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Updated Jan 07
Updated Jan 07

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$24 $66


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Bundle of 3 cotton sleepers. Only worn a couple times! 1st is sports theme, 2nd is fire truck theme and 3rd is dinosaur theme. All very cute and comfortable. Same style just diff designs. Zip up closer, with snap closer covering zipper for comfort. Ask for measurements if needed. Smoke/pet free environment. See my similar listings. Follow me to see the many upcoming items!
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natures_healing @lgowell I c u added some items to a bundle. I have a ton more baby stuff to add in diff sizes and brands. All great stuff. Let me kno what ur looking for and ill add those sizes/styles right away for u to c.
Dec 05Reply
natures_healing @buziebird I have many more clothes to add just so u know. Tons of haby stuff. Anything u need in particular
Dec 11Reply
buziebird yes pants warm clothes
Dec 12Reply
buziebird 18to 24
Dec 12Reply
natures_healing @buziebird ok I will list them tomorrow.
Dec 12Reply
natures_healing @buziebird if u buy alot, ill do a deal for u.
Dec 12Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin hey, just fyi, I can do items cheaper on merc. Just lmk and ill make sure I have them all on there first. I javent finished adding everything to that site thats on this one. Also, tomorrow I jave a ton of baby stuff to add. If ur interested in any specific soze or style, lmk and ill add those first. I have lots more pajamas
Dec 30Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin also, if u do a bundle ill give u a discount depending how many u buy. Or if u only buy one listing/item, the shipping is only four dollars on merc.
Dec 30Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing Thank you! He's currently in 12-18 mo clothes but I think we've got enough of that size now, so I'm looking at 18 mo to 24 mo or 2T. I'm always looking ahead lol. He has little feet and is just now finally growing out of his 3.5, so he's in the 4c shoes now.
Dec 30Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin ok, I didn't have time today. But I'm going to add stuff tomorrow. I'll add ask my 18 month and a pair of black nike shoes I have. Size 4 I think. And then you can let me know which items you want and ill add them to merc in a bundle and gove a discount.
Dec 31Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin also these jammies are good for your baby cuz there is no feet. Usually people want footed pjs, but if his feet are that small, the feet part might b too big. Unless you wanna put socks underneath. My 24m size has feet. They r just like these, some diff patterns, some the same. My baby will outgrow those soon and then ill let u know when I add them. All his clothes r hardly worn, he grows fast! And I have a bunch of socks. They should be good size for your baby
Dec 31Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin My baby has big feet so the socks im gonna add didn't fit him. They are either brand new or only worn once or twice. I have four or five pairs that look like sneakers kinda, like with the laces. Each pair a diff color. And then I have some ninja turtle ones. Four or five pair. and then just some pain colored ones that go higher up the leg and you can fold then down if you want or leave them high.
Dec 31Reply
vanclm81 @natures_healing definitely interested hun
Jan 06Reply
natures_healing @buziebird im so sry I didnt get around to adding those clothes. My cat got rly sick and then our pipes burst. Ive been rly busy. And now my baby is getting over a virus. But if ur still interested lmk exactly wut sizes and styles u r looking and I will do it this weekend.
Jan 07Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin so sorry I havent gotten back to u, things have been rly busy. But I can add my 24month and 2t stuff this weekend. There isnr a ton cuz my baby is still wearing those sizes but he will b out of the 24 stuff soon and I will tag u as soon as I add them.
Jan 07Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin I have someone who wants a lot of the 18month stuff I have but after she picks thru it, I will post whats left and tag u this weekend.
Jan 07Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing Ok great, thank you!
Jan 07Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin np hun. Is there anything ur looking for in particular?
Jan 07Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing No not in particular, like I said 18 mo, 24 mo, and maybe even 2T if you have it. Shoes size 4-5. I just found you on M (I'm Aubrey Mae) and liked some things, but I've never actually bought anything off there before! Typically prefer to stay here because I'm familiar with Posh and usually have credits, but I'm not opposed to it.
Jan 07Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin ok yea I saw u like those things. Just so you know the that I said was going to pick thru some stuff is on there. She will c those things in the morning and might add them to her bundle. Just full disclosure, they could b gone soon.
Jan 07Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin the other lady backed out of wanting those clothes, so they are ask yours if you want them. Even the onesie she told me to hold she doesn't want. So just lmk which items you rly want and I can hold them for u while I add more stuff today and then u can c if theres anything else u want. And like I said, the more u get, the better the deal.
Jan 07Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin and if youd rather go thru here that's fine but the price will be better on there. If u do want to go thru merc, comment one of the listings so we can talk. I can't comment you until you comment me first, that site is weird
Jan 07Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin hey hun, u should comment one of the listings u liked on merc, so we can talk on there. I cant comment u until u comment me first. Im posting the rest of that size stuff tonight and tomorrow so just comment me and then I can tell u when im done
Jan 08Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing Hey sorry my little one has been sick and I haven't been on in awhile! I will go on M in a little bit to look at everything and comment, thank you!
Jan 14Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin ok thats fine. Mine was sick to, with a virus, its been a horrible two weeks. I havent added much. Im try this week. Hopefully Monday
Jan 14Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing Ok I just commented on the other site. Yes he had a virus as well and it really took a toll on him, he was barely eating and so lethargic and clingy..poor baby lost a pound!
Jan 14Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin thats exactly wut was wrong with mine! We didn't sleep cuz he was just soo uncomfortable. Nothing made him feel better or relax. I felt so bad for him. Hes just barely getting over it
Jan 14Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin not sure if u r gettting my comments on the other site. I asked u wanted me to hold those items u mentioned, but then someone bought the comfy bundle..sry hun. Ill give u a few bucks off for that happening. Should I hold the other ones? If ubdeff want them, I will hold for u until I make a bundle listing with those items and whatever else u want that im gonna add tomorrow and monday
Jan 15Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing Aw no I hadn't seen your comment I don't use that app much I must not have notifications set up. Yes you can hold the other two please, I appreciate it!
Jan 15Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin ok will don sry I should have commented here too the first time. Ill hold them now.
Jan 15Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin they r on hold. Did u see the long sleeve onesie bundle I have, 18 month. Organic cotton. Not burts bees but soft just like that.
Jan 15Reply
natures_healing Theres also a carters bundle of two 18m onesies.
Jan 15Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin idk if ur getting my messages on merc, those items r still on hold. I added two more listings, sweatpants and 2 sweatshirts. Im adding more tonight. R u still buying the other items? Ppl r asking about them
Jan 20Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing I'm sorry no I didn't see the messages I will go look at your other items
Jan 21Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin I messaged you on merc. I will be adding the other items today, yesterday my internet wasn't working so i couldn't do it. Did you see the sweatpants and sweatshirts I added?
Jan 21Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing Ok great. Yes I did see, I think we have enough cold weather stuff, so any short-sleeve or shorts you have I'll take a look at :)
Jan 21Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin ok ill do that this evening when my husband is home so he can watch the baby while I do.
Jan 21Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin hey hun, internet was acting up again, I could only check stuff quickly yesterday cuz I was using my data to go online. but today the internet seems better and im gonna shower and bath my baby and then ill post the items.
Jan 24Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin souls I make separate listings for each item, or can I do one or two with everything in it that I think you might want and you can tell which items you like and ill make a bundle listings for you
Jan 24Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing If you want to just start with a couple pictures of everything that would be fine then we can narrow down from there so you don't have to post so many.
Jan 25Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin ok, I mean I need to post them anyway but if your going to end up buying them I just would rather not take a long time making a listing for each one. I'm going to go thru and find everything, and then list it and let you know when u can look on there. It might be a little bit, I gotta go thru everything, its not completely sorted right now
Jan 25Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing Ok great no problem we are winding down for bed, but i will be up a bit longer. But if I do go on to bed I'll take a look tomorrow.
Jan 25Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin ok well im going to rub my husbands shoulders. Then I can add some pics. Or if u wanna just comment me when u have some time tomorrow, I can add some group pics. U can let me know wut u like or ask questions or w.e. And I can take more pics of things if u need me too. And we can talk back and forth and figure it all out and come up with a price. Cuz when I add them, itll b on merc and neither of us get our notices on there very well.
Jan 25Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin so if u just let me know when ur ready, ill start adding listings on there and u can look thru as I do that and comment each listing with a list of items u want or questions u have
Jan 25Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing If you're ready now feel free to go ahead, I'll be up a little while longer.
Jan 25Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin ok, I can do it now, but there is a good amount of stuff. Or if ubdobt care if we do it in the morning, my husband asked me to go to bed with him cuz we haven't gotten to get in bed at the same in awhile with him working late the past week and my baby and I being sick the week before. But I said id do it today, so if u want me too, I deff will!
Jan 25Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin and I know it's taken me so long to get this done, so I'm going to either give you something small for free or take a few more bucks off your total, for the inconvenience. I do feel bad.
Jan 25Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing Oh no tomorrow is fine! Lmk once you're able to get them posted. Goodnight :)
Jan 25Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing Oh thank you, and no worries, things seem to take 10 times longer anyways when you have toddlers like us!
Jan 25Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin ok thanks for understanding hun. U have a goodnight as well. =)
Jan 25Reply
natures_healing Yes! And omg hearing u saying toddler is so weird...I still call him my baby lol but hes 15months. (Hes just big lol, qears 2T Usually. Lol
Jan 25Reply
natures_healing Adding listing now on there. Listing names will b "private listing for aubrey" with a fake price until u decide wut items u like and then ill make one real listing after we discuss price and c which items u deff want.
Jan 26Reply
natures_healing I have one listing up so far, if u just go in my closet on there, ull c the latest listings r for u.
Jan 26Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin sry forgot to tag you in my last comments lol. Read the last couple comments. There is listings up now if you wanna look and comment me on there and let me know what you like, and ask anything u wanna know. I have more stuff but its not warm weather stuff n really nice things though. I'll be adding them tomorrow before I mail your stuff out. Just incase u like anything
Jan 26Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing Ok I commented on there. And I just saw your comment about "toddler" and yes it's weird for me too! They are currently transitioning him to the toddler room at daycare and I'm like "but he's still a baby!" You do have a big boy lol mines a bit on the smaller size he's actually 16 months and still able to wear most 12 mo stuff. The only thing big about him is his 97th percentile head😂
Jan 26Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin omg, my babyhas a 97 to 99 percentile head. Lol. It goes up and down as he grows. Is so hard getting certain clothing over his head! He gets mad!
Jan 26Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin I commented you on one of the private listings
Jan 28Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin plz comment each private listing taking me exactly which items you want. I compared the one piece short outfits to the 18m onesies and they do not run small. One runs big actually
Jan 30Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing Ok we're about to get a bath so I'll do that shortly. The main problem with those particular outfits is they have no give/stretch, so it was near impossible to get them on over his big head and it was a fight every time. Once they were on they fit ok but not worth the fight so I had to size up in those.
Jan 30Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin oh they all have bottons on the chest. And the two that arent plaid r the soft cotton that deff have some give. And the red plaid one is closer to 24m even tho it says 18
Jan 30Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin my sons head is huge and I had no problem. This r my fav kind of outfits for the summer cuz they have bottons at chest so they go over head easy then botton up, and there is no waist band to b uncomfortable, and u dont have a tshirt riding up
Jan 30Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing Oh i like the cotton stretchy ones, but trust me we had those exact ones last summer and I hated bc they were so cute and he hated putting them on! Maybe I'll get the one that you said runs big. I'm about to go comment..someone is fighting going to bed tonight and is still awake!
Jan 30Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin hahah mine too! Just got him down!
Jan 30Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin ok I will talk to u in the morning with a price. I gotta deal my son, I think hes still sick kinda cuz hes having trouble sleeping. Im also going to add a couple things tomorrow before I mail ur stuff out, just incase uvwant any of it. Its cold weather stuff but some is very cute.
Jan 30Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing No problem mines still wide awake too I don't think he's feeling well either😩
Jan 30Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin it the time of year ughh
Jan 30Reply
natures_healing I added everything up that u wanted plus the items ob hold. It came to 130, ill do it for 100 for u for the bundle discount and because it took do long, plus the ninja turtle socks r free like I said id do
Jan 30Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin so sorry, I just realized I didn't tag u in my cimment yesterday.
Jan 31Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing Sorry just now got online today! Ok yes I was really hoping to stay under $100 so that sounds good.
Feb 01Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin ok hin, its alrite. Ikl make that listing on there in the morning and get it mailed out to u tomorrow.
Feb 01Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin sorry for the spelling errors, auto correct on my phone changes things it shouldn't and sometimes I forget to check before I push send. But I will do that tomorrow morning for you, have a good night. Hope baby is doing well
Feb 01Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing Ok I'm at work but sometimes I get time during the day to check my phone so if I'm able to get on to purchase I will. Thank you he seems to be doing better at the moment at least!
Feb 01Reply
amdurbin Hope your little guy is feeling better too!
Feb 01Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin ok its done, but idk if it will weigh more than 3 pounds, I jave to weigh at my moms when I go out in a bit. If so, itll b 9 dollar shipping. Or I could just add like a dollar to the price if its just a tiny bit over and ill pay the diff at the post office. Cuz if its barely over, it will only be a dollar or less.
Feb 01Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing Alright well whatever you can do to help with that would be great bc I really didn't want to go over $100 total, but I understand the need to pay shipping.
Feb 02Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin ok ill just make the shipping 6$ and if it cost more than ill pay it. I do think it weighs more than 3 pounds, but I'll prob only have to pay like 2 bucks.
Feb 02Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin it's ready on there. If it cost a lot more, ill cancel your order and make it the nine dollar shipping but take some money off the item total. Only cuz it is sometimes cheaper to get a prepaid label - last time it went over they charged me a lot at the post office and said it would have been cheaper to just do the prepaid label that was only a couple dollars more.
Feb 02Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing Well do you want to just go ahead and make it $97 with the $9 shipping just in case?
Feb 02Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin I was only going to lower the cost a dollar, maybe two if its 9 dollar shipping. I already took so much off for the bundle...and i need certain clothing items after having my baby cuz im a size bigger in most things so every dollar counts cuz I can only spend my credits u know. I can lower it to 99 if u want. And do the 9 dollar shipping, but theres a good chance it will only b around a dollar extra, and I will cover that much.
Feb 02Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin if u want, I can weigh the package first and we cam go from there. If its barely over, ill just pay the diff at the post office. If its a good amount over, ill do the 9 dollar shipping and taker a dollar off the item total, maybe two dollars. Ill add up the items I want to buy and see what it comes out to. If I dont need rhat extra dollar, ill cover it.
Feb 02Reply
amdurbin @natures_healing I just went ahead and purchased now, I didn't want to wait another day. Thank you
Feb 02Reply
natures_healing @amdurbin thats fine, ill get to the post office today and let u know what happens with the shipping.
Feb 02Reply

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