About @trippyheather
Posher since Aug 2019
Average Ship Time: 1 day
Last Active: Mar 07
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✨❄️༺🎄•.♡.👼🏻༺🙏🏼✌🏼🕊 ༺•❄️ ♡༺💗✨ Thank you very much. I really I appreciate you r accepting my offer. It was a very kind gesture!! Your thoughtful sentiment is very much appreciated. Delivered in a timely manner & Perfect condition is Like brand new!! I am a vintage lover, and so is my daughter I will share your boutique with her!! Wow!!! Love this plaid print kitchen towel. My daughter and I have been vintage collectors for a long time, and I will keep an eye on your boutique. Wow, I am in awe that I finally found this movie!!! 💝 I absolutely love , This is my most special Christmas Gift, Have been looking for since I started my uninterrupted Sobriety journey February 27th, 1987 was the first time I watched in The Wayside House in Delray, Florida , this house treatment is modeled very similar to “The House in the movie”, it is is the most important time in my life and continues to be a daily Spirtual learning adventure, my life has changed completely , But for the grace of God I am eternally grateful. It was a gift to watch this with a woman I have been working with for 16 years we really enjoyed sharing this experience together. Her sobriety date is Christmas Day and like me we accept and cherish our sobriety like the color of my eyes. This movie means the world to me.💯💝 Life of the Party, The Story of Beatrice, “(DVD 1982)” Carol Burnett “Ultra Rare💝💯 and nicer quality, than the photos!! Thank you again! I rate you #1 Posher and look forward to continuing to shop in your boutique!! God Bless you from our heart and home to you & yours on this very beautiful, blessed evening and this Christmas Season and throughout the New Year. Stay safe and Healthy, Peaceful and Happy. Enjoy to the fullest!! God answers all our prayers, "One day at a time!" We absolutely insist on enjoying life. ✨❄️༺🎄•.♡.👼🏻༺🙏🏼✌🏼🕊 ༺•❄️ ♡༺💗✨ PS; Very sorry did not realize I did not accept, I have been dealing with very complex medical issues.
Dec 30