Welcome to my closet!
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Hi! I’m Linda of Lila’s Lovely Things! I am also a Posh Ambassador II ! Some of my favorite brands are kate spade, Michael Kors, Tory Burch, J Crew, Ralph Lauren, Vineyard Vines, Lilly Pulitzer and Chicos. I love shopping for fun, fabulous items for women, men, children and the home. Styling, accessorizing and bringing joy to my buyers is my passion! Thank you for stopping by - check back often as I am always adding new items to my closet. Feel free to comment so that I can check out your closet too! Happy Poshing!

31 others
like this

Hi, thanks for the share! Best wishes to you!
Jan 18Reply

hi am interested in black Vince camuto handbag but it's no longer in ur listing.
Sep 28Reply

u have beautiful closet though
Sep 28Reply

@damadi864 Hi - Thank you- I took the Vince Camuto handbag down because my daughter wants to look at it…if she doesn’t end up wanting it I will relist!
Sep 28Reply

@llaird56 ok
Sep 28Reply

@damadi864 Hi - My daughter has enough black bags - lol so I just relisted the Vince Camuto bag!
Sep 29Reply

@damadi864 Hi - I saw your offer but I’m away on vacation and can’t make a transact ion while I’m away- I’ll be back on Monday 10/11 if you want to purchase it then - thanks!
Oct 02Reply

ok let me know when u are back. enjoy ur vacation.
Oct 02Reply

@damadi864 Thank you!
Oct 02Reply

Hello! I have a variety of brands and sizes that you may like. Also, items that are marked are 4/$15. Please feel free to check out my closet! Thanks! 😊
Oct 25Reply

Hi @llaird56 , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Oct 28Reply

Hi! Lila welcome to Poshmark and thanks for following our closet..CLOSET CLEAN OUT SALE BUY 2 ITEMS GET 1 FREE LESSER AMOUNT MAX VALUE $20.00 Please read inside posting.. Have a great day 🌻
Oct 29Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Oct 31Reply

@llaird56 is it possible to arrange to pick up an item since you are close by?
Nov 13Reply

@moderndaydandy Just curious - how do you know where I am located? I never know where people live until I print the mailing label 😊
Nov 13Reply

@llaird56 it came up when I clicked “about” in your meet the posher profile
Nov 13Reply

@moderndaydandy I would rather work through the platform and ship if that is ok with you - that is why I don’t do Facebook Marketplace as I don’t like dealing with pick ups - sorry…As always, thank you for visiting my closet!
Nov 13Reply

@llaird56 totally understand! I think that you can turn off the location.
Nov 13Reply

@moderndaydandy Will do! Thanks for letting me know! 😊
Nov 13Reply

Hi there, and thanks for stopping by. With any bundle u have containing 2 or more items u will get a SURPRISE GIFT valued at $10 to $15 , and u get 20% off your entire order, and a brand new classical CD just for placing a order.
Nov 28Reply

Bonus Offer:
Feb 27Reply

Thank you for the follow. I will be sharing some of the items in your closet and hope you can return the favor. Good luck with your sales!
Mar 04Reply

Hi Linda. Thank you for the follow and the shares. I really appreciate it. Happy Poshing! 🙂
Apr 18Reply

thanks for sharing my closet! 💕
Apr 19Reply

@llaird56 Thanks for the sharing cause sharing is caring! So I am a sharing person but some people don’t even share back. I wasn’t raised that way by my friend/ mentor. I have been told recently that I need to share my closet more. Good advice 💜🌴
May 22Reply

Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle for a great deal I’ll accept anything and I’m only selling right now
May 23Reply

Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Jul 05Reply

@polka5dots Thank you for your shares too!! Happy Summer and Happy Selling! ❤️🛍❤️
Jul 05Reply

Hi I just want to say what a fun and wonderful closet I will be back to shop when k can . Thank you for visit and sharing from mine 💕Happy Poshing 🌺😍
Sep 12Reply

Hi! Thanks for the follow! I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I’m a Posh Ambassador too and a trusted 5-star seller, so if I can ever help you, don’t hesitate to ask or stop by and say hi and check out my “End of Summer” SALE...I'm offering a 💥Buy One/Get One for $5 💥on EVERYTHING in my closet through the end of the month! …It's best to face the world armed with kindness and support. Best Wishes to you.
😊 ...Lisa
Sep 28Reply

Hello, hope you have a minute to check my closet.🌱 Choose 3 of your favorite items, for a super affordable deal 3 for $25.
Sweet Holidays gifts for your loved friends and family.
Nov 02Reply

@beautifynails Thank you! I shared some of your awesome items as well ! Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Poshing! 🛍❤️🛍🦃
Nov 23Reply

You are so beautiful inside and out💕I’m so sorry for a melt down. I’m learning to be strong in my Lord and to be alone. But I fell. So embarrassed and sorry. We are waiting on Christian doctors for d their decisions and praising God that she is awake. ( my daughter). You were my designated blessing encouragement. So perhaps I should place the order as they are all gifts except for the beautiful purse. ( me). Just plz figure the cost with a discount for me. And don’t cheat yourself. Plz.ll
Dec 02Reply

Iwill have you in my heart and prayers of gratitude as you vacation and make wonderful memories. Love to you
Feb 03Reply

@clydak Thank you so much Clyda! I hope this note finds you well and that 2023 Will be a blessed year for you and your family. Take good care of yourself - we will chat again soon!!❤️🙏❤️🛍❤️
Feb 03Reply

Love to you
Feb 03Reply

Thanks for sharing
Feb 19Reply

Hi, this is Marsha from St Augustine Fl. I purchased a blouse from you, but I also wanted to acknowledge the gift you added to my package, a beautiful key chain. Thank You and I hope you are having a great vacation. Sorry it's taken this long for me to tell you this.
Mar 26Reply

@brownwithrock oh no worries! Thank you for your kind words! Come back and visit my closet when I reopen on 4/9 or a few days before! 🛍❤️🛍
Mar 26Reply

Hi Ms. Lila,how are you? I am just stopping by to say hello..🤗 I am selling 18K Real Saudi Gold and you might want to check my page..thank you so much and have a wonderful day💕
Jun 12Reply

If You See Anything please make me an offer
Jun 29Reply

Your closet is amazing! I found items for my daughters, granddaughters and me. I’ll be back! 😉 Have a great day!
Jul 01Reply

@monicamills675 I am actually having a 30% off sale this weekend so just bundle the items you might want and I will send you the offer - keep in mind 5lb shipping limit - You can always make 2 bundles and I will pay shipping on one of them! Thank you for shopping my closet and Happy 4th! 🛍❤️🇺🇸
Jul 01Reply

Have A Great Show
Jul 02Reply

Hi there. I saw your comment about the “promoted” closet option but you have to pay for it? Thank you!
Jul 15Reply

@lsumrell Hi - yes there is a weekly fee - I pay $25 weekly for my closet of approx 550 items and it has been working really well! I do list 5 new items a day 7 days a week which definitely helps. Let me know if you have any other questions!
Jul 15Reply

@llaird56 thank you SO much! That was extremely helpful!!
Jul 15Reply

@lsumrell You have some lovely things in your closet! - Adding brand names in the title would help so that when people search a specific brand, your promoted item will pop up. Happy Poshing! 🛍❤️🛍
Jul 15Reply

@llaird56 thank you!!
Jul 15Reply

Laird is my maiden name from NY now in GA
Jul 23Reply

Linda, I saw that you did the trail selling with beta,how much are they charging monthly, I received from poshmark an offer for the free trail. Thanks
Jul 28Reply

@silverlady1986 Yes I did the 4 week free trial in June and had my best month yet. You can choose how much you want to spend a week - I am doing $25/week,however I have been on vacation for 2.5 weeks so I am just ramping up again so I can’t really can’t say whether it’s been working. I’m going to continue paying for the month of August and see how it does and I will make my decision at the end of the month as to whether I continue. I would definitely take advantage of the free trial!
Jul 28Reply

@llaird56 Thank you, I will take them up on the free trail. good luck with your sales.
Jul 29Reply

I saw your comment about promoting sales and it's reference to price/cost. I'm just downsizing my wife's heels>2" which she is unable to wear following 2 failed back surgeries and clothing from 4 closets, 2 chests and a partridge in a pear tree. Seriously though, Poshmark never mentioned any type of cost. I'm not one of these young girls going to the thrift store and grabbing items w/holes, stains, etc. and calling it a business 🙄
Jul 29Reply

Hi Lila, would you accept my offer of $25 plus free shipping on the red ruffled purse that you just drop the price down with free shipping?
Aug 20Reply

It s the MIRA Collection with the red leather ruffle and red and blue animal print thank you
Aug 20Reply

@duduk44 I’m sorry I can’t accept $25 with free shipping - it is brand new with original price of $88 on it - I sent what I feel is a fair offer - 🛍❤️🛍
Aug 20Reply

If you see anything please make me an offer
Aug 31Reply

I came across your closet from the Promoted Closet Beta. I’m enjoying selling secondhand on this platform. Any tips are most welcome. Best wishes with your continued success. 🕊️🌿🌷
Sep 09Reply

@butterflysage73 My best advice is to list new items every day…take great pictures…source popular items and share, share, share! 🛍❤️🛍
Sep 09Reply

@llaird56 Thank you. Will do! List every day is a new concept. Sourcing popular items seasonally is smart. I need to learn how to white out the back ground. Share, share, share! xo
Sep 09Reply

@butterflysage73 Use PhotoRoom App to white out backgrounds - it’s fabulous- $70 fee for the year but well worth it AND you can add cool backgrounds as well! Check out my closet for some examples! 🛍❤️🛍
Sep 09Reply

@llaird56 Good to know! Thanks for sharing :) I'll check it out.
Sep 11Reply

Hey Linda, how are you this morning? I’d like to know what you have to do to get on that waiting list but you said you so more than you ever had I’m confused what do you have to do?
Oct 15Reply

What is a betta seller?
Oct 15Reply

@sugarplumtwin Hi- Back in June Poshmark was asking if you wanted to Beta Test their new Promoted Closet program for 30 days free of charge so I sent a note that I would be willing to try it - not sure how the selection process worked but I was able to participate -Basically, it’s based on getting your items to the top of the list when buyers search for items:
Oct 15Reply

ex. If someone searches for a black Coach crossbody, their are probably 1000’s listed -yours will appear closer to the top of the search - I did pretty well with it and so continued after the trial was over - for my size closet (550 active listings) I pay $25/week - you only get charged for what is searched on so some weeks I pay less-
Oct 15Reply

-They are still working on refining it based on feedback from users so I’m not sure if you can sign up for it or not - you can always email them - At this point, I feel as if nothing else it gets more eyes on my closet which always helps with sales! I just came back from 2 weeks vacation so I will see how things go this month. Hope this helps - Happy Poshing! 🛍❤️🛍
Oct 15Reply

Thank you so much for explaining this to me. I think I might try it.
Oct 15Reply

@sugarplumtwin You are quite welcome! Best wishes for successful selling!! 🛍❤️🛍
Oct 15Reply

@llaird56 Hi. I was reading above about your beta experience. I noticed you said you pay around $25 a week depending on what people search for. Does that mean you pay every time someone searches for an item you have promoted, or do they have to click on it for you to get charged?
Oct 16Reply

Hello, Sorry I have accidentally joined your auction. I’m not interested in your scarf. Thank you
Nov 18Reply

@parigo4 I will try to cancel it - supposedly auction sales are all final sales - I will try to cancel once show is over.
Nov 18Reply

Thank you
Nov 18Reply

You have the most amazing closet I have ever been in! Everything is perfect. descriptions of everything makes shopping so easy. I hope you ad more to it before xmas.. if you are please let me know so I save my money. I will with out a doubt be back. Wow is all I can say!! Thank you so much for offering such high quality items at a affordable price.
Nov 25Reply

Sale - Just LIKE 3 items from my closet and a $25 offer will be sent to you! YES - It really is that easy
Nov 30Reply

Let’s go girl! keep crushing it. great closet !
Dec 01Reply

@dakota558 Thank You!! Happy Poshing! Here’s to a great December ❤️🛍❤️🛍
Dec 01Reply

so u done this promoted thing well I've been on it trial for like 5 days now n notice nothing . I don't make 15 a month much less a week n of course they got a way to lock in taking my $ . can't seem to cancel the payment tried to delete my card n it says I have set up charges which not supposed to be for 3 more days so obviously there isn't a cancelation period that was a LIE .
Dec 04Reply

@orangebee2 Hi- I would definitely reach out to Customer Support and tell them to absolutely want to cancel - I’m surprised that they billed you before you could cancel - i have heard that others changed their payment method to prevent billing but sounds like they aren’t allowing it - definitely go to Customer Support with the issue -
Dec 04Reply

@llaird56 I've tried 3 x no response they have a good scam going . I knew when I agreed this would happen . I tried to delete my card it wouldn't let me so I suspended it but if they put it in as a recurring charge it will go thru which I'm sure that's what they plan b/c they know how to scam . n I'm ready to sue .
Dec 05Reply

Hello Clyda - I was thinking about you and hoping all is well with you and that 2023 has brought you blessings. I remember we had many chats last year and miss you! Just wanted to check in with you before the year is over and say Hello and invite you to visit my closet again - it has really grown! 🛍❤️🛍
Dec 05Reply

@clydak @Ilaird56 Hello Clyda - I was thinking about you and hoping all is well with you and that 2023 has brought you blessings. I remember we had many chats last year and miss you! Just wanted to check in with you before the year is over and say Hello and invite you to visit my closet again - it has really grown! 🛍❤️🛍
Dec 05Reply

👋Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day ☀️and many sales 🧾!!
Dec 11Reply

@krystalmcc1621 You are welcome! You have a great closet! I just shared some of your items as well! Wishing you many sales!! 🛍❤️🛍
Dec 11Reply

@llaird56 WOW I just wanted to say you have the most beautiful closet on poshmark it’s sooo nice ! Merry Christmas 🎄 to you and your family. joy
Dec 16Reply

Hello, I keep missing your auction for the hat???
Dec 21Reply

Or maybe I don’t know how that works???
Dec 21Reply

@leggett2016 Thank you so much! Happy Holidays to you and your family as well!🌲❤️
Dec 21Reply

Which hat is that you like? I will add it to a bundle with the auction price - was it in the 50% off auction I ran today?
Dec 21Reply

Are you still participating in promoted closet?
Jan 12Reply

@threadedimage yes I am, since June. I do think that it gets more eyes on my closet which in turn helps with my sales. January has been ok, but I think it is just the typical after Christmas slow down on spending.
Jan 12Reply

Hi Linda. I noticed that your love notes mention such lovely wrapping and added gift. Can you share your process with me? Pretty please 🙏. Thank you!! Lorraine.
Feb 06Reply

@lovedbylorraine Hello- I do spend quite a bit of time on my packaging - I do purchase multiple size zip lock bags on Amazon and tissue paper in bulk - everything is wrapped in tissue with thank you stickers and then placed in a plastic bag along with a handwritten thank you note and small gift.
Feb 06Reply

@lovedbylorraine I then place the item(s) in tissue lined shipping box - of course if the item is fragile or breakable, I wrap it in bubble wrap first. I purchase different items to use as thank you gifts at the dollar store or cute items I find when sourcing. Hope this helps! Happy Poshing !!
Feb 06Reply

@lovedbylorraine Don't waste you time or extra money, half these people don't appreciate it.
Feb 09Reply

@threadedimage Well, it’s like this… I used to put my perfume on for a man to appreciate. Now, I put it on for me to appreciate.
Feb 09Reply

@lovedbylorraine That's good; enjoy something for yourself to appreciate:) Sadly, we live in very selfish times...
Feb 09Reply

Welcome and thanks for the visit...stop back we are here to help
Feb 15Reply

@llaird56 Do you think I should have the promoted closet if I only have 10 listings available?
Mar 14Reply

@samxseattle It may not be worth it unless your items are high end …maybe wait until you have at least 50-100 - in the meantime, just share them several times a day. Happy Poshing🛍❤️🛍
Mar 14Reply

@llaird56 OK! I have before, just not currently.
Mar 14Reply

Saw your review about promoted listings. How much do they charge per click?
Jun 18Reply

@100daysofbeauty It varies depending on the weekly budget you set and how many clicks you receive on your items. Budget depends on how big your closet is / how much you choose to spend weekly.
Jun 18Reply

@llaird56 Thank you for your time. Best!
Jun 18Reply

Hi! I’m interested in the Betsey Johnson summer hat. Would I be able to ship it CA right away so I have it by Tuesday evening?
Jun 21Reply

@valgalkay Hi - I actually just did my Friday drop offs to the PO but could drop it first thing tomorrow - It might make it by Tuesday but I’m in Boston so couldn’t guarantee it…sorry…🛍❤️
Jun 21Reply

@llaird56 thank u
Jun 21Reply

@llaird56 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 10Reply

@cutehosiery Thank you for the kind words! You have a lovely closet too! Happy Poshing!
Aug 10Reply

BeaUtiful “make you want to window shop all day” closet🌻I’m just loving it 🥰
Sep 24Reply

@resie50 Thank you! So glad you like my closet…please feel free to create a bundle of 2 or more items for a great discount! 🛍❤️🛍
Sep 24Reply

Great job on your sales!! I am trying to get my sales up but ever since I became an ambassador my sales stopped. Can you stop by and see if you have any ideas 🫶🏻
Oct 28Reply

@nilo4boys Thank you! You have a lovely closet - Your items have a much higher price point than mine as they are luxury brands - I feel as if sales have definitely slowed for me as well unless I offer huge discounts up to 40-50% (which I can do with some of my items) In general I feel as if people are being very careful with discretionary spending due to the economy. Hopefully, holiday shopping will help all of us! Happy Poshing! 🛍❤️🛍
Oct 29Reply

Do you have any luck with silent shows? I don’t sell anything on silent shows, but I’m not really the type to do the live shows.
Jan 11Reply

@margaret434 The silent shows don’t net many sales, however, I do feel that they help promote your closet as I usually have at least one or two sales soon after I have one. It is definitely worth a try! Happy Poshing 🛍❤️🛍
Jan 11Reply

@llaird56 Thank you so much for your advice. I can use all the help I can get. Sales use to be great and now they are terrible. 🤷🏻♀️
Jan 11Reply

Thanks so much for the shares! 🫶
Jan 25Reply

Hi there, I hope your having a GREAT FRIDAY...Please take a quick minute to go take a peek at my closet, with any purchase tonight you will get anywhere from $3-$5 off plus you will get a FREE GOODY BAG VALUED AT $10-$15 FILLED WITH COSMETIC GOODIES..
Feb 01Reply
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