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Mountain View, CA

About @tygercrane89

Posher since Feb 2016

Average Ship Time: 8 days

Last Active: Dec 22 2024

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Love Notes

From @geanna29

Hi! I am happy about my new old favorite sweatshirt. Thank you so much. You did great! I really got a kick out of your card! It made me so happy for you. It made me laugh too. Your sincerity showed right through your card, your note. You can go as far as you want with this. I think the whole idea behind Poshmark is a win win win. And another win. Possibly even more. Most people will enjoy doing business with you. Others will just be miserable no matter what. Btw, I was not in a hurry for this sweatshirt so it was no big deal with me. But if your schedule is truly that tight, maybe ask your buyers whether they need their item(s) asap or they dont mind waiting for that 7day period? Also, I apologize. I must work on accepting my purchases. But also, the feedback. And I need to participate in sharing. Thank you again. Love, jeanna

Dec 20

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