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Updated Oct 05
Updated Oct 05

Z A R A Sweatshirt Dress


$28 $59


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Reposhing this item I purchased from @mkrosnjar. Loved it, but ready to rotate for something new. Questions? Leave a comment below!
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bliss_thrifting You need to come down on the price since you paid @mkrosnjar $15 for this dress.
May 24Reply
gabriellesoley @bliss_thrifting Respectfully, I’d be happy to negotiate on price, using the “Make an Offer” tool. However, I don’t “need” to. Prices are subjective based on value. For example, vintage Levi’s sold for much less than their second-hand, sky-rocketing prices current day. Price considers many factors including, though not limited to, value due to quality, availability & demand. Also, ...
May 24Reply
gabriellesoley @bliss_thrifting ...while I am happy to negotiate, I, as well as most folks, genuinely appreciate & respond well to respectful/tactful & mindful/heart•centered communication. Thank you, Miss. ✨🙏✨💗✨🙏✨
May 24Reply
bliss_thrifting @gabriellesoley I believe there is a difference between vintage items with “supply and demand” as you have stated versus buying items cheap then hiking up prices to price gouge other shoppers, which is obviously what you are doing here. Best of luck and happp po y Poshing! ✌🏻
May 24Reply
gabriellesoley @bliss_thrifting Frankly, I am hesitant to let this dress go, because I love it. However, I have medical bills to pay per my chronic illness & living dependent on disability. So...While I don’t want to let some of my fav items go, if they make a significant difference in my ability to pay my bills, well worth it! I’m sure you understand per your personal experience w/cancer around the same age. It’s tough going through major health issues, right? ...
May 24Reply
gabriellesoley @bliss_thrifting I am also struggling to manifest my dream of Momming it up. But again, if I can sell some of my nice things for enough moo-la to benefit my situation, enabling my financials to gain that potential—SOLD. There are many reasons for pricing items the way we do. ...
May 24Reply
gabriellesoley @bliss_thrifting Also, I believe in the art of negotiation. I’m happy to come down on price when someone can practice a conscious volley. That usually means meeting in the middle until we reach my absolute bottom price. Unfortunately, it is up to the buyer/person making an offer to return the volley. I encourage you/person making the offer to do so. Then I can land on the lowest price, or I can state we’ve reached my floor. ...
May 24Reply
gabriellesoley @bliss_thrifting My sincere apologies if I have misunderstood, misspoke, misstepped. & my sincere regrets if you have as well. Sending ✨G R A T I T U D E✨, prayers, good vibes, love, light & HUGE h e a l i n g hugs! ✨🙏✨💗✨🙏✨
May 24Reply

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