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Newport Beach, CA

About @carolinelane_

Posher since Aug 2019

Average Ship Time: 2 days

Last Active: Oct 18 2021

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Love Notes

From @anon0e6d4

I definitely appreciate that you didn't ball the bag up to save money on a smaller box. I actually expected it to be in worse condition I guess because pictures can make some things look more worn but this has a vintage thing on. And I feel more relaxed with using it for school. Lol, I'm weird when I get a new bag. I be like dang, I dont want to mess my bag up by resting it down some where. But this is cool since it's broken in nicely but not worn to the point that there's no life left in it. And its smoke free baby!!! Huge plus since most people try to mask the odor. Thanks also for shipping promptly. A+ on communication too.

Sep 06

From @sabinapaula

Wow, super fast shipping!

Aug 29