Schererville, IN
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About @jessmac97
Posher since Sep 2017
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: Sep 28 2023
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

From @faaro1957
I appreciate the extra swim suit, however the purple bottom is not a body glove bottom. I believe it is a Victorias secret bottom. I have many body glove suits and they all have "body glove" emprodiered across the back of the bottom. The tag is cut out of the bottom also so there is no way to prove it is a body glove bottom. I also have many VS suits and it is identical to their styling and cut. For whatever all that is worth. I am giving you 5 stars anyway because I think you are a good person. Probably an honest mistake, however I now do not have a body glove suit that I wanted.
Oct 22