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Updated May 23
Updated May 23

Tokidoki Unicorno Figures




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Brand new out of the box figures. I am selling them for $9 each. 2 for $15. 3 for $25. And so on. Please let me know which ones you would like and I will bundle them for you. If just purchasing one then select below in the lower box. Available: Valentino
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 2+ Bundle

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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sveva_mae1 I saw you opened a case, but yours (Neo) is on the way with extra gifts! I got 2 orders switched (I'm so sorry! I'm in the middle of a move 😬😢😱). You can even keep the others if you want! I'm taking my little sister to the Y right now but soon as I get home I'll show you the tracking!
Jun 12Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 that's alright i understand. The only thing I am concerned about is about the other person who ordered the sushi cars. I'm assuming she is expecting them
Jun 12Reply
sveva_mae1 @kmalcaraz Yeah, I guess I went a little overboard there lol, tbh I figured I'd just go out and buy the Sushi Cars myself...I've done this with one other order I messed up (thankfully this has only been my 2nd in 150 sales 😜)...but in my rush to reassure you, I didn't really think through the cost of buying enough of those to get the right 4 😁 .
Jun 13Reply
sveva_mae1 At this point the buyer hasn't actually ordered the Sushi Cars yet (I made a custom listing which hasn't been purchased yet). If she doesn't order them, you can have them, if you have any interest...if you really aren't into those, perhaps there is something else in my closet you'd like instead, and then I can send you the label to affix to the package when the SushiCars get sold? THoughts?
Jun 13Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 oh ha i see. Yeah mistake happen sometimes but it's no biggie. Well I'll accept the order once you show me the tracking number to show that the Neo one is on the way.
Jun 13Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 well the only other ones I'm really interested in would be more unicornos if you still have prisma and the pink cow one.
Jun 13Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 if it's too much trouble then I'll keep them as long as I receive my original order.
Jun 13Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 please let me know of the tracking number as soon as possible otherwise I'm going to resend back
Jun 13Reply
sveva_mae1 @kmalcaraz Here's tracking: 9405510899359263772327
Jun 13Reply
sveva_mae1 @kmalcaraz and let me know if you'd like anything from my closet instead of the sushi cars :)
Jun 13Reply
sveva_mae1 Hi there, I do have another offer for the set of Sushi Cars... So, unless you're partial to them, my suggestion would be for me to send you the shipping label, which you can 1) tape to the box and 2) set it outside your door or by your mailbox, so the mail carrier can pick it up tomorrow when they deliver your mail (I'll schedule a pickup at Then you can pick a gift from my closet for free, as an apology that it took a couple extra days then usual.
Jun 13Reply
sveva_mae1 Thoughts? Just trying to make this as painless as possible for you and hopefully get you a lil bonus 😀.
Jun 13Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 I think I can do that. How will you send me the label? Do I just replace the one with mine and put the new one on top?
Jun 13Reply
sveva_mae1 @kmalcaraz I can save it to Dropbox and paste the hyperlink to a comment here; when you click it, you should be able to open and print. (Alternatively you could give me your email but this way ensures your privacy.) And yes, you could just tape it over the existing label. If that works for you, I'll go ahead and sell the Sushi Cars to the new buyer and set this in motion.
Jun 13Reply
sveva_mae1 @kmalcaraz Also, I'm not family with the rules, but you may need to cancel the dispute so they don't expect you to send it in...I'm totally fine if you want to wait until you receive the Neo figurine, which looks to be tomorrow or Thurs, but not sure if Poshmark imposes a time limit for you to decide?
Jun 13Reply
sveva_mae1 If you too are unsure (about how to handle the dispute situation), I can contact Poshmark today and see if they respond. Let me know if you'd like me to.
Jun 13Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 okay I can do that. I'll try the Dropbox thing first and see if that works and I'll go ahead and accept the purchase
Jun 13Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 okay I tried to accept the order and now it says I can't because it's still an open case
Jun 13Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 so I don't know if I'll be able to do as you requested
Jun 13Reply
sveva_mae1 @kmalcaraz No worries - I added a note to the car saying we worked out a solution and they could check with you to confirm. Asked them to release hold on item. If you want, you might be able to add a similar note by going to you Purchases and clear clicking on Case in Review. Either way they should see that and get things in-stuck.
Jun 13Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 yeah I went my purchases and clicked on the case but so far it just says they are reviewing the case and will get back to me later.
Jun 13Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 okay I need to know if you are being honest with me. The tracking number you sent to me is not my package. It's in NJ and says it's being delivered today. Why did you say this was mine. I don't understand why this is so complicated. First you send me the wrong package and tell me my actual one is on its way and I felt it was a honest mistake and was willing to let that slide. At this point i just want my money back. This has become beyond frustrating.
Jun 14Reply
sveva_mae1 Wait what! So tracking says its being delivered in NJ and you are NOT in NJ? Is that what you are saying? I'm definitely not scamming you, I've had like 150 sales and a 4.9 rating on this site (out of 5), I will show you the screenshot of my stats, I have no reason to try and scam someone for $10 or whatever when it would hurt me more than anyone. I'm literally doing EVERYTHING I can to make this right.
Jun 14Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 no I live in California.
Jun 14Reply
sveva_mae1 These are my Posh stats. I am not a scammer, I have given away hundreds of dollars worth o free gifts.
Jun 14Reply
sveva_mae1 I absolutely hate the idea of someone opening a package they ordered from me & being like "UGH this is not what i ordered, now i need to deal with this problem" I know that would be a bummer even though PM allows returns, so I was trying to find a solution that 1) got you your order ASAP, 2) involved minimal work for you, & 3) got you an add'l free gift. If the item is not going to your place that is really distressing & frustrating & I will figure it out.
Jun 14Reply
sveva_mae1 Oh god. California. I seriously want to cry right now.
Jun 14Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 will you please do. Honestly I looked at your reviews beforehand and felt confident that you would be trustworthy and I hope thaf you still are. I'm sorry if that sounds horrible but you have to understand that this has happened before to me where another girl lied to me about sending my package and it never shipped and she wouldn't answer my chats.
Jun 14Reply
sveva_mae1 I'm going to call USPS and in the meantime see if that Neo figurine is available literally anywhere else on the internet and I will just buy it for you and do the fastest shipping I can. I'm already losing money and time on this, I feel bad about it, we're both frustrated, this is the worst. I just want the quickest solution possible. Because even if USPS *COULD* reroute it, its all the way in NJ. 😁
Jun 14Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 if you do that it would be great. I need to let you know though that I will be leaving the country for 2 weeks at the end of the month. So if you do go that route it need to reach here beforehand.
Jun 14Reply
sveva_mae1 Also if you know a place to buy Neo let me know. I can show you the screenshots of the order after I buy. Or if that isn't enough I will give you my credit card info for you to buy. I have a prepaid credit card somewhere that should work for these purposes. I guess I just want you to know that I had/have no incentive to scam you; the Neo sale would earn me like $6.40 (once Poshmark takes their fees) whereas scamming would put my whole account at risk.
Jun 14Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 I often see them on eBay or perhaps Amazon. Please I don't want to take your credit card information.
Jun 14Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 did you contact usps?
Jun 14Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 okay I'm going to be honest. I just received an email regarding if I want to cancel and return the purchase. I'm kind of tired of all this and I know you are trying your best to solve it but it's just leaving me stressed out. So give me answer on whether you called USPS to reroute the package otherwise I'm gong to cancel.
Jun 15Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 okay I'm going to be honest. I just received an email regarding if I want to cancel and return the purchase. I'm kind of tired of all this and I know you are trying your best to solve it but it's just leaving me stressed out. So give me answer on whether you called USPS to reroute the package otherwise I'm gong to cancel.
Jun 15Reply
sveva_mae1 I did call USPS. They said the address is correct but that the bar code did not match and they did not identify the discrepancy until then. The fastest thing would be to buy the Neo thing, I can do that now if you want. Let me know. I haven't been able to get online as I've been traveling for work.
Jun 15Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 it's ok. I'm just going to cancel the purchase.
Jun 15Reply
sveva_mae1 The USPS package will supposedly get to you eventually but I am concerned that given the situation something else will happen, and in any event I'll just be stressed about the whole thing til it arrives, so I'd just as soon cut my losses & buy the thing for you online and show you the receipt. Then if you get the other one you can have 2.
Jun 15Reply
sveva_mae1 But do whatever you feel you need to do! I feel I've done what I can to establish my trustworthiness & good intentions, to the point of offering for you to actually buy it yourself (sorry if that was overboard lol). Totally understand your being tired! Me too. Just trying to handle this while also fufilling my job & family obligations. Let me know what you decide & I'll either purchase it today or let the Sushi Car buyer know the cars need to be routed back to me before going to them.
Jun 15Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 I already emailed back the company that I want to cancel the purchases so please you don't have to do that. Let's just forget about it. I have to get ready for vacation soon.
Jun 15Reply
sveva_mae1 OK thats probably the best thing. If I get it back I'll send it to you free :) Enjoy your vacation!
Jun 15Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate your efforts in trying to resolve the issue. I now know that it was not your intention and hope that you have a better experience next time. :)
Jun 15Reply
sveva_mae1 Oh, good news! USPS is letting me redirect the shipment thats in NJ, so I'll get it to you for free. Can you click the link below and confirm for me that this is your address, before I do that? (I'll remove the doc from dropbox right away so this info won't be accessible to anyone in 5 min):
Jun 15Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 yep that's the one. Thank you very much.
Jun 15Reply
sveva_mae1 Yay! Crossing my fingers this works. Unless you say otherwise, maybe I'll select "signature confirmation" in case it comes while you're on vacation and no one is home, they won't just leave it there
Jun 15Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 I think it will be fine. I'm not leaving for another 2 weeks.
Jun 15Reply
sveva_mae1 Cool! This is my last email, but wanted to show you this screenshot of the USPS tracking can see the original shipping info is your address in CA! And now the redirect address I just entered is that same I don't know how the heck it would up in Jersey! *sigh*
Jun 15Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 Looks good. Again thank you so much
Jun 15Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 just wanted to let you know I dropped off the package today so hopefully it will get to you in a couple of days
Jun 20Reply
kmalcaraz @sveva_mae1 hey I don't know what's going on with USPS but it seems the package went back to New Jersey. Sadly I think it's a lost cause at this point.
Jun 21Reply
andpanda Is honeybee available?
Dec 19Reply
kmalcaraz @andpanda No unfortunately not. I've sold that one already. I only have valentino left right now. Sorry
Dec 19Reply

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Last Active: Mar 07

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