Los Angeles, CA
cross-listings on FB Marketplace @Diana Pescar, Los Angeles
About @dmsidehustle
Posher since Jan 2020
Average Ship Time: 3 days
Last Active: this hour
California State University-Long Beach
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Love Notes

From @ndobbs206
This dress is beautiful, timeless, and fits wonderfully—I love it! Thank you, Diana, for the fast shipping and the added gifts; the card and gifts are truly sweet. I immediately tried the lip gloss and plan to use it frequently until it’s gone. You are a Posher extraordinaire. Many blessings to you!🙂
May 28

From @polly_morfic
BEAUTIFUL!! Thank you so much! They are amazing! I plan to frame them. They will look fantastic. Thank you for the incense, too! I’ve never smelled that scent. Very pleasant:)
Mar 23