About @rlobear3
Posher since Mar 2019
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Sep 28 2024
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

I absolutely love my Avalanche pullover sweatshirt. I'm into fluorescent type colors, and they are extremely hard to find. So, thank you for adding something bright to my wardrobe.
Oct 12

Sorry for the delay. I got home from work late. Everything fit perfectly! I love every single item and the makeup! You can never go wrong with lipgloss and eye shadow LOL The pink sweater is exactly like my grey except the tie is more centered. Pretty color. The black shirt is soft and sexy. Tie dyed and stripes always wins with me. The grey sweater is cute. So is the Lucky shirt. Overall, one of my favorite purchases. Thank you for the great deal and fast shipping!
Aug 02