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Belding, MI

About @loray123

Posher since Nov 2017

Average Ship Time: 3 days

Last Active: 10 hours ago

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Love Notes

From @armstrong5701

I want to apologize for my delayed response to all the wonderful Poshers who I have purchased from in the past few weeks. I am always in awe of the quality, caring packaging and personal touches in each & every goodie I receive! Receiving and Reading the hand written notes is very special. Sometimes the note card and notes reveal a hint of your personality; which I love. Thanks to all of you for accepting myoffers. I love Everything I  Now more than ever,  I wish you & your loved ones grace, health, gratitude and just plain ol' goodness.  I want to apologize for my delayed response to all the wonderful Poshers who I have purchased from in the past few weeks. I am always in awe of the quality, caring packaging and personal touches in each & every goodie I receive! Receiving and Reading the hand written notes is very special. Sometimes the note card and notes reveal a hint of your personality; which I love. Thanks to all of you for accepting myoffers. I love Everything I  Now more than ever,  I wish you & your loved ones grace, health, gratitude and just plain ol' goodness.  Sent from my Galaxy I want to apologize for my delayed response to all the wonderful Poshers who I have purchased from in the past few weeks. I am always in awe of the quality, caring packaging and personal touches in each & every goodie I receive! Receiving and Reading the hand written notes is very special. Sometimes the note card and notes reveal a hint of your personality; which I love. Thanks to all of you for accepting myoffers. I love Everything I  Now more than ever,  I wish you & your loved ones grace, health, gratitude and just plain ol' goodness.  Sent from my Galaxy Sent from my Galaxy

Jan 09