About @gabisalamone
Posher since Apr 2013
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: 2 hours ago
Love Notes

✨❄️༺🎄•.♡.👼🏻༺🙏🏼✌🏼🕊 ༺•❄️ ♡༺💗✨ Thank you very much. I appreciate your offer. It was a very kind gesture!! Many Thanks for the prompt Delivery. Perfect condition, NWT Brand New!! I am a vintage lover, and so is my daughter. Iwill share your boutique with her!! Wow!!! Very lovely Bangles . My daughter and I have been vintage collectors for a long time, and I will keep an eye on your boutique. Wow, way more Stunning Rhinestone Embellished Bangle’s Set. I cannot wait to wear, I absolutely love these bracelets 💝 NWT Susan Graver Bangle Set of 3 Three 💝 and the bracelets have exquisite Rhinestone embellished detailed Bangles are more lovely than the photos show!! Thank you again! I rate you #1 Posher and look forward to continuing to shop in your boutique!! God Bless you from our hearts and home to you & yours on this wonderful, blessed day. weekend and throughout the New Year. Stay safe and Healthy, Peaceful and Happy. Enjoy to the fullest!! God answers all our prayers, "One day at a time!" We absolutely insist on enjoying life. ✨❄️༺🎄•.♡.👼🏻༺🙏🏼✌🏼🕊 ༺•❄️ ♡༺💗✨
Jan 17