Funmom’s Shoppe!
About @funmom19
Posher since Apr 2019
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Mar 21
Indiana Wesleyan University-Marion
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

Appears just as described, brand new. Unboxed and turned on, it heats so I'm super excited
Mar 13

My son was so excited to get an exact duplicate of his outgrown and ragged thrift-store sweater in a size larger. I'm slightly less excited that he will now spend every day for another three years wearing what was originally supposed to be an ugly Christmas sweater to be worn at a single party. The sweater is in beautiful condition, the price was excellent, and I suppose another three years is worth being a "ROCKSTAR MOM!" (His words to me as he headed for bed wearing his new size Large sweater on the day it arrived). At the end of that 3 years he'll be 15 and probably speaking in monosyllabic grunts like his older brothers did, so I'll take what I can get while I can get it....
Feb 12