Dancing Owl Resale�
About @dancingowls
Posher since Aug 2019
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: Sep 29 2024
University of Georgia, '08
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

I do love the Keychain as I knew I would. My only problem and it's my fault is that it has quite a few scratches across it and all along the edge. But I never asked I just assumed because it said new that it would be flawless. Since it's my fault for not being diligent and asking I didn't take a star away. That would have been unfair. I've been on Poshmark long enough to know how things work. I did get (which I have a crazy obsession for - Rachel hit it right on the head) was a cute little notebook and a pen with her shops logo/name on it. Thank you Rachel. And I will still come back and shop your closet/boutique because your a wonderful and kind person. Take care and be well. I hope you enjoy your weekend.
Oct 02