About @nihan123
Posher since Nov 2018
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Mar 07
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

Extremely gorgeous shirt thank you so much love the colors will purchase again!😃👍🌷
May 20

So, I didn't attend Rutgers, but one of my favorite MA thesis advisors did. Does that count? It was more a mildly narcissistic purchase since my name starts with an R and after realizing I didn't have anything with my initials or name on it that wasn't a piece of paper in a file somewhere I have developed an inclination to buy all things R now. That's where your great price and fast shipping came into this long winded digressions of a thank you note. Hey, at least it's not the same old canned speech, right? 😄🤓 Thanks sincerely & I hope you & yours are happy & well during this trying time. Personally, I'm growing weary of having enough extra time on my hands to write loooooonnnnngggg meandering thank you notes on Poshmark. Great sellers like yourself are worth the little effort though. Happy Poshing!
May 09