⭐️posh Ambassador⭐️janice.
Welland, ON
About @annintheattic
Posher since Oct 2020
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: this hour
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

From @ericashoebridge
Came in earlier than expected, and they are in great shape. My son was able to give his dad this Xmas present, and both were very happy. We have been looking for this exact set (that my husband used to have, and lost) but they aren't being made the same any longer. We are very pleased!
Dec 27

From @lulublueeyes
Great Posher! I feel the love! The crochet Yip-Yip guys made me Lol! The 2 dresses were absolutely perfect and fit like a dream! I’m oh so happy! Many thanks to you!😃👍🏻✨
Aug 19