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Monument, CO

About @4thomaskids

Posher since May 2018

Average Ship Time: 1 day

Last Active: Feb 11

Brands I Follow

Love Notes

From @rmlevy0909

Wonderful purchase. Thank you so much

Feb 24

From @rstelk

Thank you soo much for the speedy delivery! I received it in time to wear to a halloween party where I used the costume to be a green Christmas ornament bulb. I didn't love the holes cut out in the face, but I turned the mask around and put green tape over the holes and part of it was hidden by having something on top of my head to help cover the holes. Overall, thank you again for the speedy delivery. The costume was a big hit. I got second place for having the most clever costume.

Nov 05

From @iheartmydane

Perfect! Thank you!

May 25

From @totallytammy06

Clothes were in great condition. Thank you again!

Sep 28