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Counterfeit makeup is bad...counterfeit lash enhancement serums ARE DANGEROUS!! LiLash can now be sold in the U.S. again but ONLY through or authorized sellers like lilash*store on eBay(less expensive). Pic 6 and 7 are from the website and talk about these counterfeiters! I have purchased bad LiLash on here years ago! PLEASE SHARE TO SPREAD THE WORD!!
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chickykat I used LiLash for 2 yrs before the co was sued by LATISE for patent infringement and could no longer be sold in the US. (It took 3 mos of continued use and my lashes started popping out all over., and eventually reached my eyebrows!!)That's when counterfeits started popping up. After getting ahold of one of those I was devastated because we couldn't get it here for a while. My lashes fell out! I tried many brands. Results were upsetting.
Jan 20Reply
chickykat Then I got the email of the orig company off my old box that I still kept around. I contacted them and asked how to get it. You will find their email back to me in the lower right corner of the 3rd pic up above🖕🏼I chatted with the seller on eBay at a site called LiLash*store. They told me that this way the only way around getting it sold in the US.
Jan 20Reply
chickykat SO LADIES...BEWARE!! If sellers are claiming it is authentic and it does not look like my pics, it may be, but it is old and expired or counterfeit and they just don't know! If it is made in China, it is counterfeit. Who wants to take a chance on something that will seep into your eyes?? Never again!!!
Jan 20Reply
chickykat @runwayposh thank you for spreading the word!!
Jan 20Reply
chickykat @glamchop Hi. I saw at one time you were looking at another LiLash listing. Please check this out including my comments above.
Jan 31Reply
chickykat @glamchop Please, PLEASE read this and read through my comments as well before you make the mistake of purchasing through any seller on here!!! I don't know if these ladies just don't know what they have purchased and are selling is counterfeit or what but after getting ahold of the bad stuff that does not work I did my research!!!
Jan 31Reply
glamchop Which is totally lame because latisse sucks!!! It was the worst and made hair grow on my cheeks- lilash works awesome and was was superior ... Dummies I hate latisse
Jan 31Reply
chickykat You can purchase LiLash on eBay but you have to buy it from one ONE DEALER!! It's lilash*store. That is the only way the manufacturer can sell it in the US!
Jan 31Reply
chickykat @glamchop So look for LiLash*store on eBay. That is where the manufacturer told me to get it so I bought there and after a weeks use I could tell it was the real deal. It has a unique feeling on your eyes and you just know! I used it for about 2 .5 yrs before they had to stop selling it.
Jan 31Reply
chickykat @solanye123 this is the listing I want your friend to read plus my comments on here as well
Feb 03Reply
victoriyal OMG!!! I just read all your comments on solanye123's page. wow!!! Ordered something from her and right away she tells me that she's busy. So I go and ready the comments to all her SOLD items and she is HIGHLY notorious for cancellations, delayed shipping, miscommunication, and just POOR service. Told her to cancel my order with half the hour. I'm sorry you had to go through that headache, I got one myself just from reading most of the comments.
Apr 12Reply
chickykat @victoriyal OH. MY. LORD. THANK YOU. SOOO MUCH FOR SAYING THAT!!! I was SOO frustrated in that it was HOURS of conversing and REPEATING myself!! At first I thought it was a language barrier, but I'm pretty sure by the end she understood that she was about to sell me the only one that was not expired or a fake!! I mean, you could understand what I was saying, right?? She just clued in and decided to keep it for herself!! But WOW!! Not good!
Apr 13Reply
victoriyal I think it may be a bit of a language barrier but most of all it's a lack of shame! I'm a first generation Ukrainian and a lot of my family members have a language barrier but they're reasonable people non the less. If they don't understand something they will make certain to figure it out one way or the other.
Apr 13Reply
victoriyal I couldn't agree more with you that she realized that she had the last authentic product and decided to keep it for herself. Poor POOR customer service. I wish Poshmark would crack down on sellers like her a LOT harder.
Apr 13Reply
chickykat Well it is awful that someone doesn't follow through with a sale, that's for darn sure and if she has done it more than twice, then PM SHOULD put a stop to it!! When she first said she was busy I thought how hard is it to drop something the size of a mascara in the mail?? In ANY mailbox, anyWHERE!!!!
Apr 13Reply
chickykat And I agree with you, and kudos to you and your family for living in America and learning the language!! Haha! I thought she was Asian with the badly broken English, but Latino?? Come ON!!! :
Apr 13Reply
chickykat @victoriyal I'm sorry Victoriya, last two comments are for you, and...I do have some of this AUTHENTIC product if you need any!! Haha
Apr 13Reply
victoriyal Lol right?? It's the least we can do, is learn to communicate here. I will definite let you know if I need some, thank you 😊
Apr 13Reply
victoriyal Definitely
Apr 13Reply
mjh2323 Are you selling any of these?
May 24Reply
chickykat @mjh2323 Hi MJ. Thanks for inquiring! As you see I have done my research!! I wasn't listing any to sell but I do happen to have an extra 6 month tube I could let go for $100. It is sold for $109 on eBay. Let me know and I will make a listing and can probably get it out today. Or I can sell it on another site for 90 and shipping is only $4.
May 24Reply
chickykat @mjh2323 Were you interested in a partial trade at all?? Id love it if you would consider trading your Lauren (HOBO)wallet?? I'd let you have more for it than your asking price, of course.
May 24Reply
mjh2323 partial trade would be awesome!! did you see anything else you liked too? since I don't have a ton of cash right now have you ever tried babe lash? I had a friend tell me about that she loves it
May 24Reply
chickykat @mjh2323 You know, when LiLash was taken off the market our local beauty supply store switched to Babelash and so that's what I went to. I used two tubes over 9 months and all my long lashes fell out! :( I never really saw any length from Babelash maybe a little new growth. I'm not saying it caused my lashes to fall out, I think just by ending the LiLash they left me!!! I spent 3 years trying to find something comparable.
May 24Reply
chickykat @mjh2323 Lash Pump was probably the closest I could find. It was great for new growth but nothing has the length like this product. My lashes are super fine so they are nearly blonde on the ends. When I put a very light coat of mascara on they nearly touch my eyebrows!!
May 24Reply
chickykat @mjh2323 I have a tube of it that I could trade or list as well. Let me look through your closet again.
May 24Reply
mjh2323 Sounds great keep me posted :) I just got rid of extensions in fear of lashes falling out and wanted to try latise but heard some scary stories about it
May 24Reply
chickykat @mjh2323 LATISE does have bad side effects. Turns irises brown, scars your upper lid. You know that is why LiLash can't sell in US anymore is because they were so close to LATISE's ingredients WITHOUT the bad side effects so they were sued for copywrite infringement!
May 24Reply
mjh2323 oh sooo lame! well I am super happy I found your post!! :)
May 24Reply
chickykat @mjh2323 I'm always happy to educate!! It's terribly sad that we have to worry about such things!! You wouldn't happen to have any Coach wallets or crossbody or lightweight totes you might be done with??
May 24Reply
chickykat @mjh2323 Did you see my comment on you bright jacket in your closet that I left yesterday??
May 25Reply
kennedipennel Hi I bought LiLash the other day from someone and it looks exactly like yours but it doesn’t have the codependent the bottom or the hologram in the box. But everything else looks exactly the same. I can’t afford to buy it off the actual website and idk if it’s real or not. Has all the same ingredients as the one off the real website. What do I do?
Oct 25Reply
chickykat @kennedipennel Hi there! I hate to say it but if it doesn’t have the hologram on it then it probably is not authentic or it has expired. The people that make counterfeits are lying about the product from all aspects so of course it will have the same ingredients listed as authentic. The only thing that I can suggest now that you have already purchased it is to either return it and keep saving to make sure you are getting authentic OR use and see if you get results.
Oct 25Reply
chickykat I have used a tube of the fake and it didn’t hurt me. It just didn’t do anything to my lashes and so I knew it was not real. That’s when I emailed LiLash and found out about counterfeits.
Oct 25Reply
kennedipennel @chickykat should I just try it and then if it starts to bug me just stop using? I do use castor oil as well. To help condition my lashes. So hopefully this helps from any side affects. Thank you!
Oct 25Reply
chickykat @kennedipennel @kennedipennel That is up to you on whether or not you want to try it. Like I said, the fake product I used didn’t hurt me AT ALL. It just plain didn’t work and I used it a full four months. I had zero side affects just no growth. Then when I got a tube of the real stuff I knew immediately. It was thicker, smelled different, and had the familiar feel as what I was used to. I can’t recommend using it if it didn’t come from the one seller I mentioned tho.
Oct 25Reply
chickykat @kennedipennel it’s a real problem because most folks selling it have no idea it is fake.
Oct 25Reply
michaelazastera Hi. If the lilash has the hologram should it be egit?
Jan 03Reply
michaelazastera Wonder if the hologram can be faked?
Jan 03Reply
chickykat @michaelazastera I would say by now it sure could! So I will only buy from lilash*store from now on on the site I mentioned!
Jan 03Reply
michaelazastera I contacted lilash on their Web site and sent them the photo provided by the seller. They said it looked legit and as of now they have not seen their hologram copied. But I realize it's still a risk.
Jan 04Reply
chickykat @michaelazastera oh good! How much are they asking?
Jan 04Reply
michaelazastera It's really cheap so that's why I'm not having my hopes up. $20 for 2oz (the smaller one).
Jan 04Reply
michaelazastera At least it's not gonna hurt too much if it's a fake. I can't afford to pay $120 now. I've had a fake before. All it did was that it didn't work.
Jan 04Reply
chickykat @michaelazastera that’s exactly right. I don’t think they are out to cause harm to anything but your pocketbook! Have you had the real lilash before? When you pull the wand out run across both eye lids before you return it to the tube. It will last you nearly double! Do not throw away if lashes start to shed! They naturally do that every 3-4 mos! Use the product until it’s gone!
Jan 04Reply
chickykat @michaelazastera I just updated the 2017 hologram! I purchased this Black Friday($50 off!) but they call this their 2017 hologram
Jan 04Reply
michaelazastera It doesn't look like this one. It looks like the old one. But I'd think that the lilash people are my best bet to recognize their product from a fake. I have had the real thing and the results were amazing. Did you get the $50 off from the legit ebay seller? That's a good deal. I'll have to watch for it.
Jan 04Reply
chickykat @michaelazastera yes! When you purchase from them multiple times I guess you are on their email list! Lol. I don’t get emails except for sales. I will try to remember to let you in when I get notifications. I think they offered $25 off the demi as well
Jan 04Reply
michaelazastera That would be great! Thank you so much! I'll let you know if the one I ordered was real or fake:) If I ever get it:p
Jan 04Reply
chickykat @dhcrossland4 it should look like pic 2. ☺️
Feb 21Reply

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