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Updated Oct 18
Updated Oct 18

Secrets of the Golden Age Prince: Francis Bacon -- Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Elizabeth Clare Prophet

$19 $35

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This book stands with respect on the shoulders of four centuries of Francis Bacon's biographers, referencing historical and cipher inquiries about his noble person and transcendent body of work, but pushing further to ask: Did his vision for the ages, the Great Instauration, die with him? <br />The premise of the fine, foregoing biographies has been to discern and explain the secrets of a great, historic personality, perhaps the world's greatest genius, from a fixed birthdate to a fixed date of death. The less conventional premise of this book is to explain the context of the life of the person, Francis Bacon, as one crucial chapter within a long continuity of lifetimes, yet unending. <br />Francis, and those closest to him, manifested the beginning of the Great Instauration in the form of an extraordinary array of civilization-building services, sacrificially, under persecution, for the love of humanity and the latent divinity within the people. Francis' conclave of literary men saw themselves as brothers, demonstrating a constructive vision and true charity, outside the churches which had suppressed as heresy what the people needed to know about nature and themselves. <br />How did twelve-year old Francis see the need and then generate the beneficial concept of the Great Instauration, meaning the restoration of a golden age of abundance, a paradise lost? This would require prior knowledge and likely actual engagement in such a civilization. Why was it lost? Why did he pers

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