Lara - Offers Welcome�
Secaucus, NJ
About @mrs_lebraun
Posher since Jul 2015
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: 5 hours ago
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Love Notes

From @ecs_8993
Lara, OMG!!! I love this dress. It fits perfectly. It's a little long, but I'm only 5'2" now, due to back issues. Used to be 5'6", so I'm jealous of your 5'8" stature!! Thank you so much for your kindness, and help deciding which dress would work for me. Your wardrobe is gorgeous! I hope you can get new dresses made for your new slim self!! I'll be watching, in case you have any more you've gotten too skinny for! Good luck!! 🎶💖☮️⚜️☺️🎵
May 24