Welcome to My Closet 😇😇
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Hi! I'm Samantha. Some of my favorite brands are Nike, Calvin Klein, and Forever 21. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
Recently my house was flooded and any profits I make on this app will go towards getting back the things that my family had to throw away.

10 others
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Welcome to Posh!! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! This is such a great community and I wish you so much success using this app! 🤗🤗🤗
Aug 17Reply

🌷😄👕👔👚👗🎽👖👘👙💼Welcome to Poshmark💼👜👝👛👓🎀🌂💄🌷😄
Aug 17Reply

@jdrukker10 thank you so much for the warm welcome :) feel free to send any suggestions my way!
Aug 17Reply

@samantha_yaeger no problem!! I definitely recommend following and sharing and participating in parties, especially the last one of the day, it’s the most popular. 🤗🤗
Aug 17Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Aug 21Reply

@spreadlove hey Melissa! I’ll definitely give your closet a look!!
Aug 21Reply

Welcome to Poshmark❣️ I wish you much success ❣️🤗💐❤️
Aug 22Reply

✨✨Hello ! 🤗 Sending out positive vibes! Peace & Love ✨Happy Poshing ✨✨
Aug 26Reply

How bad was the flood by you? So many areas had such horrendous flooding.
Aug 29Reply

@medley2010 It was pretty bad over here! Not nearly as destroyed as Cross Plains and Black Earth area, but downtown Madison is still underwater since it's an isthmus. My basement is all cleared out thankfully, but we lost a lot of large appliances :( I'm hoping that your family and friends are all safe during this crazy weather!!
Aug 30Reply

@samantha_yaeger i was just in downtown Madison earlier today. It was still bad. Im ok. I live far enough out. My mother lives by the Tenney Dam and so far so good.
Aug 30Reply

@raccoonsam9 Sam, thank you so much for accepting my offer. Getting this for my daughter. She loves Nightmare on Elmstreet🌸🌺🌻Can’t wait to give it to her.😁🙏
Sep 22Reply

@mandyberlin54 Omg! Yay! I'm so happy I can help other fellow horror-lovers! I'm sure she'll love it, it's honestly such a cool shirt design-wise! Be sure to let me know what she thinks :) Thanks for purchasing!
Sep 22Reply

I’m so sorry to hear about your house flooding!!!🙁 good luck selling EVERYTHING. I’ll share all your items.❤️
Sep 22Reply

@groubal thank you so much! I’ll definitely do the same for you 💜
Sep 22Reply

@raccoonsam9 thank you! And your dog is so adorable!!! I love shepherds and shepherd mixes!!
Sep 22Reply

Sep 24Reply

Nice store thanks for sharing 🤗
Sep 24Reply

@cadillac30 thank you! same right back at ya :)
Sep 24Reply

Happy Poshing! Please feel free to visit my closet! 🐥
Sep 25Reply

Congrats 😌
Sep 25Reply

okay. so. i am now following you bc of your name raccoon.lol! i rescue and rehab injured & abandoned raccoons-sooo i MUST know how you came up with your name! :)
Sep 25Reply

@iamlulu Oh my goodness that sounds like the dream job! I have always been obsessed with raccoons since I can remember. My family always gets me raccoon themed gifts for my birthdays/holidays. I am absolutely obsessed with them and how misunderstood they are. I've always wanted to raise one, but I feel like there may be ethical issues with that. That's so cool that you rescue and rehab these precious animals! Thank you for the follow :)
Sep 25Reply

@raccoonsam9 they are AMAZING souls! you can help them,as well! contact your local wildlife control and they can hook you up with classes/courses so you can get licensed to rescue and rehab.if keeping them until ready for release isn't an option,they can at least put you on e.r. call list to go rescue babies and foster until permanent rescue arrives.you won't regret it!
Sep 25Reply

Congrats on winning the make a deal day!
Sep 25Reply

@iamlulu wow! thank you so much for the advice. I'll definitely be looking into it!
Sep 25Reply

Hey Samantha! CONGRATULATIONS! I happened to notice you were one of the hourly winners in the LET'S MAKE A DEAL DAYS drawing!!! Woohoo!
Sep 25Reply

Hey pretty Posher 🌻 Congrats on your win! What a way to start your week! If you’re a designer fien like myself, check out my closet for a special discount offer for you. Let’s poah! 👛💋💕
Sep 25Reply

Congrats on winning!!! Yay!!!! So totally awesome!!! Wish I had some spending money right now....would do SO much damage here....lol! And I absolutely can't believe your name - my daughter's name is Sam, too....and she LOVES raccoons and I always buy her raccoon things! I'll send her a pix & tell her I found her "clan"....lol! Take care....and I'll like your items & will share them a LOT a LOT a LOT! ~xo, Coco
Sep 25Reply

@guavamoon woah! That’s a crazy coincidence that’s for sure! Thank you for all the shares so far, I appreciate the love and I’m trying to do the same for your closet! I’m always always always willing to negotiate down in pricing to help out those who want the clothing because it’s either this or goodwill so I’m not looking to make huge profits on this app, just hoping to help other shoppers find what they may need/like! Thanks again for commenting! I’ll keep an eye out for your closet :)
Sep 25Reply

@groubal thank you so much :) it means a lot!!! Excited to spend the winnings on other poshers closets 😍
Sep 25Reply

@raccoonsam9 that’s awesome!! Hope you find some great stuff!😊❤️
Sep 25Reply

Congratulations on winning make a deal days 🎉
Sep 25Reply

Happy Poshing! Have a great week! 🐾🐾
Sep 25Reply

@raccoonsam9 congrats on winning!!!
Sep 25Reply

Congratulations on your big win 🥂🍾💞💞
Sep 26Reply

Thank you for sharing all my items. I am really thankful that you’d take your time to do that. Your consideration and your support means a lot to me!! 😘
Oct 04Reply

I have a fur baby that looks very very similar to your fur baby,he is Bassett and rotti
Oct 04Reply

@farrahfatale of course! thank you for returning the favor! anything to help out a fellow posher!! :)
Oct 04Reply

@mmposhplace awww he sounds absolutely adorable! I wish that there was a way to share pictures on here because I'd love to see your dog!!!!
Oct 04Reply

@raccoonsam9 You’re very thoughtful and generous. Thank you! 🤩
Oct 04Reply

@raccoonsam9 I know he looks very much like your baby but shorter legs
Oct 04Reply
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