About @salpal03
Posher since Feb 2017
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Mar 17
Meet the Posher
Love Notes

Thank you so very much Sally! I love the TB shoes and they fit pretty good! ❤️ They are in perfect condition and I am very happy. I am not happy about the delay in you receiving your funds. I am so sorry that you had to wait so long. My mail was finally restarted & delivered yesterday (I cancelled the hold on Sat. Slow USPS.) I thought Posh would automatically release the funds after 3 days (says so on the website). I just found out when I emailed Posh that in this case either you would have to email them so they can manually release it after 7 days, if I did not accept it on the app. Oh well, you learn something new everyday. I apologize once more and thanks again for your help! Have a great day! Stacy 🌺
Nov 15