! Coastal Threads☀
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Posher since Nov 2017
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: 2 hours ago
Cuesta College, '21
Meet the Posher
Love Notes
This was a gift for my son as my father had given him the exact same one when he was younger as my son loves snow globes and was born in 2002! My father passed away when my son was 5 and after he passed the snowglobe broke one day and my son was so upset that i couldnt put it back together! When I saw this I knew I had to get it! I couldnt wait till Christmas to give it to him so i just gave it to my now 22 year old son tonight! When he opened it he immediately started crying; it meant so much to him!It's amazing that after all these years my son still remembers this little snow globe! He said it was the best early Xmas gift ever and immediately put it on the tree in his room. Thank you so much for this item! I know it's such a small trinket, but it means so much to us both!
Dec 13