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So I'm new to posh, just joined once they allowed android users. I'm 29 years old with two little cuties and head over heels for my hubby. I'm in love with posh bc it allows me to finally shop without dragging my little ones along! Any advice or help is always appreciated!!! :)

46 others
like this

You have a beautiful family with such adorable kids! I'm glad you joined posh, I just joined a month or two ago. Btw have you received my package yet? I shipped it out on the 18th and I just wanted to check in.
Nov 22Reply

@kjhanwestmont awww thank you! I haven't received yet! My mailman runs late on my route so I'm hoping when i check my mail in an hour or so its there!
Nov 22Reply

@meliss405 welcome to posh and thanks for the follow! Wish we have the same size !:) happy poshing!
Nov 25Reply

Hi Melissa! Welcome to Posh! She is adorable and he is very handsome. ;) You have a very cute closet. I am in love with Posh to because it has help bring in extra money since I am only working part time. But this kind of part time work I loveeeeeeeeeee. lol I will gladly help you with any questions if I can. I have only been on Posh since the end of August. I feel really good about my listings and following the rules. You will meet so many awesome poshers your head will spin. I find I can spend hours on here and not get bored. haha. Although I spend to much money that way. lol The best advice I can give right now is to share, share, share, share and it will come back to you. To share is to care. Happy Poshing! :)
Nov 26Reply

OMgosh, I am so sorry I meant to say they are adorable. It's past my bedtime.lol.. And also to thank you very much for all the shares and likes. You rock! :)
Nov 26Reply

@dilledressups ohhh thank you thank you for all the shares!!!!!! It means so much to me!!!!! I've been trying hard to share closets in hopes other's will share mine in return! I'm super addicted to posh!! I love it so much! I cant wait to have a first sale!!! Lol bc i spending a lot bc everyone has such cute stuff!
Nov 26Reply

@brown0620 welcome to posh!
Nov 26Reply

@inna01 thank you for helping me out and sharing!!!!!
Nov 27Reply

@meliss405 hi! You are very welcome, thank you as well, sharing really helps to sell, good luck to you with all your sales, happy Poshing, @meliss405 !:)
Nov 27Reply

@rcaporaletti thank you so much for the likes and sharing! Made my day!
Nov 29Reply

@meliss405 so very nice to meet you Melissa allow me to welcome you along with all the good & honest ladies we have here :) I can relate about dragging the little ones out whew!!!...thank god that stage of my life is over and you will welcome it when it comes for you....lol.....happy poshing
Nov 29Reply

❤Of course, anytime and welcome to posh👏👏👏🌟I love this site and love looking at fashion from others 🌺🎉 You have a beautiful family👪👫😊
Nov 29Reply

Welcome to posh! It's addictive and a great app for sure. If you have any questions please don't ever hesitate to ask! Follow the rules and you'll be great! Your family is adorable!!!💖💖
Nov 29Reply

@wassermanalison thank you so much!!!! I am truly addicted already to it! I love looking at other girls clothes and i love making new friends as well! Thank you for helping me out by sharing! Ill return the favor!
Nov 29Reply

You're welcome and thank you as well!😘
Nov 29Reply

Welcome to posh! Love your family pics! If you have questions just ask away. We are a friendly group that love our new app addicts (yep, that's a warning). ✨😉✨
Nov 30Reply

@lovespell_ thank you so much!!! Im so in love with this app!!!!
Dec 01Reply

Wow! Thank you for the shares!!! Welcome to Posh! I'm pretty new, as well. :)
Dec 02Reply

@krystens you're so welcome!!! =)
Dec 02Reply

You are the cutest ever!! Love you tons!!!
Dec 02Reply

@eclectic_ellie yes! thank you! I agree, I love posh so much, I am well addicted and I think its only been a week or two hahah
Dec 03Reply

nice to meet you!!!
Dec 03Reply

@meliss405 welcome to posh this is addicting site have fun and enjoy thanks for sharing too
Dec 03Reply

Thanks for all the shares. Just keep following and sharing and you will get more foowers I am finding. I'm fairly new to this as well. Have had a lot of fun spending!!!
Dec 03Reply

Thanks for folling and all the shares:) I appreciate it! Let me know if you're ever interested in anything from my closet and ill be happy to cut you a deal :) p.s. beautiful pics!!
Dec 03Reply

@brownsugaxoxo awww thank you!!! yes I will def let you know! I saw a few things I am interested in =)
Dec 03Reply

Awesome! Just feel free to comment om whichever ones you like and we'll work it out :)
Dec 03Reply

Hello and welcome!! I want to say this is an amazing site where I not only found fashion, but some of the coolest ladies ever,, I would love to introduce you to some amazing gals, they are what makes the site what it is, @specialk104 @mizfabulousity @lchouser aka the posh welcome wagon @neelug @isa_wine_lover @soomer83 @classicpatty @classyvintage @vacat @poppy64 @cmjla @susanleeyogi @erix @letteshop @amandamarino @melissamarino @yourcouturela @vivacouture @sheelagoh @patricewymore @jessicarabbit13 @alicatstrut @jessicacampbell ladies say hello to a new posher!
Dec 04Reply

Welcome to poshmark - you're gonna love it!! I'm Holly, btw. If you ever need any help just ask any of us. We were all new once too.
@alexislovebee Thanks for the intro!!
Dec 04Reply

Welcome to poshmark! Wow you have already listed many items! I'm sure you will get many followers and friends here:) Happy poshing 😉😘💕
Dec 04Reply

@alexislovebee wow I'm honored !
Dec 04Reply

Welcome Melissa ! If I can help in any way let me know!
Dec 04Reply

@alexislovebee awwwww omgosh thank you soooo much!!!!! I'm already finding how much i love this site, seeing how girls dress and put clothes together, and how nice a lot of the girls are! Including you! Thanks for being so sweet to me! :)
Dec 04Reply

Welcome to the addiction!!! 😘💕💕 thanks @alexislovebee for the tag💕
Dec 04Reply

@meliss405 Welcome to PM Melissa!! Awesome place!! Be prepared to get addicted and have lots of fun!! If you ever have questions, please feel free to ask!! Happy poshing!!
@alexislovebee Thank you for the tag my friend💓😘
Dec 04Reply

Dec 04Reply

Hello Melissa, and welcome to this wonderful community! I'm new myself, but anything you need, I'm one tag away 😘. Cheers🍷
Dec 04Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Your photos gave me a nice chuckle. :) Always here if you need anything.
Dec 04Reply

@meliss405 Hi and welcome Melissa to this great site where you will make friends and shop too. Please meet @carenlovesgucci @piecesofjen @gettumgirl @vacat @scarlettstained @specialk104 @mizfabulousity
Dec 04Reply

@specialk104 @patricewymore lol i already love you girls! I feel important and cared for so much already!
Dec 04Reply

@meliss405 hi darling! That was a huge closet share, I got the better end of the deal, lol.. I thank you and want you to know you didn't have to, 😘
Dec 04Reply

hahaha @alexislovebee no way, you helped me out so much, I wanted to do something in return! xoxo
Dec 04Reply

@meliss405 awe, listen I'm here to help, if you need anything just tag,, ill get you straight for whatever you need love, 😘😘
Dec 04Reply

@alexislovebee , I do have a question! I have the app on my cell, and its been goofy past few days and I cant upload pics , so I am on the computer now, is there anyway to edit and upload pics from the site ?
Dec 04Reply

If its a pc, no.. You can't edit listings or create new ones.. I'm pretty sure you can share your listings only, which is good because it refreshes you back into the feed.. And that's the main thing you want to do daily, update up to 3 times a day if you can. Is the app not working right on your phone? Do you know anyone with an iPad or iPhone you could borrow in the meantime?
Dec 04Reply

okay, tha'ts just what I'll do is keep sharing my listings until I can figure out why the app wont let me upload pictures anymore. my husband has an iphone hahaha but I doubt he will let me use his phone for this app. =) @alexislovebee thanks hun for helping me
Dec 04Reply

And you can also start following and sharing as much as you can as well in the meantime, the more you follow the more that will follow you back and same with sharing.. You are on the road to posh success!! 😘😘
Dec 04Reply

@meliss405 welcome aboard 🎉🎉🎉😃 nice to Posh meet you . I have lots of size S &M items . check them out when u can . 😘😘have an awesome day .
Dec 04Reply

@meliss405 Hey Melissa I'm Mary nice to meet you😊My daughter Sam is the one who introduced me to Posh and ever since I've been hooked! It's so much fun and you never know what you'll find!! Thanks for the follow and happy Poshing!!🎈🎈🎈
Dec 04Reply

Nice to meet you Melissa! If you need anything let me know! Posh is a great place with great people! Good Luck!
@liv1966 @cassandraknox @tbarbee1962,stapler6202 @rpmorgan @nuggett_love @micheleedesigns @beanbag @titamall @laurany2013 @specialk104 @magnoliabelle @sonpaises @lovelm ☀️☀️we have another new posher!! Please give her a great big welcome!!☀️☀️
Dec 05Reply

@meliss405 Welcome to Poshville, Melissa. You have kind and helpful women helping you out - you're in good hands! Follow and share! Follow posh rules. Have fun and happy shopping! 👍 Reach out, stop by and say hi anytime. 😀
Dec 05Reply

@cassandraknox aw thank you so much! Everyone is so helpful and loving. I'm having the best experience with posh and all the ladies! And I'm addicted to it! :)
Dec 05Reply

@jakeamom12 sure dear you always!! @meliss405 welcome to PM dear if you have any questions lmk have fun poshing!
Dec 05Reply

@meliss405 💞what a beautiful family💞 wishing you many happy sales💞happy holidays to you & yours🎇
Dec 05Reply

Thanks so much for all the shares. Happy holidays :)
Dec 05Reply

@meliss405 I appreciate you taking time to share😍thank you😍not very many sellers share so it truly means a lot to me that your not one of those non sharers🌺thx again🌺
Dec 05Reply

@demitria67 i know! I'm happy to share and love when ppl share back. It makes posh work for both! :)
Dec 05Reply

@meliss405 Roger that!!! Some sellers old & newer ones just don't understand how it works or plain do care. Oh well I'm going to keep sharing & re sharing. Your in my ❤️'s so count on seeing more shares. Sharing is truly caring💗thx😇make the rest of your day a great one & if you have any questions about Poshing I'm here😇
Dec 05Reply

Hello girl! Thanks for all the sharing and likes! Going to do the same to your closet! :) if you're interested in anything feel free to let me know and if i see anything i will do the same! Thanks again!
Dec 06Reply

@vousetesbelle your welcome! and thank you too! =)
Dec 06Reply

@meliss405 Welcome to Posh !!! And Thanks For The Shares !!! Happy Poshing !!!
Dec 06Reply

@meliss405 thank u for all the shares
Sweetheart..good luck and wrlcome
Dec 06Reply

@meliss405 welcome to PM!! Thanks for the shares! If you need anything let me know!!! Nice to meet you!
Dec 07Reply

Thanks for all the shares pretty lady!!
Dec 07Reply

@lavishlashlynn awww same to you! And you're welcome!! =)
Dec 07Reply

Welcome to Posh and nice to meet you! Thanks for all the shares girlie :-)
Dec 07Reply

@nene0789 your welcome!!
Dec 07Reply

@lagunasurfer52 of course! thank you also for sharing! =)
Dec 07Reply

@jakeamom12 There you are again, Traci! So kind and generous! Met Mellissa, and shared!
Dec 07Reply

Thanks for the shares 😊
Dec 08Reply

@leonoras no thank you so much for all the shares!!!
Dec 08Reply

Hey girl!!! How was your weekend? 😘😘
Dec 09Reply

@alexislovebee it was beautiful weekend, and its snowing now so its even prettier :) how was yours?
Dec 09Reply

Busy!! But it's a good busy, I'm looking coward to the holidays, it will be nice to be around family and of course,... Exchange gifts!! 😘😘
Dec 09Reply

@alexislovebee I cant wait to see my girls faces when they walk down the steps and see that santa came =) I keep myself busy allllllll the time. I sold to my 2nd seller this weekend! =) I was so excited, haha I ironed the shirt, wrapped in tissue paper, a ribbon, squirt of perfume, did a thank you card. I just love it! hhahah
Dec 09Reply

Awe I know, holidays are great for that! I'm so happy for you!! I do the same, I have little stationary, tissue and ribbon.. It means a lot when someone buys from me, I want to do my best to show them I care, I'm so glad you do the same!! Trust me they notice!!
Dec 09Reply

@meliss405 thank u for all the shares I will do urs 2 when I wake up :)) I do night shifts
Dec 09Reply

@crnamacka01 awww thats ok, go back to sleep hun
Dec 09Reply

thanks for all the shares!! =) ur an absolute sweetheart!
Dec 09Reply

@alexislovebee is it bad i want to buy off posh daily lol
Dec 09Reply

Thanks for all your shares, you are the best! How are you doing?!
Dec 09Reply

@kjhanwestmont you're welcome! =) I'm doing great! still in love with the dress. ! =) how are you hun?
Dec 09Reply

Yay, you look great in pink btw! I'm doing alright, just so excited for this Christmas season. I hope you have a wonderful time with your husband and kids! :)
Dec 10Reply

@meliss405 no,, I think I've spent more then I've sold,, way more.. That's part of the shoppaholic in me.. I will never be successful in having much restraint,, way too many cool items to buy!!
Dec 10Reply

@alexislovebee ohhhh I'm way over right now! Think I've spent like 200$ an only sold like 13$ lol
Dec 10Reply

@meliss405 thousands for me sweets, ha!!
Dec 10Reply

ha! @alexislovebee I'm sure I'll be there in no time if I keep it up lol
Dec 10Reply

@meliss405 oh yes you will.. I mean I've been on since July, and I prob sold close to it, but yeah it's the devil!! Lol
Dec 10Reply

I cant wait to sell more, so it will be easier to get rid of other things I have that I cant give up but really don't wear much but just like the look of it. @alexislovebee
Dec 10Reply

@meliss405 that was the problem,I sold everything, I had no shoes or belts, no tops, so it was my way of justifying
Dec 10Reply

hahaha maybe that's what I should do! @alexislovebee I really am trying to buy more clothes that are girly, I really want to just feel like a pretty girl, not like a plain jane just jeans and hoodie girl.
Dec 10Reply

@meliss405 ill def say that I upped my style, there's a lot of everything, and it's actually made me more aware of what styles I like and given me the opp to buy things i wouldn't find by me.. I have cooler stuff then I had
Dec 10Reply

@alexislovebee yes! that is how I feel also, and I love the girls that put outfits together, I'm like...ohhh wow that looks soo good together!!
Dec 10Reply

Welcome to our Posh family!!
Dec 11Reply

Thanks for all the shares!! 🌸🌺🌸
Dec 12Reply

@meliss405 thank you for following(: and thank you for sharing my closet. I will defiantly share your closet with all my followers(;
Dec 12Reply

@alexislovebee look at the pic of my cat! Lol we got snow this weekend and he loved the snow! Haha
Dec 15Reply

Aweee!! How cute!@lchouser @neelug @isa_wine_lover @sommer83. @sdshopper @jessicacampbell @vinsam
Dec 15Reply

Adorable! I have two daughters myself! Girls are so much fun! Thanks for the tag love @alexislovebee
Dec 15Reply

Congrats and welcome! What cute girls and also a cute cat! Let me know if I can be of help in any way. Thanks for the tag! @alexislovebee
Dec 15Reply

Dec 15Reply

@meliss405 How cute is your cat😍😍 having a blast with the snow😜 my son loves the snow too, yesterday he was soo excited to be playing and enjoying all the snow everywhere❤️
Dec 15Reply

@fm1089 do one of these an tell ppl your new. Everyone is so happy to help and share!!! I was told can take 1-2 months to make your first sale. So keep your things up!
Dec 16Reply

thanks for all the shares! =) ur an absolute sweetheart! happy holidays.
Dec 17Reply

Ty so much for the shares. Youre too kind! I hope i finally sell something already
Dec 17Reply

@sweetchickdrea oh you will!!! Just keep sharing girls closets so they share yours back! Helps circulate your stuff! :) you have a cute closet!
Dec 17Reply

Your girls are so cute!!
Dec 18Reply

@lexiewoo thank you so much!!!
Dec 18Reply

@alexislovebee i deleted it! Didnt know :/
Dec 18Reply

@meliss405 no prob, I figured, I didn't either I sold some stuff that were no nos, it's ok.. I am going to tag in a listing so you know
Dec 18Reply

@sjameel78 awww you're welcome hun!!!
Dec 20Reply

@alexislovebee hey whats your fav color to wear
Dec 21Reply

@meliss405 ummm black?? Lol
Dec 21Reply

@alexislovebee i thought so! I'm making you something. :)
Dec 21Reply

Aweee!! So sweet!!
Dec 21Reply

Pleasure. 😊
Dec 22Reply

@alexislovebee thanks for all the shares! It was so nice to wake up too!!! I started this bracelet I'm making you but don't like it already, want me to send you a pic?
Dec 22Reply

Your making me a bracelet??!! Yes!! Please show!!
Dec 22Reply

💓💓. Thanks sooo much for the shares.. God Bless, and Merry Christmas!! 🙏
Dec 23Reply

@valorieann your welcome! And same here thanks for the posh love! :)
Dec 23Reply

@meliss405 thank you so much for the shares!! Happy holidays!! ;)
Dec 23Reply

Is that a cat in the snow?
Dec 26Reply

@chemy yes! My cat loves the snow! How crazy!
Dec 26Reply

Thank for. All the. Sharing. Hun 💐💐
Dec 30Reply

Welcome to Posh! You will enjoy it. I love it and I've spent myself into a hole. The new rule, since my husbands company up and closed, I have to sell in order to buy. I have quite a list that I try to pare down, but everything is so nice. I've been doing this for about 2 years and didn't make my first sale for 3 months. I share, share, share and sales are not consistent. You may find that it comes easier for you. I just have fun and keep a sense of humor. If we didn't have Posh we would be donating right? If you ever have a question just tag me. I'm almost always available. PEACE
Jan 05Reply

@greenshoes0 thank you so much for the advise and def all the posh love!!!!! I'm very addicted already! Its so hard to wait to purchase until you have money in your account. I'm very guilty of not keeping that promise to myself. ! :)
Jan 05Reply

thank you for all your shares! I appreciate them and I will return the favor sometime today (:
Jan 05Reply

@laurennichelson you're welcome!!!! :)
Jan 05Reply

Thank you so much for all your shares!
Jan 07Reply

@coventry_lane awe you're so welcome! thank you for sharing back! =)
Jan 07Reply

@stephieannn thanks for sharing back!!! you're welcome!
Jan 07Reply

Your kids are seriously adorable 😊😊😊😊 thanks for the shares !!
Jan 07Reply

Thank you for all the shares! :) welcome to posh 😊
Jan 07Reply

Thank you for all the shares babe. 💕
Jan 07Reply

Beautiful family btw.
Jan 07Reply

@cmartin4392 thank you!! and you're welcome!!
Jan 07Reply

@liliab you're welcome! =)
Jan 07Reply

@meliss405 hope you guys are keeping warm up in PA
Jan 08Reply

@ahundredyears_ noooo way! its way too much for me, real feel -29 today??? its ridiculous!! I took the trash out and my hands felt frozen after 5min. winter is fine, but this is just tooo much for me! =) how was your trip! I saw pictures! everyone looks sooo happy!!!
Jan 08Reply

@meliss405 everyone had a blast! It was nice to come home & be spoiled a little bit 😊. I was bummed that it hardly snowed while we were in NY tho...my sister texted me saying I missed a huge blizzard by like 2 days. It's not that cold here tho...only like -4 degrees lol.
Jan 08Reply

@ahundredyears_ lol, snow is ok! a blizzard hun, is not! lol. my sister drove from missouri and stayed a week, it was nice, I only see her once a year... so its such an emotional thing, excited for her to come, but upsetting when she leaves. She hit the snow storm in Illinoise on sun, stuck there from 4:30pm-4:45am on the interstate in one spot! sooo many accidents. I am really glad she is home.
Jan 08Reply

@meliss405 I saw those photos! That was crazy! All I could think was being stuck in that cold car or worrying you'd run out of gas to keep warm! Yeah, I only see my sisters once a yr as well (I have 3 & I prefer 2 of them, lol). It's hard but we were never an emotional family 😕
Jan 08Reply

@ahundredyears_ actually were not either! haha, now that i finally am picking up the peices of my life, and rebuilding relationships that I have ruined, its become hard for me, I guess I regret my past and how much I just wasn't there and pushed everyone out,....and now I miss it. I long for a relationship with my sister bc when I see her once a year were like best friends. but really that week is the only week we talk. hah.
Jan 08Reply

@meliss405 that makes sense. It took me having a baby to bring my oldest sister & I close...which is actually what drive the middle sister & I apart. Sometimes it does help tho only seeing them so often.
Jan 08Reply

@ahundredyears_ are you the youngest?
Jan 08Reply

@meliss405 I was until my mom got remarried. Now I have a younger sister who is 16. The oldest sister is 100% crunchy granola, dreads down to her ass, the middle sister is the all knowing traveler around the world (the all knowing is why we all don't care for her as much) & then the youngest sister is jut kinda my mom & stepdads ideal kid who does well in school & goes to church lol
Jan 08Reply

@ahundredyears_ lol, are you the relaxed one?
Jan 08Reply

@meliss405 Ahaha. No one in my family is relaxed, lol. I'd say I'm the least judgmental & open minded tho.
Jan 08Reply

@ahundredyears_ lol
Jan 08Reply

Hi! I'm Ilene. If you have any questions please ask. I'm always around💋😘 stay warm☕️
Jan 08Reply

@sharv50 thanks for all the shares!!! I will def share back once I'm home today!
Jan 09Reply

You're welcome 😉. Welcome to Posh! 😘
Jan 09Reply

@meliss405 Welcome to PM! I think I'm newer than you though...LOL
Jan 09Reply

Beautiful girls!! I know rite about posh. I love to window shop & share!!!😃
Jan 09Reply

@gjs42 thanks for all the shares and likes!!!!! You def made my day !!!!!! :)
Jan 09Reply

@bcrocca lol well than, welcome to posh!!!!! Than you know as much as i do that its totally addicting!!!
Jan 09Reply

@meliss405 Indeed I do, indeed I do LOL
Jan 09Reply

💕💗Welcome Sweeie, enjoy!!!! If you ever have a question. Please feel free to contact me💕💗
Jan 10Reply

Welcome to posh!! ❤️
Jan 10Reply

Welcome this is such an awesome little world!! Thanks for all the shares I'm returning those now :)
Jan 11Reply

Thanks for all the shares!!! Nice to meet you! :)
Jan 12Reply

@meliss405 Thanks for sharing 😊
Jan 13Reply

@myposhcloset_a oh thank you and your welcome!! I got he mannequin at a store called Home Goods? House a bunch of different things for the house, a lot of unique things I think =)
Jan 14Reply

yes! I actually bought about 3 months ago, it was on sale for 50$ which i didn't think was bad! I got it bc I wanted to use it to sew with clothes as well lol. @myposhcloset_a
Jan 14Reply

Welcome to the family. 😘😘
Jan 14Reply

Thanks so much for all the shares♥♥ Ur as absolute sweetheart! Happy Poshing :-)
Jan 15Reply

Hey thanks for the likes, are you interested in anything :) ??!
Jan 15Reply

@meliss405 thank you for all the shares. I do have a question. Is there a faster way to share one's closet ? The only way I know is to select them individually and then go thru the share process
Jan 15Reply

@idahotammy Um, sort of....I only share when I am on the computer, it goes A LOT faster, but doing on your cell phone just takes way too long and than I only share like 4 things of someone's because it is time consuming. But on the computer is a lot faster!
Jan 15Reply

Thanks for the shares💐😊😘💕
Jan 15Reply

@meliss405 Melissa💗 WOW! Thank you soooooo much for all of the fabulous shares💐
Jan 16Reply

@jefsweetie my pleasure!! And thank you for the posh love back!!! =)
Jan 16Reply

Sweetie thank you for all the shares:)
Jan 22Reply

Awww they got their looks from their mommy!! So pretty! Btw thank u for all the shares in my closet!! You have have adorable daughters so are u hun :)
Jan 26Reply

Thank you all the shares! Your kids are cute and your closet is great!
Jan 26Reply

@babyfern thank you! An thank you for all the shares as well!!!
Jan 26Reply

@meliss405 thank you for all the sharings! Your closet is lovely!!! :) ☆☆☆
Jan 27Reply

@meliss405 Good morning🌟 aww what a beautiful family 💙 thank you for sharing my listings 👍👍💫😘
Jan 28Reply

Thanks for all the shares!👍😊
Feb 02Reply

Just wanted to say I love your closet! I also have a daughter that's 16 and we wear a lot of the same clothes. She loves a lot of your items as well. Hopefully we may do business soon. Have a great day!😊
Feb 05Reply

aww thank you!!! @smccaughey just lmk! I'd love to give you a great price, I just want to get rid of them (haha like everyone does) but no price is firm and I'm more than glad to decrease all the prices =) happy poshing =)
Feb 05Reply

@dollface86 ♥♥thanks for all the shares!!!!! ♥♥
Feb 07Reply

@meliss405 thank you for all of the shares!! I REALLY appreciate it! You have a super cute closet btw 😊❤️❤️😍
Feb 07Reply

Heeeeeey 405!!!! You're from Oklahoma?
Feb 08Reply

@lorlordeluxe aw!!! no! lol, I use 405 as it was my old house number as a child. but I do have a good friend who lives there!
Feb 08Reply

@meliss405 awe dang I got excited lol I'm restationed now, but Oklahoma is Home💗
Feb 08Reply

awwe!!! @lorlordeluxe where at in Ok?
Feb 08Reply

@megan1233 Edmond and Piedmont, but I usually just say Oklahoma City c that's what everyone recognizes lol
Feb 08Reply

she lives in Duncan ....not sure if that is close or not?? lol @lorlordeluxe
Feb 08Reply

Feb 10Reply

Thanks for all the shares! So sweet of you!
Feb 10Reply

Thanks for all the shares! I am new to posh too! Pls let me know how you share so I can do the same for you😊 any tips will be helpful too!
Feb 10Reply

@hulagirl808 aw you do have a super cute closet! It takes anywhere from like a month to 3 months to make a sale. Don't be discouraged! I found the more i share clothes from a girls closet she more than likely will do the same which helps promote your closet to ppl who aren't following you.
Feb 10Reply

Aww you have a fabulous closet🎀 how do you get thousands of followers like that?! That is pretty insane huh? Didn't know that many people are on PM that's so awesome! Well I have a ton more stuff to list so check back from time to time! Glad to have met you! Tks for being so nice and helpful~
Feb 10Reply

@hulagirl808 i really don't have many! I see girls with like 20 thousand!!! Its insane!!!! Youll get more followers, ppl follow u in hopes youll share there closet and see stuff you like lol. Its a vicious cycle!!! But i love it. When i get home on my computer ill re share your closet. Try sharing your own closet as much as possible too
Feb 10Reply

So cute! ☺️
Feb 18Reply

@melissalaurennn thank you, you're closet is super cute! And love the choice in music as well =)
Feb 18Reply

@meliss405 thanks for the shares! 😃😊💖💖
Feb 27Reply

Thanks so much for the shares! Beautiful family😀.
Mar 02Reply

@phoebe9102 omg i love you! Im returning the favor when i get on the computer!
Mar 03Reply

Haha! Thanks girly! 😊 hope you are having a good day! 😊
Mar 03Reply

Mar 09Reply

I started mid Jan 2014, and so far been addicted....beautiful girls you have hun!
Mar 10Reply

Ohmygosh! Thanks so much for the bomb share..I appreciate it..will share ur closet as well when I get a decent amount of time 😊😊
Mar 11Reply

@meliss405 Welcome! You have a beautiful family. 😊💐
Mar 18Reply

Your kids are adorable! I'm especially fond of the puss🐾🐾
Mar 24Reply

@suzyque thank you! lol that cat is such a wild thing!!! He def is different =)
Mar 24Reply

@meliss405 thank you for all of the shares! 💕
Apr 02Reply

@meliss405 i noticed we've purchased items from the same user recently that have yet to ship...just an fyi Its been 2 weeks for me and still nothing even after promised repeatedly :(
Apr 04Reply

@rachchan ugh really? I really really want that shirt. :/ i don't understand why ppl do that? What do they get from it?
Apr 04Reply

@meliss405 cute closet😄thanks for the shares 😘
Apr 04Reply

@meliss405 i know its frustrating. Posh already notified me to cancel but i really wanted the jacket too :(
Apr 04Reply

@meliss405 thanks for the shares!! Have a lovely evening:)
Apr 07Reply

Thanks so much for the shares :)
Apr 07Reply

@rachchan are you going to cancel with her? I havent gotten mine
Apr 11Reply

@meliss405 she told me they were shipped so i waited a few more days but never got a shipping confirmation so i cancelled :( pretty bummed bc i really wanted the items.
Apr 11Reply

@rachchan :/ ok i am going to as well. And report her. ? Maybe its a fake account? Idk
Apr 11Reply

@meliss405 i did bc it really ruins the posh credibility and experience especially for new buyers.. plus its just not cool!
Apr 11Reply

@meliss405 how's it going?
Aug 15Reply

@ahundredyears_ i miss you. I left instagram. Email me an ill give you my fb. Meliss405@yahoo.com
Aug 15Reply

If you ever read this, i was looking through my likes and found you.. Hope you are doing well girl.. Much love 😘❤️❤️
Jul 14Reply

Hiiii!! I’m listing some American Eagle, Loft, and Adidas! Feel free to check out my closet and do some shopping! I love when people give me offers and bundles!
Feb 12Reply
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