Albuquerque, NM
About @lucia_84
Posher since May 2013
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Mar 21
Meet the Posher
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Love Notes

From @abbayahudah
Pure awesomeness! I couldn't be any happier with my purchase. Thank you also for the quick shipping. I appreciate it. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
May 20

From @sweetpeapike
She immediately fell in love and wanted to put it on ran all around the house and it fits her so cute thank you so much for the Cinderella costume it came in early timely manner it was clean and just like the picture
Jul 29

From @rosebennett1027
Swimsuit was just as described! Seller even sent a baggie of Preggie Drops with a sweet note!
Mar 23