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Updated Apr 15
Updated Apr 15

Tony alamo orginal

tony alamo

$600 $2,100

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ladylovescales Upload more pictures of this jacket, 😊
May 30Reply
disappearhere want to make an offer o. This! Reach out if u can!
Jul 01Reply
alybabie12 @ckuller I have one if you're looking to purchase.
Aug 08Reply
disappearhere @alybabie12 that's awesome but I actually got lucky a month ago and got mine! And made sure it was authentic by my two TA experts. Thanks so much :) I'm still looking for a Barbie one and Paris and also the one I posted on my wall- foxy. The Barbie I want it superstar. I've see it on eBay but it wasn't the real deal and seller wanted way more than it's worth for a knockoff. Could t even list exact measurements and such. But thanks so much :) I own two at least so I'm happy!
Aug 08Reply
alybabie12 @ckuller wow I didn't even know there were fakes! I just sold my Barbie one!
Aug 08Reply
disappearhere @alybabie12 yeah I did extensive research and reached out to authentic people that sold them for a lot. Sizing came in kids, youths, and men's. Sizing could be passable for a petite man or woman depending what type. After 87 when Alamo got arrested, they still produced the jackets. But it's similar to counterfeit Louis & Chanel. You could buy tags buttons etc and for someone that isn't that familiar, could easily pass.
Aug 08Reply
alybabie12 @ckuller thanks! Ok yea mine was kids sized so it didn't fit! But thanks! I can add this to my listings and for future buying!
Aug 08Reply
disappearhere When I ran the SS Barbie to my two TAexperts, they gave me the no, saying that it was ludicrous based off of the beading/Crystal work and how it appeared from a glue gun-not authentic. They said sizing for adults didn't start until size medium, & buying Alamo buttons is super easy on eBay etsy etc. so it's very easy to find a fake for a low price. Others sell real ones low just because they don't want the association of his horrible reputation, or just don't care about the jacket.
Aug 08Reply
disappearhere @alybabie12 it will def sell real or fake since it was worn by Miley and Nikki rocked the Barbie although Nikki's even looked fake. A lot of previous owners didn't care for them and the washes would often fade differently. I'd be sure to list some sort of measure,rents length and width, and include if it has should pads and such- it's actually rad w the pads! I got the medium thinking it wouldn't be long enough but it's plenty long and Miley is probably only and inch or two shorter than me :)
Aug 08Reply
alybabie12 @ckuller thanks girl!
Aug 08Reply
alybabie12 @ckuller one last question! So does the BH one come in size small?
Aug 08Reply
disappearhere @alybabie12 no- unless it's kids, in which I believe it would be number like 5/6, 7/8. Medium was the smallest they made up until 4 xxxxL!!! Keep in mind, this was a more popular one, so it's very easy to be mistaken.
Aug 08Reply
disappearhere @alybabie12 The rarer ones did come In larger sizes as they were also technically custom made for stars- and some were much more rare and hence listed for a very high price like a circus one, or even kentucky derby. Make sure you look at buttons and see they have the TA logo. The rare ones could sell for $3500 and above, but bev hills, New York Atlanta, Las Vegas, etc, aren't so rare.
Aug 08Reply
alybabie12 @ckuller thank you so much! I'm going to check all this out! Who knew!?
Aug 08Reply
disappearhere Any more questions just ask me on my profile pic or my dogs pic. I can also try and reach out to my experts if needed! One is on Etsy and one is o. eBay but both have been Mia and the one from eBay privately sells. I scored a batman jacket one from him! It's gorgeous- Kurt cobains daughter was see. Rocking it. It's a darker wash.
Aug 08Reply
disappearhere @alybabie12 go on eBay when u get a chance and type Alamo denim or vintage tony Alamo. One of those searches will bring nuns 37 listings. U can even see some sellers listing extra TA buttons, if u look close enough unwilling see a Memphis jacket which is $3500 and a Detroit for $1000- both authentic. Look at size of Detroit- xxxl! A small Hawaii is listed or maybe st tropes - not authentic.
Aug 09Reply
hunterwoodruff More pics?
Aug 19Reply
holyclock @ckuller hey girl! You seem to knw a great deal! Im actually interested in buying the tony alamo barbie jacket, but im not sure where to start! I dont want a knock off! Do you what is a reasonable price range for it? Ur feedback is really appreciated!!
Oct 04Reply
disappearhere @holyclock thanks for the TA love. I'm so obsessed ever since I randomly came across the bev bills one by mistake on eBay like in March? Anyways first off which Barbie one are u into? I've seen a few listings for the old school retro Barbie on eBay recently but that's my least fav (to each it's own), superstar is my fav and beach Barbie second. Let me more details and I'll give u a price range and maybe some leads....
Oct 04Reply
disappearhere @holyclock I got a lead for you on the retro Barbie beach jacket. Holler at me when u can...I'll know more info tomorrow.
Oct 05Reply
holyclock @ckuller ok wow ur awesome!! Please update me!!
Oct 05Reply
holyclock @ckuller no seriously u knw so much!! Ur amazing! Im into superstar as well! They remind of my crazy and fun childhood i suppose..used to love barbie dolls so much! Was obssessed!
Oct 05Reply
disappearhere @holyclock girl don't get me started. I developed a little Barbie collection starting late spring including 3 vintage Barbie plush dogs nib and 2 Barbie Porsches vintage nib (I spent a ridiculous amount for thre two $170/5 for the two but actually is a super deal as many list them for even more!
Oct 05Reply
disappearhere @holyclock . I want the white Ferrari nib but won't spend more than $130 tops. I reached out to three sellers that have Barbie jackets but they are the retro (50s60s) Barbie. Beach Barbie is available but I won't even lead u to that as the buttons aren't TA and there's no TA LABEL.
Oct 05Reply
disappearhere @holyclock too sketchy. Selling high because people have money to burn and don't know enough about the beading, as u read above many were replicated after he was in jail and used glue guns. Very easy also to fake it w adding Ta buttons as others could w a LV bag. If u wanna fb me u are welcome to, Candace Kuller (same pic). We can msg eachother there and I can show u what I found and what I'm waiting to hear back from as I was curt w the sellers about leaving info out. Barbie girls for life :)
Oct 05Reply
holyclock @ckuller yeahh I dont wanna get scammed especially when its soo pricy! A superstar or a barbie beach are both great! Im sooo excited!! Thank you so much for helping out! I truly appreciate it and definately ill search for u on FB so we can inbox details!! Ur a doll!!
Oct 05Reply
disappearhere @holyclock I mite skip gym, or at least for an hour. Holler at me preferably before 9:10, otherwise I'll holler at u after the gym or if I don't go. I wrote u fb Msgs involving TA.
Oct 06Reply
loveglenda @ckuller hello I was wondering if by any chance you can help me find an Alamo Barbie or Beverly Hills jacket. I see that you can a lot of knowledge in this area. I wouldn't mind working out some kind if finders fee.
Jun 14Reply
disappearhere @loveglenda hey love, I can def help you find a bev hills one as those are more easy to come across. I'm still on the hunt for an authentic Barbie one, and there were three or four he did, and in,any be able to find the ones I am not a fan of, it has the old school Barbie cursef as opposed to the 80s Barbie script & Barbie image itself (1950s vs 80s Barbie)
Jun 15Reply
disappearhere @loveglenda but you should also know there are quite a few others that are pretty rad. I own the bev hills and actually haven't even worn mine yet and had it for almost a year! I own a batman one which is also more common to find but authentic and I have had a handful of uses on that and 25 compliments, so if you are open to other TA designs I could help you too, the batman is super rad. I prefer it to the bev hills!
Jun 15Reply
loveglenda Ok.. I really haven't checked out other designs besides the 2 that I mentioned. But I am open to checking them out. Let me know if you want my info so I can send you my email
Jun 15Reply
loveglenda I would love either of the 2 I mentioned but I might be open to another design. Please let me know what you find @ckuller
Jun 15Reply
disappearhere @loveglenda ok I may have a.ready found a bev hills one but also found a batman one (same as mine) and several others from the first buyer I bought from who specializes in TA (he sold me my batman one) there are some really gorgeous ones that are random, pricey. Please let me know your price range and other info so I can further help.
Jun 16Reply
loveglenda Ok great. I would like to spend under $1,000 if it's possible. Preferably in a M or Large.. You can send me pics at my e mail. jessica.stewart99 at yho
Jun 16Reply
loveglenda Ok great. I would like to spend under $1,000 if possible. Preferably in a M or Large.. We can talk more and send pics through my e mail.. Jessica.stewart99 at yho @ckuller
Jun 16Reply
disappearhere @loveglenda ok I'll email now so it's easier. Y a h o o? And is there a . Between name?
Jun 16Reply
loveglenda Yes at Y A H O O and yes there is a . Between name
Jun 16Reply
loveglenda Yes at Y A H O O and yes there is a . Between name @ckuller
Jun 16Reply
disappearhere @loveglenda sent check ur mailbox!
Jun 16Reply
loveglenda No I still haven't received anything. That's Jessica.stewart99 Y A H O O @ckuller
Jun 16Reply
disappearhere Oh I'm an idiot forgot to include 99, check it now!
Jun 16Reply
disappearhere @loveglenda blew you up like whoa!! I sent you some amazing ones I am getting the TA fever!
Jun 16Reply
disappearhere @loveglenda hey check your msg I just wrote u a real detailed response about the two, and compared to my own.
Jun 16Reply
disappearhere @inksideout ta jackets run large to begin with. They start around a medium and can run to xxxl (those are more rare). They made jackets for children too and tweets but most common ones are between medium to xl. I think the two I own are a medium and a large and I'm quite slender but tallish, depending on your height you might not need an xl. The thing to beware of is authentic, there are lots of fakes.
Jul 31Reply
disappearhere @inksideout if you scroll above and read my previous posts, after tony Alamo was convicted and in jail people still went on to make his jackets. Think of a really good fake Chanel or Louis Vuitton that looks almost identical but it's not. People did this with ta buttons and the beading/stones were gluegunned and not made by the children he once hired to do manual labor on the jackets (he had a cult making his jackets- many kids since their hands were perfec for the smaller stones to attach ).
Jul 31Reply
disappearhere @inksideout I do t know this isn't my listing. But when I was I think first interested I tried reaching out and no response. So I don't know if the selller is just Mia or whatever. But good luck!
Jul 31Reply
disappearhere @inksideout e b a y always has them constantly listed but if you are an expert you just have to make sure that it's Legit. Obviously when someone posts just one pic like this it's a bit odd, when they don't show the label/size that's vague & sketch. Shots should be clear & detailed. I just want one of two Barbie ones I'm into along w some real rare ones that were only made in limited amounts. U should keep alerts on e b a y cause they notify me every day with new listings.
Jul 31Reply
disappearhere @inksideout yeah I know I love that one. Almost as much as the bev hills one, I still haven't worn mine cause it's a light wash, unlike the Batman one I have which is much more versatile. The Kentucky derby is gorgeous and that seller is legit.
Aug 01Reply
kimbojacket @ckuller I have a rare one that you probably never saw or heard of. It's called wheels and it has 3 motorcycles on the back.
Sep 12Reply
disappearhere @kimbojacket I have seen that one it's pretty rad! But the ones I have my eye on are foxy with the fox, which I missed out on last year, there's a really awesome one with bears (not Chicago bears but just bears), as well as one that was made for the glam metal band Cinderella. I love the Kentucky derby one too but would rather hold out for one of the ones on my top list.
Sep 12Reply
disappearhere @loveglenda hey I wrote you about a week ago about a TA you were looking for that seemed like the real deal....just wanted to throw that out in case it's still Available!
Sep 12Reply
disappearhere @mandileeandjoey I am well aware of that have mentioned that in another post if not this. I do not condone it but I am also not going to say his jackets were awful because of that, as that is two different things. For the record this isn't even my listing, I wasnt even born yet when the jackets were being made, I only discovered his work randomly when a pic of Miley Cyrus wore this exact jacket. The person who has listed this jacket has been MIA if you actually read the entire thread.
Sep 20Reply
designeritems @inksideout you have interest
Sep 20Reply
designeritems @mandileeandjoey when we purchased the jackets he was not convicted yet. We do have compassion for the human race especially children. I am not convinced. We paid a lot more money than asking price. It is still a beautiful jacket. Tony Alamo got what was coming to him !
Sep 20Reply
disappearhere @mandileeandjoey if you scroll above I am well aware. It is an awful thing, as he did far more- he was a sick & twisted man- what he did was wrong. However, I am not going to deny that despite his unethical behavior, I believe his jackets are masterpieces of art & he was a talented genius in that regard. Many are unaware of his background, but it's unfair to say that he's the only one ever using children as slave workers, as that continues to happen to this day.
Sep 20Reply
officialmi @designeritems is this jacket and the florida in xl still available?
Oct 30Reply
missdaisy224 @ckuller hello! How can I tell if a jacket is authentic?
Mar 15Reply
vanessaallen903 Yes this jacket is cool but... These clothes were made by SLAVE LABOR by cult members here in the USA. Tony Alamo died in prison serving out numerous sentences for having SEX WITH THE CHILD SLAVES THAT MADE THESE JACKETS. They should all be burned. Gross and shameful. Look it up.
Aug 16Reply
booboobearsmom @vanessaallen903 I have Jewish friends driving Mercedes
Sep 23Reply
mcusick39 Do you have more photos of this jacket?
Jan 24Reply
agermano67 Could you upload additional pictures . Very interested thanks
Apr 25Reply
cqvelez What is your best price
Jul 04Reply
cindycollins789 Hi can you tell me if any To y Alamo jackets were sold new with holes in them
Feb 21Reply
findlaurie Can I please see additional pics of this jacket
Jul 25Reply
gypsyeyes19 anymore pics of this?
Oct 24Reply
Jan 09Reply
marissarret @disappearhere I’m looking for the Batman jackets as well! So much good content in this post thread about authenticity I love it! Can you help a girl out to get her hands on a Batman jacket? I have 4 TA jackets and still adding to the collection.
Jul 14Reply
Sep 17Reply
ketajames1105 @alybabie12 what size and how much?
Dec 23Reply

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