About @carmyb
Posher since Jun 2018
Average Ship Time: 3 days
Last Active: Feb 15
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

I’m sorry I haven’t responded until now - it’s been a sh*tdhow with my adhd. 13 year old son whom is intensely hormonal puberty struck smart mouth hot mess biggest heart but literally he will be the final cousde’gras and final nail hammering shut my coffin! - jk / well kind of! lol It did get delivered late afternoon with Christmas packages the mail lady comes later and later- everything shows in slower in east lTexas! Ha ha! It’s actually a hoodie I bought awhile back but after I washed it with something weird idk!?! it really screwed up the chartreuse highlighter yelliwish green bein vibrant color and it it was terribly Devastating ! So I’m so sincerely stoked to have its replacement!!!!’nn Tysm! You rock’ xoco Heidi @hikoos closet on poshmark
Dec 05