super poshers. The exposure your games give to new poshers and support from fabulous super poshers is amazing! It truly is such amazing feeling to be connected with such amazing poshers through your games. Most of all I know I can play any game and feel a sense of support! ๐Ÿ’•
Nov 07Reply
oneinamillionjj @leathercraft Aww well you're welcome! & thank you, you're so sweet to stop & leave us that comment. 2yrs ago when we started the gainfollowers page, we had NO IDEA that it would still be around today! Especially with the support we have both from our team hosts & all the players!! PM tried their darnedest to squash all games ..
Nov 07Reply
oneinamillionjj @leathercraft but I think they realize now, that they actually benefit from them due to sales & the "support & family feeling" they give that helps ppl stay & thrive on the app. We've had a few along the way say they were about to give up on their selling, but had happened to find us & what a difference playing along made. Those are the things that keep me going when I get frustrated lol ๐Ÿ˜‰
Nov 07Reply
leathercraft @oneinamillionjj For a ton of reasons. They are what keep me going too. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ’•
Nov 07Reply
jdawnmarie I started one week ago,maybe 10 days, with 4k followers now I am up to almost 16k. I just love the community sharing and have found a number of groups that I share with everyday, and while sometimes its a chore, OVERALL I LOVE the community and us all working to help each other, it really gives working from home a sense of community I've not found before. Just wish we had I.M. Dawn-Marie
Dec 01Reply
angidabartender @gainfollowers hello. Iโ€™m sorry Iโ€™m not clear on the rules. Iโ€™ve followed, liked and shared. What else am I to do to be compliant? Thank you. A-
Jan 22Reply
polkadotsjlw Hit 70,000 followers today thanks to this group! Cant wait to hit 100,000!
Feb 28Reply
gainfollowers @polkadotsjlw So awesome!! You'll be there in no time now!
Feb 28Reply
bellamiacouture @oneinamillionjj ...?๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ˜
Mar 04Reply
oneinamillionjj @bellamiacouture Thanks so much & since then โฌ† which was 2017 I'm at almost 450k followers! It's crazy .. I'd never have thought I'd be where I am today.
Mar 04Reply
bellamiacouture @oneinamillionjj... Ah-Mazingโฃ๏ธCongratulations๐ŸŽ‰ That is a major achievement ๐Ÿ˜. So happy for youโฃ๏ธ Have you followed me on my first follow game yet? I would appreciate it! Been so busy ... I cannot remember if you did. Please tag PFFโ€™S! I appreciate the support Love๐Ÿ˜˜โŒโญ•๏ธโŒโญ•๏ธ
Mar 04Reply
oneinamillionjj @bellamiacouture Thanks .. & yep I just looked & am following you. I would tag for you, but I don't have a tag list. I never ended up making one.
Mar 05Reply
drashmonebede What can I say? Please follow gainfollowers! on my surprise featured day, I gained 400+ shares and some likes. I love this super posher team, they are supportive, give excellent advice. In fact, Gainfollowers brightened my day on a bad car news day. Thank you sooooo much! Happy POSHing!!!๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’š
Mar 28Reply
house_of_tara Can you like or tag my follower list please? Thanks either way๐Ÿ™
Apr 27Reply
musicbird 9/16 Joined Posh. Over next year was a casual posher. Then started learning all I could & was making sales! 5/18 found @gainfollowers, had abt 48K followers 8/19 joined the @gainfollowers Official SPG Team 5/20 250,000 Followers, consistent sales, & new friends! THANK YOU to my mentors & PFFs! We have a fun & supportive Posh community! Thank you Kate Jillian & the Team!
May 24Reply
nic1981 Please add Me to this game๐Ÿ™
Aug 17Reply
adrianna_2022 I have no idea what I did but my phone is blowing up. I've gotten over 500 followers in the past 24 hours. Can someone please explain this game to me?
Oct 10Reply
adrianna_2022 Please add me to the game!
Oct 10Reply
mahalo24 Thank you for all the posh support. Finding/following these games helps with new eyes seeing and share your items. Recently I started using my time following the blues as a time to do a little physical fitness ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ I do squats, leg lifts, sit-ups etc while pushing the buttons and can I tell you I can feel the burn! Itโ€™s a win win in my opinion โ˜บ๏ธ So if the blues are getting a little mundane try this method, your gonna get something out of it either way ๐ŸŒบWishing you all many sales ๐ŸŒบ
Nov 08Reply
shoppegigi This is THE BEST Poshmark game for over the rainbow shared and follows. Thank you for it and being such a bright spot โญ๏ธ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒˆ
Nov 10Reply
sweet_virgie_b Hey! I'm almost to 20,000 followers this weekend. I had 14,000 in November before I joined your game and a few other SP games. I have seen steady sales - I wish there was a way to know how buyers find you! If it's from following vs key word searches ... I'm nerdy like that! lol! Thank you for such a supportive Follow & Share forum!
Jan 10Reply
kymmernst I love thisโค๏ธ 20k in 2 weeks๐Ÿ›’ Thank you so much for the feature ๐ŸŽ
Feb 07Reply
lorimargaret12 I am a freelance artist and i always wanted to be a fashion designer. This Poshmark site has given me the forum to live out my dreams. I love to dress people and find unique lovely gorgeous items of body candy to enjoy myself and hopefully pass on to other worthy members๐Ÿ—ผ๐ŸŒˆโ˜€๐ŸŽ†โœŒIll get you my pretties.....๐Ÿ˜
Apr 08Reply
gainfollowers @lorimargaret12 That's great! So exciting to find posh & continue what u already love doing!
Apr 08Reply
diannamarie76 Woohoo!! I was featured yesterday! I got over 800 new followers and two sales! Thank you! Thank you! ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒˆ
Mar 17Reply
mswink1 @gainfollowers today I hit 300k followers !! I had been gone off Poshmark for a very long time healing from 2 accidents! I came back to Posh and reunited ๐Ÿฅฐwith @gainfollowers in June with 256k followers. Itโ€™s august, 2 months later I hit 300k! Thatโ€™s 44k followers in 60 days. Thanks Kate & Jillian ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹
Aug 26Reply
dom1n1que12 @mswink1 so great to hear. Iโ€™m At 197k and itโ€™s coming up . Your story is gold, hope youโ€™re all healed.
Oct 07Reply
vdean1125 Is there a rule 100 followed=1 sale Any formulas?
Nov 03Reply
decatchcloset @gainfollowers Ty! Liked shared and followed all!
Dec 19Reply

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