About @lgaston5
Posher since Jan 2020
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: 20 hours ago
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I have to apologize for the delay. Crazy shit going on around here. And it's hot! I am used to 36 waist and a slight sag by day 3. 35 waist with new 501s won't sag gwt loose for a long while. In the meantime I am distilling some high quality trouser apple vinegar. Ooooooo no! Like the jeans. I don't often by 501s because they last so long. And, I rarely by 34 inseam. I am going to go back to 36 x 36. That's really where it's at for me. These will work fine with dress shoes and a button up. I just love the contrast this denim has with a California cuff. Classic. Thanks. Great price. Great service. My bad for being late.
Aug 18