Closet Cleanout❤
Jersey City, NJ
TOP 10% Seller✨
About @hpforever
Posher since Feb 2015
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: 28 hours ago
Class of '15
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

From @sukibean
Thank you for doing everything to figure out what was happening with the shipping 🙏. It was fast after it got to HQ. Also thank you for the lovely card and little extras. Very thoughtful. 🌺☀️ The bag is beautiful, although I thought it would be on the whiter of cream vs a more almond or dark cream based on the pics. I’m sure it will grow on me with me in time. Thanks again!
May 02

From @jamielinton
Thank you for the sweet note! Product exactly as described and super speedy shipping <3
Jan 03