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Updated Dec 27
Updated Dec 27

To trade or not to trade...

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Just wanted to share my opinion on trading! Sometimes it seems as if folks don't like getting requests for trades OR maybe are a little offended or annoyed. I totally understand! You want cash! 💰 And I hope you get it!! But a request for a trade is STILL a compliment to your closet, your style and thus you, so take it! And remember trading is NOT against Posh rules. You can always reduce the price of each item to $3 so that you're both still protected through Posh. Happy poshing y'all!
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kristilynn28 @claudlbc Very well said! 😊
Aug 03Reply
claudlbc Thanks @kristilynn28 ! I take it you're a fellow trader! So glad to know there are others who appreciate the beauty of bartering! It's worked for centuries after all...👍
Aug 04Reply
kristilynn28 @claudlbc Hi, yes, I like to sell and trade 😊 I think a lot of the ladies on here are scared of trading because they have been screwed on here before 😕 Some people can't be trusted. I like to think there are more good people than bad though 😃
Aug 04Reply
claudlbc @kristilynn28 Agreed on the more good than bad!! was talking to another posher the other day about how even in "regular" sales there are scammers. There will always be people who try to take advantage of a system or market but I like to make my decisions based on the positive aspect of things. If every now and then, I get screwed, so be it. I'm sure I'll have many more positive experiences that will outweigh the negative.
Aug 04Reply
leopard_diva Well said! Direct but not offensive. I don't know where people got the info that trading was against the rules. Like you said some of us like to move things around and have other needs. No need to be rude if someone asks to trade just simply state that you do not trade. You stated what I've been wanting to say for quite some time now. Thx for sharing! 😊 👏👏👏
Aug 04Reply
claudlbc @leopard_diva Yay! So glad it resonates!! And feel to write your own thoughts for your closet (borrow whatever you want from mine). We need to dispel this idea that trading is against Posh rules! I wouldn't want to break the rules either but thus far, Posh allows it. Thanks for the like and the shares!!!
Aug 04Reply
corporatebarbie Very nicely said. I don't trade, but when someone asks me to trade, I thank them for their offer.
Aug 09Reply
claudlbc @kristinkingsley Awww thanks! I'm really glad to see that as someone who doesn't trade, this still makes sense to you! Thanks for supporting the different needs of different Poshers! That's what makes community!
Aug 11Reply
corporatebarbie I see people scoffing at trades as though it is against the rules and I just laugh because if they read the rules they would know it's allowed!! Happy to share for you and the other Poshers who trade! @oab 😘
Aug 11Reply
oab @kristinkingsley you're awesome. Thanks!
Aug 11Reply
mskeeks bravo! well said 👏
Aug 12Reply
claudlbc Thanks @mskeeks ! So glad YOU like to trade bc your closet is stunning!!
Aug 12Reply
mskeeks @claudlbc i love to trade and couldn't have put my thoughts into words as wonderful as you have here - i agree with you 100%. everyone is here for different reasons. i personally just like rotating my closet so it's always new and refreshing. some people have really condescending attitudes towards people who trades, as if they are better somehow. but i could also see where enough is enough when every other inquiry you receive is a trade inquiry. to each their own, right? :) xo
Aug 13Reply
claudlbc @mskeeks I totally agree! I bet it IS annoying to just get one word "trade?" over and over again in one's comments. But that's ok. Those of us who like trade will find each other and have great fun and hopefully those who need the money will find buyers and also have great fun! I can't wait until you find something else in my closet (besides the only thing I'm not currently trading) to barter!! Ha!
Aug 14Reply
poshgirl143 I totally agree! We just need to be more careful on trading because there are also some who love to scam people and I say this because I was once a victim but all is good now. I don't mind trading again but like what you said sometimes you just don't see anything from someone's closet when they ask you to trade. Anyway thank you for sharing your thoughts! Very well said:)
Aug 31Reply
sarimolina Preach girlie!!!! 🙏🙏🙏
Nov 26Reply
emilymartin34 This is so spot on👌 excellent wording!
Dec 01Reply
tangocharlie Right on!
Dec 11Reply
angela_marie25 WELL SAID!!! 😊🎉👏👏💕💕
Jan 23Reply
karenphillips72 OK you are officially my favorite person right now. Standing_O girl!! Bravo! Everyone should read and share this 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 A dozen for YOU!
Jun 25Reply
claudlbc @crazylibra So true!! Or sometimes people will ask me to trade and they're teeny weeny and we clearly don't share the same size or style. But I still love that they like something of mine! So instead of ignoring them or saying something snippy, I just let 'em know I'm grateful but that it won't work this time. You're right though- there's gotta be something worth trading! :)
Jun 05Reply
sloanek Yes girl! Some people get so pissy about it when they could just politely decline or just not say anything. It'll save em the stress! And many people are misinformed and think that it's against the rules to trade but it isn't! Like you said, they just don't insure it. Unfortunately that bit me in the as* once and someone scammed me by not sending their end of the trade. I just had to let it go and know that karma will get them back 😊
Aug 18Reply
claudlbc @sloanek GOOD for you! Letting it go was probably the healthiest thing you could have done bc otherwise, you would carry that with you. The disappointment, anger, resentment...whatever. Those emotions eat people up. And karma will take care of it- always does. Glad this post resonated with you!
Aug 18Reply
sloanek Yea, at first I was s little upset trying to deal with the girl and Posh not helping me AT ALL but when I realized nothing was gonna happen I chose to let it go. Cause yea, there's no point in holding onto the hurt or whatever I felt. It wasn't productive nor was it gonna change anything. ❤️ Ps your package is all packed and ready to go and I'll be dropping it off a little later!
Aug 18Reply
claudlbc @corporatebarbie @chickykat @poshgirl143 @sarimolina @emilymartin34 @tangocharlie @ggallardo33 @angela_marie25 @kpj72 Recently came back to this listing and realized y'all had commented forever ago! Thanks for reaching out! Glad this missive spoke to you - it's such a small, silly thing but I'm happy to know others agree. :) Wish more people in the US (not just on posh) traded and bartered! It's such a community- oriented way to transact with each other. And it's fun! Anyway, be well!!
Aug 18Reply
dragonfly1111 I totally agree!! I did notice that you liked the vintage Liz Sport jumpsuit in my closet. If you are interested offer me $40. I will accept!!
Dec 13Reply
mrose_vintage @claudlbc Very well put! I love using the term "Swapping" ✨ I love a good Swap now and again! Hope we barter 🔜! Ciao
Aug 06Reply
pegasusunicorn I haven't done any trades yet, but I'm interested. How do y'all work low value trades? It seems like the way to do it is to lower the items up for trade to $3 and then each buy and pay the $6.49 shipping, but that comes out to $9.49, which if you're trying to just trade a tshirt or something seems a bit steep when you could just send it yourself for like $3. Is there another way to do a low dollar value trade that is more reasonable?
Sep 16Reply
claudlbc @pegasusunicorn Hi! Yeah, trades on cheap items is not as efficient. I’ve seen some people just step out on faith that the other person will send the package and of course, you do the same. It’s kind of an honor system thing. So I would only suggest it if you’re okay with taking the risk.
Sep 16Reply
pegasusunicorn @claudlbc Thank you. How do people exchange addresses without the purchase aspect of things?
Sep 16Reply
claudlbc @pegasusunicorn Usually they exchange email addresses and then exchange mailing addresses.
Sep 17Reply
cwils124 I was just offered a trade and am interested how do you manipulate a price or bundle to make it even?
Dec 14Reply
claudlbc @cwils124 Hi! I’ve had varying experiences with this. Sometimes I deal with people who want to make it an exact trade so one of us has to keep adding things until it adds up to the other’s item. OR you can do a partial trade and the one getting the more expensive item can pay the difference?
Dec 14Reply
claudlbc @cwils124 And sometimes people just let it go...”yeah, I’ll trade these $30 boots for those $20 jeans and let’s just call it even.” It just depends on how much each person wants the other person’s item and how they value the item. Let me know if I can be helpful in any other way!
Dec 14Reply
claudlbc And if your asking about actual price on Poshmark- just lower it to $3. And then you’ll each still have to pay shipping. And you’ve voila! You’ve got your trade!
Dec 14Reply
breezalar Hey I have a question! I traded my brand new gymshark leggings with a girl on here and it’s been a month and she hasn’t sent it and won’t even respond to me.. what do I do? Can I even do anything about it?
Jan 11Reply
claudlbc @breezalar did you drop your Prices to $3? Or did you just do honor system?
Jan 11Reply
breezalar @claudlbc we both did $3 on our listing
Jan 11Reply
claudlbc @breezalar Either way, you won’t get your item back. But at the very least you can report them to posh as someone who sells items and then doesn’t send them. And you should comment on her listings to forewarn others not to depend on her following through. You can do this in a professional manner.
Jan 11Reply
claudlbc @breezalar For example, you can comment “I did a trade with x,y,z and sent her my item. She never sent me hers and never followed up. Because she has yet to make that right, I feel obligated to warn others that she cannot be depended on to follow through with her end of transactions. I don’t want this to happen to anyone else so until she corrects her behavior, it’s probably a good idea for anyone else not to transact with her.”
Jan 11Reply
breezalar @claudlbc thank you so much for your help!! I really appreciate it!!
Jan 11Reply
claudlbc @breezalar You’re very welcome. I’m sorry this happened to you. I’ve read about trades going wrong so I know it happens- and it clearly happened to you. But I’ve never experienced it myself. Must be really disappointing and quite distressing.
Jan 11Reply
breezalar @claudlbc me too!! Makes me not want to ever do a trade again and that’s unfortunate 🙁
Jan 11Reply
meetina Very well said. I have never traded but am interested in it. The seller and I both have exact same item in different colors. As I understand it we both at the exact same time change selling price to $3.00 then buy each other items before anyone else can🤔. I’m guessing it has to be a perfect timing issue because what prevents another buyer from buying your $130 item for $3.00. Anything I’m missing?? Thanks for any advice
Jan 31Reply
luckyladybug4u @claudlbc Totally agree with this! Stopping by to share your closet and say hello. Just a heads up that if you like bling or embellished jeanwear, I have a NWT really cute pair of plus size (32 x 28) retro flair leg jeans with bling on the side of the legs. They are soooo soft and I'd love it if you checked them out. I ship from a smoke free clean home & I'm open for offers (I'm also a Posh Mentor and have 5 stars on all 40 of my sales) THX :) :)
Mar 26Reply
platinumgate985 I just had someone offer my first trade. I changed my items to 3 dollars and they removed their item after they purchased and keep telling me that. I am being verified ??? Is that right??
Sep 08Reply
claudlbc @platinumgate985 Don’t send package and cancel order.
Sep 08Reply
claudlbc @meetina sorry that I’m so late!!! For *future* transactions- people often coordinate when they’re both going to be on the app at the same to make the trade. OR they include the buyer’s name in title or description. “Selling to Ashley only- do not purchase”
Sep 08Reply
claudlbc I’ve never heard of anyone being verified. Trust your gut!
Sep 08Reply
platinumgate985 Thats just what I did ! thank you
Sep 08Reply
claudlbc @platinumgate985 Glad you did!!
Sep 10Reply
wildwearsecret @claudlbc do you mind explaining how is trading done? I want to trade with someone something with low value. But I have never done a trade, neither has she. I just want to give reading a chance.
Sep 19Reply
pinkglitter55 @claudlbc what happens if someone buys it for $3 and its not the person you were trading with? Do you have any obligation to sell it to them? Can you cancel the transaction? Thanks!
Sep 25Reply
claudlbc @erlymarti Hi there! The way people trade on Posh is to set the item price to $3. That’s about the minimum amount Posh will take as a cut from an item so it covers their share. And you will each pay that $3 plus whatever it is for shipping.
Sep 30Reply
claudlbc @erlymarti When you’re trading super cheap items for which it wouldn’t be worth paying $9, then sometimes people just send stuff to each other without each paying $3. I wouldn’t go that route bc your purchase isn’t protected but sometimes if something is really cheap, people feel it’s worth the risk.
Sep 30Reply
claudlbc @camillamk Exactly, I would just cancel the order. You can avoid that though by adding the buyer’s name in the “item title.” For example, in the title I would put “for Camilla only- do not buy”
Sep 30Reply
pinkglitter55 @claudlbc thank you!! 😊
Sep 30Reply
mjfaith158 OMG! WELL SAID!!
Oct 08Reply
vceballos19 Hi, quick question! I have never traded before but what happens if you send an item and the person does not send their item to trade to you? Do you lose that item?
Oct 09Reply
claudlbc @vceballos19 Yes indeed! You do lose your item. You can get a refund for whatever amount you did pay (e.g. $3 plus shipping). But that’s why it’s best to read about the Posher before making a trade. Check out comments on items and make sure no one is complaining about shady business.
Oct 09Reply
vceballos19 @claudlbc Thank you so much for replying back! I’ll be careful and cautious when choosing sellers to trade with. I appreciate the advice and happy selling and trading ☺️
Oct 09Reply
warreng98012 Right on.
Oct 13Reply
mmarotte07 Love this ! 💕💕💕
Oct 29Reply
worldcollection I was under the assumption trades were not allowed on Poshmark. I was told that how a trade works is both parties post an item for sale and both buy that item and then print out the label and cancel the order. In that way they can send free of charge and no cost with regards to the postage fee & Poshmark fee's. That is Federal crime.Am I wrong?
Nov 14Reply
claudlbc @worldcollection Hi there! I am not an expert on federal crimes so I don’t know if it’s illegal. But what I can say is that I do NOT encourage people to print out shipping labels and then cancel. Even if it’s not a crime, it certainly is cheating the system. If Posh catches on, they’ll likely kick out that user.
Nov 14Reply
claudlbc @worldcollection So I always tell folks to just reduce their price item to the lowest price Posh allows, which is $3. Then both people end up paying $3 plus shipping and that’s the trade. Sometimes, even $10 is too much for the trade bc they’re really cheap items and so folks pay their own shipping and just step out on faith that the other person will send the item too. I don’t do that bc I’d rather keep everyone on the posh platform.
Nov 14Reply
claudlbc @worldcollection And as you can see from the image I added, Posh discourages trades in order to protect its members. But it isn’t “against” the rules to do trades the way I’ve described. Hope that helps!
Nov 14Reply
worldcollection @claudlbc I agree with you. I know you are not suggesting what I have heard. Thank you for your reply.
Nov 14Reply
citydrms2ndhnd Thanks for the info, truly appreciated
Nov 19Reply
claudlbc @hopeful1389 How did you do the purchase? Did you drop your prices to $3?
Jan 04Reply
claudlbc @hopeful1389 So glad you got your package back!!! Ugh. I hate it when people scam. Gives trading a bad name!! I’m the future, I wouldn’t trade with someone that doesn’t that have history on Posh or is a new closet. Make sure they’ve had successful sales with other people and that those buyers have left good ratings. Right now, she has zero things listed in her closet so maybe she’ll leave other people alone now.
Jan 04Reply
shelliescott08 My faith has been restored by reading this post and the positive/ good will postings from my fellow poshers. I was very recently a victim of the old "im going to buy it brand new and file a case after i wear it and damage it" scam. I too am convinced that my fellow poshers are honest, fun loving women that want to make money and trade each other for cool stuff all in the name of fashion.
Jan 09Reply
justinenichols Love this! I am always looking to trade and people are always so rude about it. Wish there were more people looking to refresh their style without spending cash!
Jan 17Reply
onceloved81 Can someone plz explain how trading works!!! I’m doing a equal trade. Myself and the other posher have never done a trade. Can we just delete the items and agree and pay shipping
Jan 18Reply
claudlbc @shelliescott08 Yes! Most people are!!
Jan 18Reply
claudlbc @justinenichols Agreed! I haven’t figured out why people get offended or seem annoyed about the request to trade.
Jan 18Reply
claudlbc @onceloved81 Hi there! Usually people drop their price to $3. And then since you each have to pay shipping, it ends up costing about $9 each and you still get posh protection.
Jan 18Reply
jennagiuliani @mkesammi so here’s the basic rundown of the trading system/risks/etc
Feb 11Reply
lachunky7 @claudlbc question if I buy someone's trade item by mistake can they cancel? I didn't know
Feb 27Reply
claudlbc @lachunky7 Hi there! Yes, sellers can always cancel a sale. It’s discouraged to cancel sales bc it leaves buyers disappointed. But there are circumstances under which it would be appropriate to cancel. ;)
Feb 27Reply
lachunky7 @claudlbc hi thanks for replying, but to clarify not once you send the item right? someone posted to take a video of the item then when packing and closing the box. Incase things go wrong
Feb 27Reply
tatinice @poshgirl143 Hi, I want to trade one of my items with another posher’s item, but really don’t know how to do it through Poshmark. Does it still mean that I have to buy hers and she supposed to pay for my item? Or we can both just pay for the shipping? How to trade through the Poshmark so it will be secure? Would really Appreciate your help.
Mar 09Reply
yoganybr @smokymtngirl76 this may help 💓
Apr 08Reply
jode30 Love this post! So well said 🥰 I’m open to trading :) please check out my closet if you are too!
Apr 23Reply
t_alimonti @emjemmm I think we lower the price to $3 dollars then buy it from each other since we would be losing any money lol
May 05Reply
kristilynn28 @tritangle Hi. You tagged the wrong person. I had just commented on this post. The person who posted it in their closet is @claudlbc 😊 I hope you’re enjoying Poshmark!
May 05Reply
jetgirlsgarage 👏👏👏
May 06Reply
claudlbc @lachunky7 sorry I never got back! Things for hectic! Yes, you can’t cancel after it’s been sent. :)
May 08Reply
claudlbc @tatinice Hi! I’m sorry for the delayed reply! Things got hectic for us. The way I’ve done it is for both people to reduce their price to $3. That way, posh still gets their cut. And then you both purchase each other’s Item. Of course, you have to pay shipping on top of the $3 so at this point, it ends up being more than $10 bc shipping has gotten so expensive.
May 08Reply
claudlbc @tatinice So it’s really only worth it if you’re trading something that costs more than $15-20. Otherwise, you might as well stick to the regular sale to stay extra safe.
May 08Reply
mamasthreads @claudlbc This is so helpful. Thank you for posting the info. :-)
Jun 07Reply
claudlbc @pinkrobot303 what did they tell you?
Jun 11Reply
pcshopper Just googled about trading. Have some items posted on another platform as I am new with selling/trading on Poshmark. I was thinking of trying to offer for something I see on Poshmark. I was trying hard to clean out my house during Covid as I don’t want more things I don’t need coming in. Thank You for the information.
Jun 26Reply
candycloset__ open to trading check out my closet!
Jul 22Reply
prelovedvuitton @evief this listing is a good explanation on trading
Jul 23Reply
michaeng i’ve traded before with a posh listing and it went well. i don’t recommend just shipping to each other or else you might get scammed like i did. check out my recent post if you want to know the user and details
Sep 12Reply
shortcake2k I’m really glad this is a post, I wouldn’t have any idea what trading was through poshmark. Thank you!!
Sep 16Reply
ladyjbuggi I love this comment. And I am too open to trades! Come check out my closet!(:
Sep 17Reply
queenofbrands Love this post!! Very well explained. Everybody has a different need from this platform. I am open to trades 🙌
Sep 27Reply
beckckcka_ Love the support I’ve seen on this post! I like to trade/swap, or sell and buy!
Oct 06Reply
parksandstuff @claudlbc I like using Poshmark to trade especially when I’m budgeted out for clothing and shoes and jewelry for the month. I have a beautiful closet and sell mostly designer items at reduced prices, but the problem for me is that I have difficulty finding anyone that’s willing to do it. To trade is to barter and it’s not any less significant than buying and selling. Besides, it’s tons of fun!
Oct 11Reply
parksandstuff @mskeeks I do it all the time. How else do you find out if someone is willing to trade if it’s not noted anywhere. There’s nothing wrong with the question.
Oct 11Reply
mskeeks @parksandstuff you’re tagging me in a comment I made 4/5 years ago! I don’t even know what this about anymore but ok. Lol
Oct 11Reply
mskeeks @parksandstuff you’re tagging me in a comment I made 4/5 years ago! I don’t even know what this about anymore but ok. Lol
Oct 11Reply
parksandstuff @mskeeks I believe that you’re patronizing me. In some instances, no response is the best option.
Oct 11Reply
mskeeks @parksandstuff you can think whatever you want. I’m not here to start an online fight. you’re the one that tagged me 🤷🏻‍♀️ so I should not respond? Ok. I won’t anymore 😂 best of luck to you.
Oct 11Reply
holliebrown10 @jlquinn1 It looks like we just pay for the shipping ourselves and send the leggings to each other!
Oct 12Reply
sloaneranger20 Thank you for posting this - and the work-around for keeping traders accountable within the app.
Nov 07Reply
joejoedove Hi there! Great post thank you! Do you both lower The price to three dollars and pay the full shipping while doing a trade. By hitting the buy now on each others items? Trying to learn thanks!
Dec 22Reply
lifeisgreat333 I love this. your awesome gal!!!
Jan 13Reply
authenticating Is there a way to trade without losing any money?
Feb 18Reply
mzbwaligursky77 I'm so happy to hear others feel the same way I do or can look at things with an open mind . thank you and very well said. I have had only good experiences with trading with others so im up to trade anyone as well as buy . I just would never want to afford anyone if I asked to trade with them. and I hope I didn't.
Mar 12Reply
vanessaxoxo23 So wait. How do we trade?? Trying to trade with someone right now!
Mar 27Reply
ginalynnpearson Thank you for explaining that! Definitely changed my prospective on trades! I appreciate you, your thoughts, and words 😊💕
Apr 27Reply
nwicoco1 Love this sign VERY COOL way of putting it! May the reselling / trading gods be with all of you😀😉🌸🙏💜
May 17Reply
ms_meagn I loved trading too, until today! Are you aware of any Poshers who keep track of fraudulent traders? I just got ripped off by a gal with over $300k followers 😔
May 26Reply
a_stearman I'm still a little new here but when lowering the price to $3 for a trade can I just offer that to one person using the private offer?
Jun 17Reply
anjali27789 Does anyone know how to trade?
Jul 28Reply
anjali27789 Could you tell me how?
Aug 01Reply
dreamsandseams @ladyjbuggi same ! Looking at yours now! 🖤
Aug 11Reply
shaturra @breezalar Honestly I always think about this and if you have her address which shows when the transaction happened I personally would go to the police department and make a report because you have her address and you have the messages showing that she was supposed to but I don’t know that’s just me I don’t know if it would work but maybe with scare her enough not to do it again even if the police just called her to give her a speech
Sep 04Reply
shaturra @breezalar Also it’s important to always read the reviews in the comments I always go through peoples pages and see what people say about them after they purchased
Sep 04Reply
breezalar @shaturra it was weird because we had a great conversation going so I trusted her. About a month after my above comments she finally responded saying that she mailed the leggings and she was surprised I never got them so she mailed me my leggings back to me!!! So I was happy about that, who knows if she only did that because I commented on her post advising others not to do a trade with her. But at least I got mine back 😁
Sep 04Reply
shaturra @breezalar I’m very happy to hear that I’ve never had a bad experience I only did it a few times I actually became very good friends and cut their phone numbers and none of them are my best friends but it’s a shame that we have to worry about people not being honest and I’m really happy that you got your item back I’m sure that was not a good experience for you
Sep 04Reply
missink3383 😊 this is perfectly stated. Ive been on both side of the 'trade' question. but I agree how some pale respond, and we're ALL human, & its a simply question, requiring a simple answer. Age old saying 'treat others how u want to be treated'... simple. ❤Thank you for sharing this Post. its perfectly said, w/everyone in mind
Nov 24Reply
verifieddiva I trade 🙌🏽💗
Dec 06Reply
dayannacouture thank you for that!!!!
Mar 26Reply
bnl0701 So…. I just tried to trade for the first time on Poshmark and basically my bag along with $250 had been stolen… I don’t want this to happen to anyone else… I’m super bummed! Can I post who this person was? What do I do? Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
Apr 13Reply
rclairemcaree @bnl0701 OMG ... THIS IS EXACTLY what I'm afraid of...I have a nice "stock" of hard-to-find Marc Jacobs Leather Mini Totes... enough to last me through the summer and to feed my addiction to the brand, BUT the minute I listed a pink color I was offered a LOT of trades. One of the trades happens to be for a color I don't own, but I want, and now I think I'll pass and just find it somewhere else! Thanks for this!!!
May 25Reply
moonandajira @poshgirl143 Hey! I think I am getting scammed too.. they received my item already and haven’t shipped mine and won’t respond to my messages 🥹 and it was for a really expensive item. was there anything you could do when it happened to you?
Jul 29Reply
jfukumoto @claudlbc hi there! Just found this post. Very helpful! Myself and another posher @shoppy76 are trying to do a trade. A first for the both of us. We both have the same bag but in different colors. We’ve tried to offer but the lowest we can go is $77, not $3. We need some assistance if you wouldn’t mind. Is the only we can do a trade by lowering the price??
Sep 26Reply
claudlbc @jfukumoto That’s the only way I’ve ever done it! Coordinate so you lower the price to $3 at the same time and purchase right away. Good luck!
Sep 27Reply
jfukumoto @claudlbc got it! Thanks so much! Appreciate your quick reply 😊
Sep 27Reply
krasikrasivo Trading is a scam! Poshmark became platform for scammers!
Jun 08Reply
kteposcorona @bnl0701 that's what I'm scared of! I have and LV and someone offered to trade for their LV. I'm not gonna drop the lowest price. Couldn't we both agree to sell for $500 and get both authenticated? my only downfall is that if theirs isn't I get my money back but they got a steal for mine..
Jun 29Reply
kteposcorona that's what I'm scared of! I have and LV and someone offered to trade for their LV. I'm not gonna drop the lowest price. Couldn't we both agree to sell for $500 and get both authenticated? we'd both be out the same amount.. my only downfall is that if theirs isn't authentic I get my money back but they got a steal for mine..
Jun 29Reply

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