About @katiah94
Posher since Feb 2017
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: 6 hours ago
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Love Notes

Sue, it's here!! The Talbot sweater made me hot holding it! It's pretty 😍 The cotton blue shirt has yellow spots all over the front. None on the back I'll try a treatment and see if that works. My purse is perfect ❤️ My books....I want to sit down right now and read!!!! The butterfly card is amazing. Thank you for everything ❤️
Aug 31

Sue, the dress is beautiful! Absolutely perfect! My college game will be cool, breezy and pretty. The books..I've just gotten through 2 hours of reading. I'm loving the Cider Cookbook and the Gifts in a Jar. The Christmas Cookbook is packed with great recipes and decoration for the tables,etc. The Quilting book, I'm going to have to channel my Maw. It's going to be challenging, yet fun!! Thank you Sue for everything including the sweet note!
Jun 26