Vasque Utility Boots!
$15 $777
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- Very nice boots that are SOLID!
- They are stylish too!
- Very durable and with proper care they will last a very long time!
- They are clean with no smells, stains, or damage!
-- One shoe lace is a bit frayed.
- Please note that these awesome boots are pre-loved. While they look great and like with anything else - they are not perfect. If you are seeking perfection please shop some of the awesome Poshmark Boutiques or items that are new with tags. There is some gorgeous stuff on the platform.
- Thank you for looking and be blessed!
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1 Comment
are you able to post a photo of the inside liners of the boots to show they are still in good shape inside? and do they labels say what country they were made in? thank you!
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