About @ghostadventures
Posher since Jan 2020
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: Mar 11
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

True Love! The pants arrived today, so you getting them out so quickly combined with the magic of modern day shipping gone right, I am ecstatic! Secondly, but just as happiness evoking, the pants are perfect! If you have ever purchased used leather pants online, you will probably agree it is a risky endeavor! I worked in the music industry in my 20s, and had the pleasure of being friends with a couple metal bands who played stadium shows. I know this is the extreme swing of the pendulum, but it gets my point across 🤣! Without getting too deep into the dive I will summarize by saying, it was some poor roadie’s job to post performance collect the *steaming leather pants of the musicians and sanitize them with rubbing alcohol possibly mixed with some type of anti fungal. 🤢 Those guys undoubtedly should have earned a feature on the show Dirty Jobs! A peak into my neurosis, or the harsh reality of online leather purchasing?! The point is, these pants exceeded my expectations, as did their fast arrival. They are in pristine condition, and clearly have never been worn by anyone in the band Gwar! 😬
Mar 20