About @littleada
Posher since Oct 2020
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: 6 hours ago
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

So about 9 years ago my daughter got her first hello kitty. It was this purple hello kitty. She played with this doll very hard. We had to sew her together a few times but the doll poor dolls stuffing was coming through ors body. She loved it so much we made clothes to cover it, because she just loved her so much and could not part with her. For 7 years I have been trying to find thi oarticulat Hello Kitty but she was a limited edition so this was a hard task. A week ago I google searched Purple Hello Kitty an d a scrolled through the pictures until I found her. A seller on Poshmark had her at a fair price. So I quickly joined Poshmark and made the purchase. I thought it would take weeks to arrive, but it came in 3 or 4 days. My now 14 year shed real time tears when it came. The only this her was smaller and this kat was big. I am not mad though seller kept her in great shape she looked brand new. Thank you so much
Nov 06

Well packed. My cards were not crushed and in perfect condition. Found the bonus Snoopy Buttons too.
May 25