Say 🚫NO🚫 to fake/inspired handbags.
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I hate fake handbags. If you're a posher who sells fake handbags, I don't mean to be rude and mean. It's just that I have a thing with real designer purses and I cannot stand fake ones.

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Did you see the new posh etiquette rules????? Yippee!!!!!! Spread the word!!!!!
May 11Reply

@3bagsfull yes, but which one r u referring to? About the inspired handbags... Im glad they included that
May 11Reply

Yes. Def about the fakes and it being illegal!!! No more arguing with people :)
May 11Reply

@3bagsfull i kno what u mean. I can't stand it. Whenever i see a fake bag being sold for big amt i report it. If u check my listing, i once had an inspired prada that was given to me by a friend.. I was selling it for $10 then got it $8. I did sell it but I didn't sell it for a lot...
May 11Reply

@agancheta AMEN 🙏 !!!
May 14Reply

Amen sister!!! People be killing me with that non sense but apparently people pay that price for it! I had a denim LV inspired speedy that I priced at like $30-something and was in the midst of a trade and the other posher had an inspired LV as well. I asked if she wanted to trade fake LV for fake LV, she said no only because SHE priced it for $100!!!! Really?!? That's the reason. Ugh so irritating!!!! 😑😬😮 anywhoo I love your closet so if you ever want to trade I'm cool with it 😃😘👍
Jun 28Reply

@ykkonyozippa thanks... I'm glad there's actually people that understand my point. I love ❤💖❤ ur closet too girl but too bad they don't fit me 😟 If I lose some more weight, it would definitely be yea 👍👍👍... That's y most of my clothes on here are clothes that don't fit me anymore... Loved them but I gotta make room in my closet for more new clothes...
Jun 28Reply

I love this, totally true idk why poshers sell fake handbags that are overpriced and just totally not worth it. I agree the real authentic bags are the best. Posh etiquette:)!!!
Nov 08Reply
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