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Lancaster, OH

About @barrettyoung17

Posher since Jul 2015

Average Ship Time: 2 days

Last Active: Aug 13 2017

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Love Notes

From @7475

Good purchase !!

May 15

From @danaboen

These were even nicer than I expected!

Apr 06

From @ldlandry

It's gorgeous! I love it! Thank you so much.

Oct 12

From @jennerator26

Oh my goodness...thank you so much! I must say that when I saw the book, I immediately picked it up...saw the front cover, the back cover, read your note, started tearing up...(how could I not!), started reading the book...and totally forgot that I had a Posh item to open! I thought to myself..."'s in a large box, so it can't be the coin...but I don't think anything else is on its way...." You can imagine my increase in tear level when I opened the coin... Sniff sniff... Our Sarah is your family's Naomi...of course she's only your Mom so eloquently stated, she's our constant, unwavering rock with child-like faith (well...again...she's 6!) and forgiveness among her many angelic attributes. She can be pretty sneaky too! I have long planned to write a book called "Detour 21: A Miracle in Disguise." Please thank your Mom from us...maybe she can be my writing "mentor!" I hope she sees Sarah's Posh posts...hugs to you all! -Jen n' Sarah

Oct 08