About @forrforrbuys
Posher since May 2020
Average Ship Time: 3 days
Last Active: Apr 19 2022
Texas Tech University, '14
Love Notes

Thank u sir ... good guy honest and does u well... might even throw u something extra... appreciate the extra t-shirt bro...
May 28

Yo bro hit me up, idk if I'm blocked from ur page or what's going on... I wanna see about just paying u for the other jersey that I canceled... I bought a used one but will keep urs and sell the other one but I wanna pay u for it... not trying to get over on u... hit me up...
Apr 15

You are AWESOME! Your note encouraged my son when he was down. You are not just a seller, you are a blessing to everyone whose life you touch. We love YOU!!!!! May God bless you with happiness and prosperity
Feb 19