@loveyoubaby55 SCAMMER
Not for sale
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Ur case got approved bc my lightening was off. I was fine with that only until you waited almost 2 weeks to send the item back, PM released my funds bc u didn't wanna send it back, but when u found out that they released my funds, 2hrs after that u then send my BNIB lipstick back. It was clearly the same color as the one I sent but the difference was u sent me a USED ONE WITHOUT MY BOX thinking I wasn't going to notice? R u really that stupid? You also must be confused with your name.

4 others
like this

All in all purpose of this listing is so others ( which there have a been a few complains about this girl) don't get scammed like I did. Thank you for reading. Hopefully this idiot gets her closet shut down and people who work hard for their money don't get scammed by this retarded butter teeth
May 21Reply

May 22Reply

Glad I didint buy from her yet
May 22Reply

@arika28 yes she's disgusting. I even confronted her and she didn't say a word. The case is still pending thankfully. She doesn't deserve any money back which they are likely more on my side bc it wasn't returned in the original condition that she bought it. She also sold mine in a bundle and took the listing down since the other lipsticks in that bundle didn't sell besides mine. I hope someone does something like this to her.
May 22Reply

I was about to fork over 209$ too!
May 22Reply

@arika28 girl I am so glad I just saved you some money! Haha
May 22Reply

May 22Reply

May 22Reply

May 22Reply

I know right and when I confronted her about u saying she's a scammer she didint even try to deny it !!
May 22Reply

@advt11600 @tribleprincess @christinaloel @minerva12 @jadesam @brinna1708 @josiechi @lookitsnatash @scastro8 @brybry9087 @susana_h beware of loveyoubaby55! Do not do any business with her as she will try to make an excuse to return the item and ship u a used item or a bad conditioned item!
May 22Reply

@arika28 thanks so much girl!
May 22Reply

No problem it's always nice to help / save another posher
May 22Reply

Omg I almost bought for her !! Thanks so much I'm sorry about that
May 22Reply

@arika28 Thankyou! For your help! :)
May 22Reply

@hailz0132 @mkgigs @kat931 @molliesmall @carlavilla read the comment above! Loveyoubaby55 is a scammer!
May 22Reply

@christinaloel np! Gotta save my DMV people! Haha :P
May 22Reply

Wow okay thank you!!!!
May 22Reply

@susana_h np hon! :)
May 22Reply

@hailz0132 np girl!
May 22Reply

Glad I didn't buy from her!
May 22Reply

@hailz0132 me too! I'm glad you saved your money! Lol
May 22Reply

May 22Reply

Omg I wanted those two foundations @rasy thank you 😩😂😑😑😑😢
May 22Reply

@eclondon lmao!! I mean you could buy it from her.. but then again it won't be in tip top condition. She would probably say that she used it once but then come to find out when u receive the item there's like 20% left of the product lmao. And in order to get a return approved you would need to show the amount and with foundations that's kinda hard. U have to wait for it to settle on a flat surface to see the actual amount lol.
May 22Reply

@rasy thx for letting me know. I sold her a shirt np but this is a diff story. Can't stand bummy ass scammer sh*t like this. I was eyeing some of her Mac so I will take them off my likes. I have contacted posh about a scammer before but only got an automated message back, no follow up. When they answer All other emails promptly... All we can do is b vigilant and warn others. It's disgusting when you're cheated out of your hard earned money.
May 22Reply

@lookitsnatash ugh I feel the exact same way! As if money grows on trees or something. She doesn't deserve to take anyone's money and scam them and think it's ok! She deserves to rot.
May 22Reply

@carlavilla 👆👆🚫🚫🚫🙅🏼
May 22Reply

@prettynpink209 @ellejolie123 read comment above. Loveyoubaby55 is a scammer
May 22Reply

@smoussa101 @layalii @laalaa313 @mce1mce @stacylovex3 @syrillem @jets25 read the above comments & description. Loveyoubaby55 is a scammer!
May 23Reply

May 23Reply

Annoys me so much. My items were in terrible condition.
May 23Reply

@cassiemarie1005 im sorry to hear that! I sent her a BNIB lipstick my lighting was off which is why they approved her case. She said it was unauthentic, ie. She waited almost 2 wks to send it back. When they released the funds to me 2hrs later she sent out my lipstick back. But it was not the original one I had sent bc it was used and she didn't put it in the box. She sent it by itself. She's horrible and noone should waste their money on her
May 23Reply

Sorry to hear about your terrible experience as well!!
May 23Reply

@cassiemarie1005 thanks :( just trying to save people the trouble of doing business with an idiot like her is why I am doing this. I wouldn't want this to happen to anyone and usually I wouldn't ever do this but really? people work hard for their money and to get something back that isn't theirs is a bit ridiculous
May 23Reply

May 23Reply

May 23Reply

@mce1mce I'm not entirely sure why you are tagging her in my listing. She knows what she did. I've confronted her yet she says nothing about it and blocks me
May 23Reply

Thank u and I was gonna buy that lip stick to
May 24Reply

@brybry9087 np hon!
May 24Reply

@ebross11 she probably had the same tank as the one u sold her and switched it for her ripped one. She did that to my brand new lipstick....
Jun 04Reply

@hmmoore13 @ericajbeauty she's a fuucking scammer guys!! She probably didn't even send the products and had it cancelled just to get a free refund from posh!! She did that to me. She has nothing better to do with her life than to steal from a few select number of people, myself included!
Jul 16Reply

Oh yeah, to say this person is a scammer is putting it LIGHTLY! I wish I could go off on her! I sent her a massive bundle of mac WITH samples& the fool is re-selling it all. (My BNIB lipsticks are the only nice ones she owns-her collection is all testers she steals from MAC!) She screwed me on the money and I'm FINALLY waiting for a correction. 😡😡
Jul 18Reply

She claims she sent me a Heatherette lipstick back in June and FedEx says its lost. She is so crazy, it was probably an empty box.How does she still have an acct?She needs to be Banned!!! 😡 her MaC items that weren't bought recently are disgusting used testers. I know because I work there. Testers have marks on the bottom.
Jul 18Reply

@audfuture and @jazz_415 Beware of that scammer with the $24/25 Mac lipsticks. I sell for a better deal anyway BTW.
Jul 18Reply

Read all these warnings ladies!! Do NOT buy from Ally. She WILL rip you off or send something not as pictured. I have more Matte Royal for cheaper, anyway. @amayajaquia @ariannatruj @veex_k @chelsie26 @chloeperham @beautifuldonna @emmgonzalez @machineislove @chaching97
Jul 18Reply

I want to warn everyone that could potentially get scammed by her! And I'm pissed that she has up the lipsticks that she tried to screw me out of $140 up! 😡 @cherry4190 Take a look at this warning about Ally as well.
Jul 18Reply

@ericajbeauty thanks for the heads up.
Jul 18Reply

You're welcome @machineislove 🙌 This freak has screwed over way too many of us.
Jul 18Reply

@ericajbeauty omg, she's freaking horrible. She only preys on a select few.. others, she has won them over as regulars and gives them a free lipstick so that's why they keep coming back to buy from her. She has 2 accts that I know of.. babyally22 or babyally23 ( or something along those lines lol ) & loveyoubaby55. She's done it to a few people and I told posh about them and they said they'd keep an eye out for her but clearly they haven't. I'm sorry this happened to you as well :/
Jul 18Reply

@rasy I just WENT OFF on this freak meth head because I couldn't let it go! Now she says she's sending back the $140 bundle, she's a freaking LUNATIC. She steals disgusting testers abs has gnarly nails. I literally don't know how she still had a page. I blocked this freak and I'm going to warn EVERYONE who likes or comments on her page about her bad business practices, she's a liar, a thief, and a nasty individual altogether.
Jul 18Reply

@ericajbeauty ooooh!! I wanna see!! I'm gonna go read the comments now lol. And yea, her nails need to be done, with all the money she's making off stolen items i don't get why she can't afford to do her nails.. and her teeth are as yellow as corn -_-
Jul 18Reply

@rasy I think the freak deleted the listing.
Jul 18Reply

@ericajbeauty oh crap I forgot to tell you, you need to comment on something that's already been sold ( something recent though ) so others can see it. If it's been sold she can't delete the listing! Haha. Sorry for mentioning it late :( I was looking for it and didn't see anything, I was trying to get a good laugh in before bed too, damn it haha.
Jul 18Reply

@rasy oh I screenshotted some. Her ramblings make no sense. Just say no to drugs!! 😂😂😂😂
Jul 18Reply

@ericajbeauty yea I use to think it was a typo when she typed, but she always does it almost every other word in her sentences and it makes me really believe she's on drugs @_@
Jul 18Reply

Oh hahaha check out her "sister" she created! The name is Madi G and her account name is madilayne.
Jul 18Reply

@rasy If you look up her fake sister "madilayne" you'll see all the BNIB lipsticks I sent her. She comments under BabyAlly23 AND loveyoubaby55 AND madilayne. Identity problems!! Omfg!! 😂😂😂
Jul 18Reply

@alexa_94 Don't get scammed by Madi G, Ally, or BabyAlly. They're All the same person. I have MAC and I don't screw people over. My lipsticks are never way higher than retail either.
Jul 18Reply

I wish I could warn everyone about her. We Should take turns tagging people who like her posts, because I'm sure they'll get broken and/or used lipsticks! 😡
Jul 18Reply

@ericajbeauty hon, I think that really is her sister..... I'm only saying that bc if you look at her hand in the pics' she doesn't have any finger tattoos like ally does. Plus her nails don't look like complete shlt like allys does. Take another look at the fingers on both of them.
Jul 18Reply

@rasy I am not sure.. I think they might be stolen pics from Instagram. Why does she delegate everything on Madi's page and then use her other acct as well? It's bizarre. I feel bad for Anyone who has to deal with her.
Jul 18Reply

@ericajbeauty I think she delegates everything on her sisters page cause from the looks of it, her sister is new and recently opened her account on posh ( it says under her pic ) so she's trying to help her sister get money like how she does. I don't want to hate her sister for nothing she's done to me. But that little skank, she's done it to numerous people and that angers me. That little b!tch is not worth me getting stressed over haha
Jul 18Reply

@rasy Yeah, you're right. She's really negative and I guess we should forget about it. I can't stand her at all. She tried to get out of paying me $140 but I'm getting the money (hopefully!!) on Monday. I worry that she's making countless other Accts. Luckily I know her address and I WON'T send her anything again.
Jul 18Reply

@valentinosam I know you buy MAc too, so don't buy from this crazy person Ally. She's a scammer. Hope you're doing great, love! 💖
Jul 18Reply

Apparently Kathy is her in laws house address but she goes to pick up packages when her in law calls her. I'm trying to find the listing of all the people scammed for you. Hold on give me a second to find it
Jul 18Reply

@jazzysan @jausantos don't do any kind of business with loveyoubaby55. YES she's a scammer/thief and will send a report to posh about something being "wrong" with your item ( as she did mine) then she will send you something not in original condition and it'll probably have holes or something on it. She'll basically trade your her old/ bad item for your new one plus keep the money bc posh is returning it to her!
Jul 18Reply

@rasy Wow, it doesn't end. This drug addict Ally just sent me a crapload of insane messages on ♏️. She's a lunatic. I called her out for looking like a meth head! She looks like scary wen who come into MAC trying to steal. She drives me nuts!!! 😡😡😡😡
Jul 18Reply

Thanks for the warning girl
Jul 18Reply

@rasy This gross freak admitted she works in porn!🙀 I would not want any lipsticks from her house, hate to be biased, but who knows what's on her makeup products. 😷😳
Jul 18Reply

@ericajbeauty where did she admit that
Jul 18Reply

Hey guys I was doing some snooping and she says she has a little sister, I call bullshit. Username madilyne or something.
Jul 18Reply

Jul 18Reply

@rasy She wrote it under her listing for Bubblegum lipstick, it said "sample" on it. She said to someone named Christina that she "worked in the adult industry" and her husband works at a tattoo parlor in Venice. They must not be doing too well if she has to scam people all the time on Posh! 🙀🙀
Jul 18Reply

@glamngo and @nancyraquel Beware of Ally. Please don't buy from her, she's screwed too many people over.
Jul 21Reply

@cherylyn55 Beware of doing business with loveyoubaby55. She's scammed a lot of people.😡
Jul 21Reply

How ??
Jul 21Reply
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