Creat A BundleI
Tucson, AZ
Everything in my closet is 30$ and under
About @jaisea711
Posher since May 2016
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Nov 18
Meet the Posher
Love Notes
From @theposhybeehive
Yay!!! This is so Amazing!! I was out of town all weekend with my grandson, when we got home, he left to go to his house and I checked my mail…. And here it is!! ❤️ I wish he had been with me When I checked it! I will give it to him tomorrow! He will be excited he can play Wyatt Earp and Owen Grady from Jurassic World! 🤪 This vest is super cute and exactly perfect! Thank you so much! 💕🐝💕
Mar 05