Cincinnati, OH
Cincinnati, OH
About @mmessana
Posher since Apr 2014
Average Ship Time: 2 days
Last Active: 9 hours ago
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Love Notes

From @toryshop
@mmessana Thank you for the BEAUTIFUL SWEATER I LOVE IT!! Also/please forgive my delaid acceptance/Thurday evening I was notified of a dear friends/sister passing/these people are very special to me/so of course I went to try to console my friend & his family/it was a long drive/so I didn't open my package until late last night! I would rate my purchase/& my closet customer service as a 5 STAR EXPERIENCE/⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/I would also highly recommend checking out the closet for yourselves/Fabulous finds/Treasures💞Recommended by @toryshop💞
Nov 28