About @megphil13
Posher since Jun 2015
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: hours ago
Misericordia University, '15
Love Notes

Megan went above and beyond w/this watch. The watch was a present to a friend in a different state. The battery was dead and I was trying to co-ordinate sending a new battery w/the arrival of the watch. Megan said she'd just add a new battery! She also wrapped it for my friend's BD, included a note, and when she couldn't get out of work to go to the PO to mail, she send it on Saturday so it would arrive on MONDAY! Given the distance, I'm sure the shipping cost her more than I paid for it. THANK YOU MEGAN for such a great watch and such super work on yr end. I'll let you know when my friend changes the battery and has the watch running. She emailed me this am that she LOVES it!! <3
Jul 30