About @mrsmcleary91
Posher since Mar 2018
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Aug 10 2019
Meet the Posher
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Love Notes

Sorry but I was out of town and just got home today and opened my package and once again it was delightful. Nicely wrapped up and a sweet note too.I will continue to do business with you until you run out of my size lolol. Thank you so much I really appreciate your time and holding the items I wanted too. Happy poshing and blessings to you Patricia
Jun 04

Please first accept my apologies that my rating was not done right away as I just returned home after two weeks in a hospice house have been very sick but this was one of the best deliveries I've ever received everything was packaged beautifully everything smells tremendous clean fresh folded wrapped nice little note and a great deal for what I received I will shop with you over and over again thank you so much I will be back again my apologies God bless Patricia
May 06