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Updated Apr 06
Updated Apr 06

Some things that should not be done!!



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Okay ladies I was once a newbie posher and felt the need to do the things above like asking if posher's were interested, but I have learned it's not the right way to do things. These were taken from the posh etiquette itself. Some buyers do get annoyed when asked if they are interested, and I'm pretty sure if they were then they would ask about the item. Also please don't advertise in my closet, it's rude and if you want communicate with the buyer on their own closet . I don't like drama ladies!
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hawraan @nana_jass @tinatima my lovely ladies here's some advice I wasn't given when I first started but learned on my own! Hope it helps you guys 😘😘😘😘
Apr 27Reply
tinatima @hawraan Thanks honey <3
Apr 27Reply
nana_jass @hawraan hehehe i actually sat here and read all of this last night! thanks boooo.
Apr 27Reply
hawraan @minolove welcome to poshmark! Hope you will love it here just as much as we do! Feel free to ask questions if you get lost ☺️
Apr 27Reply
minolove @hawraan Thanks hun, will do !
Apr 27Reply
vonahn This needs to be shared to all Poshers! Getting tired of clicking "like" on an item and 2 seconds later, "interested hun?".....if I was interested, I would have bought it already. Geez. thanks for this listing. If you don't mind, I would like to share it. Please let me know, if it is ok. I believe most Posher did't read the FAQ before creating an account.
May 14Reply
hawraan @vonahn please feel to share :), I have made mistakes before but reading the FAQ helped me quit doing them!
May 14Reply
vonahn thank you so much! I made sure I read the FAQ before i started. I was sure there were a few "don'ts"
May 14Reply
hawraan @mzkitty2 it's your right to price your item at the price you want and it shouldn't be anyone else deciding for you! Since most posher's will give you a lower offer then what you originally have posted. In my opinion if they can't respect your closet I would either tell them politely that the price is up tot eh seller to decide or I would just block them. It's no ones business to to dictate yours price's. If they don't like it they can move on. Hopes hat helps!☺️
May 24Reply
laurentrue61 Thank you so much for your post, I have been guilty of offering after a (like)! I will know better now, also I too get irritated sometimes when I receive a lower bid for my items! I work to hard to create them, but your previous advice to another will help me deal with that! Again thank you so much!
May 28Reply
hawraan @laurentrue61 don't sorry you are not alone on the act of offer after a like! I use to do it and it doesn't make a difference in your sales! I am really happy you benefited from my post!
May 28Reply
andilinescloset @hawraan Greatly appreciate the hints. I am not new to Poshmark but haven’t been active in a while. So the “refresh” is welcoming. 😄
Oct 28Reply
hawraan @andilinescloset You're welcome! I agree we can forget but hopefully some of this is common knowledge for majority of users
Oct 28Reply

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