Hi! This closets called fit for the kingdom. This is a mens clothing closet but all are welcome. The world can be a battlefield and I want to make sure men are armed in the best sartorial gear and accessories at a price that makes sense. Enjoy!
About @fftk
Posher since Feb 2019
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Jun 13 2024
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

From @poshlysassy
Thank You for the cool 😎 🖊️ pen! I love that it is so little. It fits in my badge holder and will be great fun! 🙏 😃 Thank you for the safe and fast shipping! Your packaging was carefully and beautifully crafted. Thanks for letting me steal it from your pocket! 📚 ✍️ Cheers, ~S~
Apr 30