About @angmdz
Posher since Sep 2016
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: 7 hours ago
Class of '09
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Thank you Angelica for sending my adorable Jane Eyre bag to me quickly from Texas. I love it! Do you know I was named after this character- Jane Eyre. My Mother originally wanted to name me Nancy but she allowed my Grandmother to name me Jane after Jane Eyre instead. What’s funny is that I have been married to a man since 2002 whose last name is Er. It is from Turkey so it is pronounced almost like Eyre. I did not take his last name but if I did I would’ve been Jane Er instead of Jane Eyre! Pretty ironic, right?! Also, the back is bigger than I thought so I’m happy about that. I will reuse the wrapping paper that my bag came with. So thanks for all that paper. What more can I say?! The price was good and I’ll be using my bag sometimes. Maybe to a sweet sixteen party coming up?!
Jul 13