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Updated Aug 04
Updated Aug 04

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bre5743 @posh38handmade This is a good idea, it would be nice if we had access to see what others shipping rate is before purchasing from them. Happy to see your outstanding rates. Welcome to Poshmark 🎉🎈🎉
Aug 01Reply
posh38handmade @bre5743 I know ! Too bad they don't show feedback for the public... You would think that's the whole point, for other buyers! Thanks so much for helping me share! I will be sharing your closet on a regular basis :).
Aug 01Reply
bre5743 @posh38handmade Oh I know that's right! I've had to send so many things back that weren't as described and I've gotten stuck with things people lied about to get a sale. Trust me, I need sales just as bad as the next person does but I'm not going to lie or deceive people to get them. I also try to help the people on Poshmark by buying something I need from them instead of just going to the store and buying it. At the beginning of the week I purchased a pair of Teva Sandals from a young lady, I politely ask her how quick she could mail them and she told me she could mail them Tuesday on her lunch break. I contact her on Wednesday because I never got a tracking confirmation from Poshmark and she gets mouthy with me. Needless to say I needed them by today so I already went out and bought a new pair and I called the PO yesterday and there's no record of them being dropped off at any PO. I don't understand why people do that? I even told her she could go to USPS.Com and schedule a pick up and the mail carrier would pick them up at her house. I'm disabled and in pain 24/7 and have an excellent shipping rate thanks to my mailman. It's just really frustrating.
Aug 01Reply
posh38handmade @bre5743 I can totally relate. I had bought a t-shirt on here and the girl says she will ship the next day... She even printed the label, and I never heard from her again, so I cancelled my sale! I contacted her multiple times with no response. If you're gonna sell items, you need to follow through! I've also seen where people will lie and say something is by an authentic designer and it turns out to be fake. I can't stand liars and people who take advantage of others. I can also relate to you as being in pain and disabled with a chronic illness. It's tough being trapped at home 24/7 on pain killers. I was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis at 25 years old; I barely drank any alcohol in my life, which is one of the main causes. I'm glad I met you, because I feel it's good to talk to people in the same situation to know you're not alone!
Aug 01Reply
bre5743 @posh38handmade Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. We were in a bad Automobile accident that damaged a bunch of disks in my Lumbar Spine, I still had stitches in my neck from having 4 fused from getting hit and totaled in 2001 that herniated the 4 disks in my neck but I was managing that without having surgery until one day in Oct 07 I was helping my husband put the lawn mower in the back of his truck because every Sunday afternoon we went and mowed 4 Elderly ladies lawns for them. I wasn't over far enough away from the tire well and the Jerk with the hot head jerked the lawn mower and whipped my neck backwards and caused me to have to have surgery right away. That surgery went very well. The Lumbar surgery was a complete blotch job and he damaged nerves that cannot be repaired, he cut the muscles to my bladder which caused it to prolapse and my cobra insurance had ran out by the time it completely come out and I had to wait 3 years to get my disability so as soon as I got it that was the first thing I went to get checked and what a mess! My bladder had pulled my bowel and uterus out with it so I had another major surgery, had to have a vaginal hysterectomy, my bowel and bladder sewn back into place and reconstructive surgery to the vaginal walls. I never even had a chance to completely recover from all the blood loss there and had to have my teeth pulled and dentures put in right on the bloody gums. The top ones I lost so much blood I could not walk by myself for a week but the bottoms went great. Then I went back and had the bottoms implanted so now I'm in the total healing process from the last surgery and dental work but unless The Lord grants me a miracle I'm stuck with the damaged nerves. And they are the L3,4,5 and S1 so sitting flat on a chair is not an option for me. And arthritis all over my body from all this but you know I am Thankful that I am still alive and I have my kids and grandkids that love me very much and they are what keeps me going. I'll be sending up prayers for you praying your pain eases up and is more tolerable. 🙏
Aug 01Reply
posh38handmade @bre5743 Oh my gosh! Bless your heart! You've really been through it! I'm so sorry! I can't even imagine the pain you go through! The back is such a sensitive area and once it's messed with, it's permanent. It sounds like you have a great support system, and thank God for that! I had made a friend with a girl in a pancreatitis support group. We spoke on the phone several times. She was always positive, and had this major reconstructive surgery with her pancreas that was fairly new and a last resort. A few months later, she was still having pain, but I don't feel she gave it enough time to heal. She ended up committing suicide and it tore my heart out. I actually had written her an email the morning she killed herself talking about depression. I don't know if she ever read it, but when her sister told me she passed, I honestly thought it was from complications from her surgery; I never even considered she had taken her own life. She had it rough.. she lived alone and was going through bankruptcy and couldn't work. She was only 35. Psychiatrist told her she was crazy and it was all in her head; her hair started falling out due to stress. She had to be past her breaking point, because she ordered one of those assisted suicide kits. I just hope she went peacefully! I will pray for you too. Thank God, mine has become manageable where it comes and goes and I'm no longer on pain killers 24/7. When it hits, it hits hard! I just got off all of my meds and I felt so much clarity in my mind and felt better physically. Doctors just really anger me! They would tell me my pain was in my head, and there was nothing wrong with me. I was so relieved when it FINALLY showed up in the MRI! I had some procedures done with a pancreatic doctor out of town; he's a fantastic doctor! That got me on the path for healing. I was awarded disability from the state for being so underweight. It's hard mentally to be in pain, which in turn causes depression. It's a nasty cycle! I pray for you and your family for their fantastic support! Did the girl ever ship your sandals? That's horrible she got all mouthy at you. I had someone get mad at me recently because I took her item off hold and someone else bought her item. She was so lazy, she told me the day she was going to pay that she was in pain and would pay the next day. Then she told me she would pay after work. Apparently, she didn't want the item bad enough or she would have had time to pay! I wasn't going to play games with her so I told her I was no longer holding this item because she didn't follow through the first time. It was now a free for all. She told me it wasn't very nice I wouldn't hold her item and gave the next person a better discount. Sorry, I don't trust people after they don't follow through the first time.
Aug 01Reply
bre5743 @posh38handmade I'm so sorry to hear that, I cannot say at first the thought crossed my mind but I learned fast how to deal with my pain. What I can and cannot do. I'm glad your off the pain meds, I so wish I could be but I tried and the pain was so terrible I could not bare it but I'm one 4 meds and 1 is for my Thyroid. They've tried to up the mg on them and I refused. Please tell me this person that had you holding items wasn't dreamer2801? Or something like that? I don't do holds at all for anyone anymore because of that reason. If you can't afford a $10 item then you have no business shopping. Well today is my To do day so by the time I'm done I'm going to be worthless the rest of the day so I won't be on much, getting ready to head out now. Have a blessed day and if you ever need to talk you know where to find me. 😘❤️
Aug 01Reply
posh38handmade @bre5743 Ironically, the girl's name that I put an item on hold for was called couchpotato haha. That says it all right there! Feel free to chat anyone as well! Xo
Aug 01Reply
posh38handmade @bre5743 I meant to write chat with me anytime!! Stupid autocorrect on my phone!!
Aug 01Reply
bre5743 @posh38handmade yes, that name fits her well and I'm sorry to laugh but I have literally almost thrown my phone in the pool. Every time I go to type have it spells out HSVD in caps just as you see it. I am constantly backing up and changing it and sometimes 4 times b4 it will stay right. It's truly enough to make a Preacher cuss. If I ever get the chance to buy another phone it will not be an Iphone, I have a brand new Iphone5 16gb that I paid full price for and kept getting a message "Out of Space" so I went and bought the 32gb only to find out about a month and a half after that all I needed to do was turn off iCloud. My Husband doesn't want that one, he wants the IPhone6. So that's over a $700 waste laying in the spare bedroom 😏. I can only upgrade every 2 years since his name is first on the contract and he's been due for an upgrade almost 7 months now and his HTC EVO 4G 3D just keeps on going lol.
Aug 01Reply

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