About @angiedavis75
Posher since Feb 2013
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Jan 17
Love Notes

Thanks Angie! The jacket is perfect. I owned this jacket for a long time and LOVED it. This Christmas Eve I had a terrible car wreck. Hit concrete drainage ditch 70mph, flipped twice, & rolled. No broken bones. Concussion, stitches..thank you God. But all I could think about was when the paramedics arrived they cut my clothes off and I kept saying "not the jacket! I can't replace my jacket!" I kept the cut up jacket with me in the hospital trying to figure out if I could get it repaired, lol. No way. You have no idea how excited I was when I googled the tag and searched images and Boom! Here you are and in my size! What are the odds??? I'm so happy! Thank you 😘😊 ps thank you for the lovely card you sent with the jacket!
Jan 17

Fast shipper. Responds fast. Great shoes for those looking for a size 5!!!
Aug 03