Lahaina, HI
I just want to send a big MAHALO to anyone helping, sending donations, and giving warm thoughts and prayers to all of us from Lahaina, Maui! I am forever grateful to God for my life and so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful community!!!
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Love Notes

From @isisnmozzie
I was expecting just a cup but I was also given a cute pair of socks and some fun little gifts. It was all wrapped very well!
Apr 19

From @bonoel
My husband LoVeS iT and so do I! Great print! Arrived quickly! Such a nicely wrapped package w/extra goodies included! How very sweet of you, Su-Lin! Mahalo!!!
Nov 14

From @tescana
A+++ for this seller!! Thank you so much for all the island stickers and other goodies that came with my Local Motion jacket! Love your customer service! I wish everyone was like your service and well wrapping!! Mahalos
Sep 21